The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 153: Perimeter hunting

In the rabbit people base, Zhang Yue was entertained and had a special lunch of the rabbit people.

"Sword Soul, the radishes you make are really delicious, and there are also vegetables. But if you eat them like this every day, are you nutritious?" Zhang Yue asked curiously. This lunch Zhang Yue felt like a meal. Vegetable Yan Yan, who had seen vegetables that hadn't been seen before, brought them up to Zhang Yue.

"Our rabbit race, never rely on food to absorb nutrition, give you this." Jianhun said and gave Zhang Yue a small cookie.

"Energy biscuits, a special product of our Bunny race, unfortunately can't be sold." Sword Soul said regretfully, why is there no market at all in the battlefield of Ten Thousand Races because of the delicious biscuits.

At this time, Fa Yan came over with a box and placed it next to Zhang Yue.

"Stone Heart Heavy Armor, Semi-sacred Tool Heavy Armor, has been sealed in the Ten Thousand Races battlefield, now there are only A-level top armors, and it will be automatically unblocked when returning to the world of the heavens, which is stronger than the semi-sacred weapon." Fa Yan faced Zhang. Yue said, this semi-sacred tool was originally prepared for the leader of the stone people, but the old stone didn't dare to blend them with the sky-tearing bear clan. He liked to watch the fire from the shore, and didn't know the truth of his lips and teeth.

Zhang Yue received the box in the storage space and looked at Soul Sword and Fayan and said: "With an accurate time to notify me, anyway, the contract has been signed, don't worry about my sudden regret."


Then Zhang Yue went to the game city first, and then returned to the Terran base. He saw everyone chatting and playing games in the entertainment room, talking and laughing.

"Brother Yue is back, and we are all complimenting your acting skills today." Xu Lingxuan saw Zhang Yue's eyes light up and trot all the way to Zhang Yue's side.

"I'm quite successful in acting. I feel that every detail is in place. The movements, expressions, mental state, and the feeling of weakness that endure the full blow of the Tianluo clan are all just right." Zhang Yue He touched his chin and said, I never thought I was so talented in acting.

I just said casually, I didn't expect you to come up with such a word, Xu Lingxuan thought.

"Brother Yue, I heard that you have bathing **** flower tea in your hand. I heard that after drinking it, it can be energized. I want to spend some points to buy you." Xu Lingxuan looked at Zhang Yue pretending to be very admired.

"Yes, Brother Yue, I also want to buy some." Several other new human teammates also said one after another.

Zhang Yue looked at their longing eyes, and said generously: "Spend the points to buy it and you will be out of the way, go, go to the tea room, call other brothers, I will invite you to drink tea."

Zhang Yue thought to himself that even if everyone at the base was invited, it wouldn't take half a catty of Yushen scented tea. He could still be proud. Shouldn't the tea be tasted with friends.

When Zhang Yue saw all the people of the base and the Austrians gathered in the tea room, his heart was still pricked by a needle, which hurt.

"Brother Yue, you are going to have a lot of blood this time. These people probably need half a catty of Moon God flower tea." Lin Dong leaned to Zhang Yue's side and said. He heard that there was free bath God flower tea to drink, and quickly put down all his work. , Ran to the tea room.

Zhang Yue reluctantly took out half a catty of bathing **** flower tea and matching Tianhe holy water, and handed it to Lin Dong.

"Let your life robot get tired and soak it all up."

"Good Le!" Lin Dong handed the things to the smart housekeeper of the base, and Zhang Yue was then taken to the area of ​​the human race.

After a while, the life service robot came up with exquisite tea trays and tea sets, and began to make tea.

"Are you all prepared in advance?" Zhang Yue said while looking at the exquisite tea tray and tea set.

"Of course not, it would take as much storage space to store these things. They are all made on the spot, which is very fast." Lin Dong said, with several large and top printers.

"Brother Yue, for these scientific and technological matters, just ask Xiaodong if you need it, don't ask the principle." Chu Feng said.


The tea has been brewed, and with the Tianhe holy water, the whole tea room is filled with the fragrance of tea for a while, just smell it, and it feels like the soul is going to float.

Everyone first thanked Zhang Yue, and then began to drink tea. At a time, there were more than a hundred faces with intoxicated expressions in the tea room.

Zhang Yue, who had already helped prepare, began to take pictures.

"Brother Yue, you wouldn't take pictures at that time."

Although Chu Feng was intoxicated, his soul did not sink deeply, and he remained awake, as well as Lu Heng and Lin Dong.

"Leave a memorial and don't make a fuss." Zhang Yue said with a smile, feeling that it would be very interesting to take more photos and show them to the family.

After everyone was sober, they fell into the shock.

"The Summoning World was originally established by the God of Summoning, and the summoned beasts in it were all created by absorbing the souls of alien beasts that had disappeared from the heavens."

"It turns out that there are many goddesses of water, each in charge of the water element in different areas."

