The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 155: Furious war

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In an instant, the five-color blade storm swept across the leader of the Dark Snake Race, and with an unwilling scream, the battle ended.

"Sister Ji, great!" Zhang Yue praised that the power of that blade storm is no less inferior to the Thunder God's Spear in Zhang Yue's view.

"That is my summoned beast is powerful. With the heart of summoning, I have a closer connection with the world of the summoner. The summoned beasts that I summon all have the bonus of the summoned world." Ji Xiayun said, she is not yet fully Fully explore the power of the Heart of Summoning Divine Tool, and when she is in full control, that is when she is promoted to a demigod.

"That's also what Ji Ji used well."

Suddenly Zhang Yue wanted to find the God Summoning Clan quickly to see if they still have the heart to summon, so as to save the night long dreams.

At this time, Lu Heng was accidentally slashed out by the Dark Snake Tribe. Lu Heng stood up and looked at the leader of the Dark Snake Tribe in the distance. He was a bit blinded. The sword technique of the Dark Snake Tribe was always fighting. He made him a little unable to breathe, and there was no chance to amplify the move.

"Lu Heng, mentality, pay attention to mentality, with me here to help you fight the battle, you are still afraid that you can't kill him."

"After you were promoted to Legend, you have always defeated the enemy with your big moves. It is too easy to be restrained and fight slowly. We are waiting for you for a long time." Zhang Yue said, he was very patient with Lu Heng. He is the main attacker in the team, and his progress can bring greater benefits to the team. Secondly, his aunt will become the master of the younger sister in the future, which deserves more care from Zhang Yue.

After Lu Heng stopped Zhang Yue's words, his impetuous heart slowly calmed down. Lu Heng also knew this, but he had not really thought about it.

"Why, you can't single it out. If you want your teammates to join, it will only be a poor person." The eyes of the leader of the dark snake tribe flashed with extreme madness. All his teammates died in battle, and his own could not escape. Why not take advantage of the last moments of life to carry through the glory of the show.

"It's you, the poor worm, you can only bully shameless people like a small race."

At this time, Lu Heng’s impetuous heart was relieved, and he began to seriously think about how to deal with the dark snake heads in front of him, instead of looking for opportunities to zoom in, he suddenly remembered the teachings of his grandfather, and he taught himself how to understand the situation. .

"Calm heart, violent fighting spirit, grandpa, I understand." Lu Heng said silently in his heart.

Lu Heng set off a wave of red energy around his body, his eyes became calm and thoughtful and looked at the dark snake human race, but the fiery fighting spirit made everyone present feel it.

‘The Trend of Furious War’

Holding a halberd, Lu Heng rushed towards the dark snake human race.

"Grandpa Lu’s fame skills, this kid finally learned it, it’s really not easy." Chu Feng sighed. He played with Lu Heng since he was a child, and I don’t know how many sticks Lu Kun has taught Lu Heng for this situation. If it is not that Lu Heng is excellent in other aspects, he guesses that Lu Heng can't get out of bed now.

"This situation, looks very powerful, will it harm your body?" Zhang Yue said as he looked at Lu Heng, who was in a blood-red war spirit, don't get to consume one of his World Tree leaves at the end.

"It's okay, it takes a long time to open, but the vitality and blood are a little short, just make up." Chu Feng said.

"That's good."

At this time, the fighting style of Lu Heng and the Dark Snake Tribe was overturned. Lu Heng, who had been suppressed by the sharp knife, accurately intercepted every path of the Dark Snake Tribe. The three-meter-long Fangtian painted halberd was left behind by Lu Heng. , Each halberd hit the sharp sword of the Dark Snake Human Race with ten forces.

Slowly, the leader of the Dark Snake Clan couldn't maintain his swift blade state, and was directly picked up in the air by Lu Heng finding the flaw.

"The Power of Mad Fighting: Eight Slashes"

Lu Heng also jumped into the air, and Fang Tian painted a halberd and danced with eight blade lights.

When he landed again, a rain of blood fell in the sky, and the leader of the Dark Snake Race also turned into countless pieces.

"You are the poor worm." Lu Heng said to the broken corpse.

Lu Heng put away Fang Tian's painting halberd and walked towards Zhang Yue and the others.

"Brother Yue, thank you." Lu Heng said earnestly. Without the battlefield environment created by Zhang Yuesui, he might not be able to comprehend the frenzied fighting in his life.

"They are all brothers of the same team, saying this is not the case. The last time I saved you with the leaves of the World Tree, your life was already mine, so you don't have to thank you." Zhang Yue said with a smile, looking at Lu Heng's As he progressed, Zhang Yue's mood improved.

"Clean up the spoils, let's go home, and remember to transfer half of the points to Brother Chu when we go back. This is what I promised him, and it's our mission."

"Understand." Everyone said excitedly. In the battlefield of ten thousand races, the simplest happiness is to go home after a perfect victory.

