The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 157: The last minute outbreak

At this time, the fighters of the two races collided together. Zhang Yue took the shield and directly slammed into the Yufeng fighter of the Blue Wind tribe who was in front of him. Just as he was about to continue the charge, Lu Heng who followed behind was stopped by two Royal Wind fighters , It seems that the battle plan is made in advance.

"Ten seconds." Lu Heng directly held a halberd and faced the two Yufeng soldiers murderously.

‘The Trend of Furious War’

"Fight all directions"

The two Yufeng fighters had not reacted, they were directly knocked out, the whole process was less than 5 seconds, and then continued to charge forward with Zhang Yue.

The blue wind leader’s complexion changed, looking at the two clansmen who had been knocked into the air, and staring at Lu Heng behind Zhang Yue, he took the arrows and pulled the bow, and his hands suddenly turned into shadows, countless arrows. The formation of Jianyu Longhe shot towards Zhang Yue.


‘Wind Blade’

‘Air Gun’

The Yufeng Master began to exert force, and the Yufeng archers also released countless guided arrows, tracing curves in the sky, and shooting at Lu Heng and others behind Zhang Yue.

"It's a bit difficult to look at Xiaoyue and them." Ji Xiayun said, looking a little struggling Zhang Yue.

"Haha, that is that Brother Yue's acting skills are in place." Xu Pokong said, directly hitting the Yufeng Archer with one blow and three consecutive shots.

"Wood Elf: Cheng Lin"

"Earth Spirit: Guard"

"Water Spirit: Turning Clouds"

"Golden Spirit: Magnetic Field"

Under Ji Xiayun's series of methods, Zhang Yue's blocked offensive was relieved, and he continued to rush towards the leader of the Blue Wind tribe.

At this moment, a huge imaginary giant arrow hit Zhang Yue's shield heavily.

‘Holding a Shield’

Zhang Yuezhi launched his strongest defense.

'boom! The extremely powerful force shook the land that Zhang Yue rooted and connected.

Zhang Yue felt this attack power, and it was powerful. If Zhang Yue didn't use the magical iron shield to defend, Zhang Yue's rock armor might break the defense.

Zhang Yue took a mouthful of blood and vomited it out under the spectators of all the foreign races in the entire arena. His face was pale, as if he had overdrawn a lot of strength, and the hearts of the foreign races who bought the victory of the human race began to pick up.

Now the core of the entire battlefield is all looking at whether Zhang Yue can defend against the attack of the opposite legendary archer. If he can hold it, the Terran tribe will win. The unpreventable consequence is that everyone starts to be named one by one by the legendary Yufeng archer. Below the legend, all No one can survive an arrow from the legendary Yufeng Archer.

After Zhang Yue vomited blood, he continued to withstand the attacks from the opposite Yufeng archers and Yufengshi, and moved on.

Ji Xiayun’s protection for Zhang Yue and others has begun to take full effect. Half of the arena has been turned into a forest, and the earth elves may become a ball of flying sand to open the way for Zhang Yue and resist the opposite attack by the way.

"Do you think the forest can stop me?" the leader of the Blue Wind tribe said.

A blue arrow was picked up by the head of the blue wind clan.

\'The World of Wind: Breeze Arrow Feather\'

Suddenly Zhang Yue felt a breeze blowing in the forest where he was, and the earth elf guarding Zhang Yue beside him was messy at this time. It felt that the breeze was an attack, pervasive, and it was a bit unable to defend.

It seemed that it was just using the shield, but it was almost done, and I felt a little bit unable to play, Zhang Yue sighed.

Zhang Yue glanced at Lu Heng and others who followed him behind him.

"Brother Yue, do you need me to take the lead?" Lu Heng said bitterly. He had been behind Zhang Yue all the time, and he felt the power of those arrows. If he were to change himself, he would probably stop cooking soon.

"It's okay, just to see if you are injured. If there is none, let's continue to charge. There is not much distance from the target." Zhang Yue replied casually.

For a while, the entire arena was filled with sand. Zhang Yue took the opportunity to use the shield wall to block the breeze that contained countless feathers of arrows.

"Sand, very thoughtful, but unfortunately I met us."


"Invisible Wind Blade"

When the wind master operated the hurricane to blow away the wind and sand, he found out. The sand is blown by a hurricane, and it can't be done at all.

At this moment, there was a thunder in the sky, and Ji Xiayun's operation began.

"Union: World of Thunder"

\'Wind Barrier\'

"The Bird of Wind"

The Blue Wind Clan Yufengshi directly used the protective barrier, and wanted to use the wind bird technique to blow away the thunderclouds in the sky.

‘Eye of wind’

The leader of the Blue Wind tribe stared at the thundercloud above with storm-filled eyes, and directly drew the bow. An arrow condensed with wind elements appeared in the hands of the leader of the Blue Wind tribe.

‘Wind Arrow: Expulsion’

"Wind Arrow: Chase"

"Wind Arrow: Soul of Life"

The leader of the Blue Wind tribe fired three consecutive shots, directly blasting the cloud-changing water spirit in the sky, forcing it back to the summoning world, and suddenly disappeared, only the wind and sand on the ground were still filling.

At this moment, Zhang Yue's figure of charging with a shield had already appeared in the sand.

"Combined with the secret technique of the clan." The leader of the Blue Wind clan saw that Zhang Yue was about to charge to the front, calmly instructed.

"Accomplished" all the Blue Wind Clan wind masters and archers responded.

A giant wind element array centered on Yufengshi, spreading around, directly covering Zhang Yue and others.

\'Secret Technique: Purgatory of Wind\'

For a while, a black wind blew up in the entire wind element magic circle, like the wind in hell, and began to sweep the area covered by the magic circle.

Zhang Yue's hair suddenly rose, feeling that if he was blown by this black wind, he would have to peel off if he died.


‘Absolute gravity’

In front of Zhang Yue, a giant of earth elements more than 20 meters high rose.

"Double blessing"

For a while, the world was quiet.

"The Blue Wind tribe admits defeat." The leader of the Blue Wind tribe said.

The leader of the Blue Wind tribe felt the divine iron giant shield that suppressed her thinking in his mind. For a while, he was a little confused. This level of thinking suppression has reached the level of the legendary top level. The defender on the opposite obviously didn't go anywhere to shoot at the beginning~www As for why, he doesn't have to think about it. He is clumsy, guarantees a 100% win rate, takes everything on and off the court, and then waits for the next poor race that thinks to be more powerful than Humans to take the bait.

"Terran Victory"

The people who bought the human race on the stage won the foreign race began to cheer, anyway, they began to curse, yell about shady, control the game and so on.

"Your acting skills are very good. Here, thank you for your mercy." The leader of the Lanfeng Clan looked at Zhang Yue and said.

"These are all mutual, don't you have no killers either." Zhang Yue looked back at those who only lost combat effectiveness and said.

The leader of the Blue Wind tribe took a deep look at Zhang Yue, and began to admire the human race, legendary-level defenders. He knew that there were two in the Stoneman tribe. He didn't expect to see another one here today, and he will wait until the future. When this defender is promoted to a demigod or true god, the benefits he brings at that time will benefit the whole family.

"Your last outbreak should be invisible to most foreign races. I will help you keep this secret as a thank you for being merciful."

"Thank you"

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