"The glory of God of War is guarded by me."

"Give me a god-level armor, and I dare to slaughter the gods."

Seeing everyone's shocked expressions, Zhang Yue felt that it might take some time for them to recover.

An hour later, in a small conference room, Zhang Yue talked about the spacecraft he bought and his plan.

"I have sent a message to Brother Chu. He agrees with my plan. The rest is you. Who wants to go with me to the outer area and earn points." Zhang Yue said, because the spacecraft can carry up to 20 people, Zhang Yue will I want to bring all the people to earn points.

Everyone raised their hands to agree to Zhang Yue's plan and willing to join the plan.

"Brother Yue, you have made it quite formal. Whoever doesn't want to do it when earning points, just say how we can do it." Lu Heng said, just buying the Fangtian painted halberd semi-artifact young model just to try. Feel,

"Yeah, Brother Yue, my semi-artifact arcane magic staff has not yet arrived, and now I officially need points." Xu Lingxuan said, there is still 1500 points short of the semi-artifact arcane magic staff. If you earn more points, you might be able to buy it. To the juvenile artifact.

Everyone, this kind of thing that can earn points by hitting hands, of course will not miss it.

"Okay, let's set off tomorrow. The battle arena is the first place. For the rest of the day, we will go to the periphery to earn points." Zhang Yue said with a smile, a bit returning to the feeling of hunting exotic animals in the same wealth team.

The next morning.

Zhang Yue looked at all the alien races under control and said, "Your whole family will earn 800 points!"

"Yeah, we got the 800 points with great difficulty. This is really all of our points." The alien said tremblingly. It was originally well hidden. This group of human races suddenly came to the door and put themselves together with the tribe. Sleepy.

"Unexpectedly, I would lose money the first time I came out." Zhang Yue said silently. It took a thousand points to find this third-rate intermediate race, but he didn't expect to get 800 points in the end.

At this time, Lin Dong came over and said, "Brother Yue, it's not completely unprofitable. At least this alien technology is worth learning from. It turned out to be a rare biotechnology, which is very interesting. It directly cultivates synthetic aliens to fight."

"The most important thing is that they have a good understanding of the terrain in this area, and they have marked all the places that are suspected of being alien bases."

Zhang Yue's injured mind was slightly relieved, and everyone returned to the spacecraft to study the map just now.

"Brother Yue, at least 10 places are marked on the map. Let's find them one by one, at least not wasting time." Lin Dong said.

"Let's start then." Zhang Yue's map was passed to the intelligent system on the spacecraft.

"Design the best route and start flying."


The Condor flew up and headed towards the spot on the map.

'boom! ! With a huge explosion, the base of the first marking point has been turned into ruins, and Zhang Yue controlled the shield wall surrounding everyone, slowly rising to the ground.

"Taigang is too steel. If you can't hold the base, you will be killed directly. We only need to score points, and it is not for your lives."

After Zhang Yue found the base according to the first marked point on the map, he invaded the base happily. As a result, the whole base exploded when he was about to reach the last floor. Apart from the dozens of points he scored for clearing the minions, there was nothing else. .

"Xiaodong, does our base have a self-detonation system?" Zhang Yue suddenly thought of his base when he saw the base explode.

"Yes, the power of the explosion is much stronger than this." After Lin Dong finished speaking, he also proposed to modify the method of the base explosion.

"Well, let's go to the next one, Xiaodong, this time let's decipher the base system on the opposite side."

"I try my best."

The Condor started again.

The second one was to find an abandoned base, so nothing was gained.

The third one, when everyone invaded the alien base, they had already gone to the empty building. As early as when Lin Dong deciphered the base to have more management rights, all the aliens passed through a pipeline and did not know where they fled.

"I don't believe it, I can't find a valuable alien." Zhang Yue said, he is still losing 200 points.

"Xiaoyue, or another Let's directly use the speed of the spacecraft to look for those alien races who are fighting or going out. They shouldn't run away as soon as they meet." Ji Xiayun said.

"Yes, those alien races should be some powerful alien races, on the contrary, the alien races who often hide in the base should not have any points." Zhang Yue suddenly understood that although there are many alien races on the battlefield, most of them have some strength. Small races that are not strong may not even have points.

After changing the strategy, the spacecraft immediately began to cruise at high speed in the outer area, trying to find the aliens fighting.

At this moment, Lin Dong said in surprise: "I found two teams of Dark Snake Clan, hunting down more than 90 Dark Elves."

When everyone heard Lin Dong's words, they immediately became ecstatic.

"Brother Yue, I will be assigned to a team leader." Lu Heng said.

"I feel that I can also single out a small captain." Chu Feng said.

"Did our friendship boat overturn?" Ning Xiu said to Chu Feng, or they would be salted fish together. Together, they would be able to match the legendary powerhouse. If you want to turn over without me, you think the beauty.

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