The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 159: The battle begins

In order to take care of Xu Pokong, Zhang Yue specially reduced Xu Pokong's gravity, which was only half of Lu Heng's.

At this time, Xu Pokong had no joy or anger on his face, his focused eyes were always staring at or perceiving his target, always looking for Zhang Yue's flaws.

A guiding arrow swept across different positions in the air and shot towards Zhang Yue. For a time, Zhang Yue's three small shields felt like hesitating.

Zhang Yue's eyes lit up and he felt the great test of his spirit and mind. The strength of each arrow hitting the small shield was also a test of Zhang Yue's energy control.

From a strange angle, an arrow avoided Zhang Yue's small shield floating in the air, and shot Zhang Yue.

"Brother Yue, 50 points." Xu Pokong said lightly. In the state of concentration, there will not be too many emotions. Calmness and rationality are all the emotions in the state of concentration.

"At the end of the checkout, even if you use a wooden arrow, it hurts to be shot." Zhang Yue said that he pulled off the arrow that only penetrated the surface of the skin. It has not been injured for a long time. Forget about this feeling.

"Continue." Zhang Yue said. It is really not easy to find a suitable exercise method, so Zhang Yue devoted himself to the battle. After all, an arrow has 50 points. If he is shot many times, he really will It hurts a bit.

In order for Xu Pokong to concentrate on shooting arrows, Zhang Yue's earth hand and ground thorn have attacked him at a very slow pace.

On the other hand, Lu Heng was running for his life while looking at Zhang Yue with a faintly resentful look. They were all human beings, so how could the difference be so big.

"Brother Yue, I also want 50 points." Lu Heng said loudly, unbalanced.

"Okay, Lu Heng, let your weapon touch me, even if you have 50 points." Zhang Yue said with a smile, and then 5 hands of the earth appeared behind Zhang Yue, all of which were given to the spirit of the earth element Body control, this is a newly discovered function of Zhang Yue.


Lu Heng ran away again angrily. Seeing that Zhang Yue's posture did not intend to leave him a chance, Lu Heng dared to guarantee that if he dared to step within ten meters of Zhang Yue, he would definitely die miserably.

An hour later, under Xu Pokong's resignation, Zhang Yue transferred him 200 points.

"Brother Yue, you know, I didn't take it seriously." Xu Pokong said embarrassedly. He took Zhang Yue’s semi-artifact juvenile. He already took advantage of Zhang Yue’s points. All feel a little shameless.

"Take it, just treat it as your reward. From now on, this will be our daily training." Zhang Yue said. He felt that this kind of exercise was very helpful for improving his mind and spirit.

"Thank you Brother Yue, then."

In the evening, just as Zhang Yue was thinking about where to earn points tomorrow, Soul of Sword sent a message from the virtual mall of Ten Thousand Races Battlefield. Tomorrow morning, celestial arena, team battle, 10V10, get ready.

Seeing the news of Sword Soul, Zhang Yue became excited. Tomorrow, he could see the legendary god-level powerhouse with his own shield. There should be no problem.

"Xiaoyue, you really think about it, that is a god-level powerhouse, a race with absolute dominance in a certain place, the sky-tearing bear clan, it should be a god-level powerhouse of melee professional, a little careless, then Just..."Chu Yunxuan didn't go on. He was a little afraid of this result. Human race can earn points for stable development here. It can be said that Zhang Yue has 99% of the credit.

"The contract has been signed. I feel that I have encountered a bottleneck. I need to see a higher level of scenery. Don't worry, I am not dead in the arena." Zhang Yue said with a smile. At least Zhang Yue still has the confidence to save my life. .

"Heavenly Physique Arena, fight to death, how can you save your life?" Chu Yunxuan said anxiously. If he knew about this, he would definitely stop it and beat a god-level powerhouse. That would be a joke.

"The arena stipulates that a battle lasts up to 10 days. After 110 days, it will be interpreted forcibly and it will be judged as a tie." Zhang Yue said, this is also the reason why he dared to agree to the request of the sword soul, but I can run.

"Um, I am confused at this moment, I forgot about it, will the game tomorrow be right."

"Hmm, tomorrow morning."

"Okay, I'll cheer for you at that time." Chu Yunxuan said, since there is no life-threatening, he feels relieved.

"The Celestial Arena, the entrance fee is 1,000 points."

"I am at home waiting for you to return in triumph."

The next day, the ladder arena.

Zhang Yue looked at the other nine comrades-in-arms in this battle, all of them rabbit people.

"Brother Zhang Yue, when fighting for a while, the God-level Zhanshan will rely on you to resist first. We will solve the remaining Sky Torn Bear Clan before turning around to help you." Fa Yan said, this time the plan in the clan has been Surprise has reached the final pass, and it is absolutely not allowed to make another mistake.

At this time, Zhang Yue was already fully armed. Ever since he had a rock armor, Zhang Yue has rarely worn heavy armor.

"Don't worry, he can't kill any of you before I fall." Zhang Yue said firmly, taking other people's things and getting things done.

At this time, Zhang Yue received Fa Yan and transferred 20,000 points.

"This plan is successful. My rabbit race still has 10,000 points rewards. You will become the most honored guest of the race rabbit race. This will be written into the history of our race. If you can join our race, then my rabbit race will I wish you a **** with the resources of the whole clan."

Zhang Yue immediately transferred the 20,000 points to Chu Yunxuan. He had already given all the points to Chu Yunxuan before he came, and he made complete preparations. However, Zhang Yue was very happy when he heard that there would be points to get, but finally heard that he wanted him to join the Bunny Race, Zhang Yue shook his head and Thank you Bunny Race for generosity. If you join the nobility, forget it. "

"Understand what brother Zhang Yue meant, after the matter is over, there will be one or two Shendao tea to be served."

"Thank you, Commander Fayan."

Although Zhang Yue doesn't know what Shinto tea is, listening to the name is definitely a good thing.

"By the way, the chief of Fayan and the stone people are roughly what they are like, I will disguise it, it is better not to expose the identity of my people." Zhang Yue has been starting the rock armor trend when he came, disguised himself.

Hearing Zhang Yue's words, Fa Yan directly adjusted the influence of the old stone, four meters high, and the outer rock skin was brown.

Zhang Yue directly adjusted his height, turning his appearance into the stone human race in the image.

"Like, it's so alike. If you are adjusting your skin color, it will be an old stone." Fa Yan said after turning around Zhang Yue several times, the expression of surprise on his face could not be concealed. If Zhang Yue could pretend to be a stone human race, Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?

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