The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 161: The power of the veins: the body of the earth

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'boom! ! The air wave swept through the arena like a violent wind.

The entire arena sank for a while, and huge gaps opened in the ground, showing the great power just now.

Zhang Yue was ten meters away from the Zhanshan Mountain, and a huge claw mark appeared on the transfigured Divine Iron Great Shield, and even the Divine Iron Great Shield itself was affected.

Overloaded. This is Zhang Yue’s current thinking. The strength just now has exceeded his endurance limit. Fortunately, the rock armor has been relieved as a whole. Zhang Yue only suffered a little internal injury. Before Zhang Yue’s powerful system, he had to In a moment, it has recovered.

"Interesting defender, you are no less inferior to that old stone." Zhanshan said, and wanted to take a look inside the exclusive box of the upper stone human race.

The eldest and second stone human race was so scared that they quickly stood up and saluted, and then the two stone human races looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

"Haha, our reaction was a bit overwhelming, and he can't see us." The second stone human race said.

"This is not an overreaction. It is our respect for the strong. Awe of the strong is the instinct of all intelligent races." The boss said silently, but in his heart he asked himself if he and his second child were fought at that time. The mountain's brutal beating left a shadow in his heart, and the pain that went deep into the soul made the two brothers who still have the ability to resurrect after death still remember.

"I am me, don't compare with any race, come, let's continue." Zhang Yue's eyes flashed, and the blood began to burn.

"Then continue." Zhanshan's two big copper bell eyes stared at Zhang Yue closely, the prey was right in front of him, and the rest was conquering.

At this time, the 10 hands of the earth patted Zhanshan again, but they were all torn apart by a pair of violent bear paws in Zhanshan, and they did not play a role.

‘Absolute power’

"Tear the soul"

Zhanshan's truck-like figure came towards Zhang Yue.

A huge roar spread throughout the arena, and all the foreign races who watched the battle took a breath. It turned out that a god-level powerhouse output was so terrifying, and the feeling of tearing the world was really too strong. Up.

Zhang Yue was holding a shield to defend against the heavy blows of the bear's paw in the sky, and his body and soul were caught in the shock. The hand holding the shield was almost out of consciousness, and the physical strength consumed by his own unloading and counterattack was almost unable to maintain. .

Zhang Yue increased the energy absorption speed of the Earth Vein to strengthen the giant shield that was transformed, so that he could barely be defeated by the bear's paw of Zhanshan.

‘Absolute Power: Split the Ground’

'boom! With a bang, Zhang Yue flew out, and then he was caught in midair by the hand of the earth to stabilize his figure.

"Xiaotu, gravity gun." Zhang Yue said to the earth elemental giant, this is his new skill.

I saw a giant brown-black ball of light smashed towards Zhanshan.

"Don't you know, it is of no use to me."

Zhanshan smashed the ball of light. In an instant, the gravity of Zhanshan's body increased by a hundred times, and his figure sank, and a bottomless pit appeared on the ground under his feet, as if he was about to swallow Zhanshan.

Not bad for a while, Zhanshan fell.

Zhang Yue stepped up time to fill in the huge pit. He wouldn't think that this would trap the god-level powerhouse, just to compete for precious rest time. In the frantic bombing just now, Zhang Yue's body has reached the upper limit.

"No, it's a strategy to change it. Hard steel won't work."

As soon as Zhang Yue finished speaking, a black shadow burst out of the ground, and it was a claw against Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue stepped back ten steps, wailing in his heart, it didn't even last 10 seconds.

A mouthful of blood was swallowed by Zhang Yue abruptly, and his internal injuries aggravated. At this moment, Zhang Yue's mind began to turn quickly, and he quickly looked around the entire arena to how to deal with Zhan Tian, ​​and found that the rabbit people had begun to occupy the upper hand, but for a while. It is estimated that it is still not enough.

"The remaining ten thousand points are not easy to get." Zhang Yue thought in his heart.

"Why, how long is this, you can't do it." Zhan Shan said as he looked at Zhang Yue who was embarrassed. He thought he was a better opponent, but now he is a little disappointed.

Zhang Yue didn't expect that the slap in the face came so quickly. It was just the current situation. He really couldn't last for too long, and Zhang Yue didn't want to escape. In that case, his strength might stop at the legendary stage for a lifetime.

'boom! Zhang Yue prevented the attack on the side of Zhanshan, and couldn't help vomiting directly on the ground with a mouthful of blood.

"You can still use your counter-shock technique. At least I have my hands now, and now I am a little numb. My strength, you can't bear it, even if you unload my strength into the earth, Go through your body."

"Then you can go to death now, don't worry, there will be nine little bunnies coming to accompany you soon." Zhan Shan said with a smile. After all, the legend is a legend, and it cannot break the legend of the gods.

At this time, Zhang Yue heard what Zhanshan said, and a bright light appeared in Zhang Yue's eyes. He had the power of the earth veins and endless energy for his own use. Why didn't he use it with the earth? With the help of the earth veins, he represented the entire earth. .

"Zhanshan, has anyone told you that you are suitable to be a teacher." Zhang Yue's busy eyes staring at Zhanshan said.

Zhan Shan, who was planning to send Zhang Yue on the road, was taken aback when he heard this.

"You are all dying, don't talk so much nonsense."

After Zhanshan finished speaking, the golden light of two bear paws burst out instantly, and he shot Zhang Yue.

"Absolute Power: Triple Blow"

"Earth Vein Power: Earth Body"

Zhang Yue instantly became elemental, integrated with the earth, and greeted Zhanshan's final blow with a shield.

At this moment, Zhang Yue, who was relying on the whole earth, felt the endless power in his body, and the feeling of attrition was gone.

'boom! ! In the same body, the air wave directly interrupted the battle in the arena. They instantly made the same move, which was to resist the attack of the air wave. The air wave contained incomparably terrifying power. What was it that shocked them? Such power makes the aftermath of the battle so amazing.

All the foreign races watching the battle on the stage combined various means to counteract this wave of The aftermath of this TM battle is stronger than where I attacked. "

"Is this the difference between a god-level and a mortal? It's terrifying."

"I'm also a legendary powerhouse, but I feel that I won't survive for a second under that bear's paw."

"Didn't you find out, that stone human race actually defended Zhanshan's final blow."

At this time, the two stone people watching the battle in the box were stunned.

"If he is willing to enter the reincarnation pool of my clan, it is estimated that my boss's position will not be preserved." The boss Shiren clan said in shock. The battle below has been played completely beyond his imagination. From the praise at the beginning to the later Admiration, and even the final shock, changed his perception of Zhang Yue.

"Why don't we ask him if he is willing?" The second child said, he had wanted to get rid of the second name for a long time.

"No, he doesn't want to, you'd better be the second child." The boss of the stone human race smiled and looked at the second child and said, wanting to be the third child, thinking of the beauty.

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