When packing up the spoils, Xu Pokong was the happiest.

"C-level armor-piercing poisonous arrows, B-level dark gold war arrows, B-level phantom heavy arrows, A-level red flame explosion arrows."

At this time, Xu Pokong was crazy when he was packing up the dark elves’ trophies. These arrows, in the world of the heavens, have no place to buy them. When they are on the battlefield of the ten thousand races, they will get 10 or 20 points. Arrow, he was reluctant to buy, but he did not expect to get supplies here.

"Brother Yue, thanks to you, these arrows have been used with me for a while. With this top-level arrow, as long as I am given a chance, I can shoot and kill the powerful in the legendary world." Xu Pokong He said happily looking at the dozen or so boxes on the ground specially containing arrows.

"Use it if it's useful. You're embarrassed. I'm waiting for you to give it to you. You are asking for it." Zhang Yue looked at Xu Pokong who was a little embarrassed and said, these things, if they want to sell these things for points. , I don’t know how many times to discount.

"Brother Yue's spoils must of course be approved by Brother Yue."

Xu Pokong said as he quickly put away the box full of arrows on the ground.

After the battlefield was cleaned up, everyone happily made spaceships and returned to the base.

At night, after dinner, everyone in the training room told Chu Yunxuan about today's situation.

"It's more than 200,000 kilometers away from us. If you want to look for us this time, it seems that you need to lead them." Chu Yunxuan said.

"Even if you run into it, it's okay. I can entangle him. Maybe he can be wiped out." Zhang Yue said with a smile. Now he already knows the combat power of the legendary top powerhouse, which is roughly the same as the ape technique. Zhang Yue is confident to control them.

"Xiaoyue is right. Our team's current combat power is comparable to second-rate advanced races, and it is still luxuriously equipped. Ji Xiayun and Lu Heng are two legendary combat powers, and Zhang Yue is even more legendary top combat power. "

"Sauron Mina is not inferior to the legendary level with the Zhang Yueshi shield bonus, and Chu Feng and Ning Xiu also have the ability to kill the legendary level."

As soon as Chu Yunxuan said, he projected the combat power data table of all the base people into the void for the convenience of everyone.

"That said, we can go to the second-rate race to collect protection fees." Ning Xiu said, the third-rate races to force the second-rate race protection fees, it feels exciting to think about it.

"Theoretically, we can now walk sideways among the second-rate races, but in reality, we can't provoke those second-rate races on a large scale. Once we have grievances, we must quickly kill them, and our souls cannot be let go."

Chu Yunxuan thought for a while, and then slowly said: "Second-rate races are guarded by true gods, and those true gods have their own kingdoms. After their own people die, they can use their divine power to summon their souls to their own kingdoms. in."

"And those who can come to the battlefield of ten thousand races are leaders of all races, and the true gods of their race will definitely take special care of them."

"Once our identities and the artifacts and points we carry on our bodies are exposed, it is very likely to cause their true gods to revenge, so it is better to be careful. Now the situation of our human race in the heavens is very tense. It is estimated that after we return, we will fight It is very likely to erupt, and there will be no more branches." Chu Yunxuan said.

"What about the first- and second-rate races that we have killed?" Zhang Yue asked. After entering the battlefield of ten thousand races, there were many one or two races provoked, such as the dark snakes, the centaur, the dark elves, the gods and the giants. The demons.

"If it is offended, there is no way. Fortunately, if you want to cross different continents, you will have to pay a huge price. I am afraid that I will provoke one or two races on the same continent."

"There is no way, but if you are really provoked, you can only fight. It's a big deal to spend points to erase their souls. There is no problem." Chu Yunxuan said, it is all him Snooping for information in the arena.

After Chu Yunxuan finished speaking, everyone began daily training. Zhang Yue also took the giant shield of iron and steel, and when he reached the ground, he started holding the shield, because it was near the base Zhang Yue didn't have it. Let Xu Lingxuan not know the Star Array.

The faint river of tiny starlight composed of starlight slowly fell on Zhang Yue. At this time, Zhang Yue was not looking at the stars and the earth, but thought of Chu Ying’s words today. Everyone has weaknesses. .

When you are most relaxed, when you are happiest, when you think you are safe, if you launch a sudden attack on yourself at this time, you can resist it on time.

"Always be vigilant, I can't do it." Zhang Yue asked himself that even when fighting occurred at any time, he couldn't always be 100% vigilant. There was always a period of time when he thought it was safe to enter a rest state.

At this time, Zhang Yue suddenly remembered the book over there. In the description of the terrain, there is a protection layer that forms a protective layer around the body. Once a danger occurs, it can be automatically protected. , In the later stage, everything is unbreakable.

Zhang Yue looked at the sky and laughed at himself and said: "How can I take up all the good things under the sky, and the power of the earth has not yet figured out, let alone the power of protection."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he stopped thinking about it, and began to devote himself to the power of the starry sky and the earth.

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