In the rabbit human base, Zhang Yue, Jianhun and others are sitting in the reception room.

"Brother Zhang Yue, thank you for saving Ciye, otherwise the loss will be great." Jianhun thanked, and the battlefield was in the underground space for ten days, and they saved the half-dead Ciye back.

"When you are on the battlefield together, you are a comrade-in-arms. There is no reason not to save it." Zhang Yue said seriously, even if it is because of the interests of teaming up, that is also his comrade-in-arms.

"It's love to help, and it's duty not to help." Sword Soul transferred 15,000 points to Zhang Yue from the Ten Thousand Race Battlefield Mall.

Zhang Yue saw the extra 5000 points and said in amazement: "Your affection is a little bit too much, I just raised my hand."

"Your sentiment points are worth these points, and we are going to return to the world of heavens. These points are regarded as gifts from our rabbit race before parting." Sword Soul said calmly, as if it had not yet come out of grief.

"It's a pity that Fayan is commanded." Zhang Yue couldn't help but comfort in the end.

"Before he came, the seniors in the clan had persuaded him, saying that the Bunny Clan hadn't had a turn to worry about the future of the race."

"But the combination of the hatred of the country and the family, the commander of Fayan has been aspiring to life and death, no one can persuade, there is no way, to commemorate his soul, then there is no hope of resurrection." The tone of the sword soul is slightly sad, the rabbit race The two most talented people of the younger generation were lost in Zhan Shan's hands, and there were few top geniuses in the clan who could take action.

"Present a flower for me in front of the tomb of the leader of Fayan." Zhang Yue said, took out a long wooden box, and placed a white wooden spirit flower unique to the human race in it. This flower was offered to memorialize the dead. Represents respect and memory for the dead.

"This is the wood spirit flower unique to our human race. The flower offered to memorialize the dead represents my respect for the commander of Fayan."

Sword Soul grandly took the wooden box handed by Zhang Yue with both hands, and received it in the storage space.

"Don't leave some more time, Zhanshan shouldn't find you so easily, right?" Zhang Yue thought of the rabbit people talking about returning to the world of the heavens.

"Our intelligence personnel analyzed that this time the Zerg or Machine Clan is likely to complete the final raid, plus Zhanshan's possible revenge at any time, it is better to go back. Brother Zhang Yue had better make plans as soon as possible." Jian Jian Soul said, sending the basis of their intelligence analysis to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue glanced at the information passed by Soul Sword, raised his head and said to Zhang Yue, "Thank Soul Sword."

"All friends, you are welcome."

Seeing that Zhang Yue had already talked about it, he was about to leave, and return to the Human Base early to see the situation of Lu Heng and Chu Feng Ji Xiayun. Sword Soul took out a small jade tea pot and handed it to Zhang Yue.

"Shinto tea, when you are promoted to a demigod, you can drink a little bit to gain a little more divinity. Please take it away, the commander of Fayan has explained."

Zhang Yue didn't refuse, so he just accepted it. For fear that he would refuse, Soul Sword would not give it to him, because he saw Soul Sword's distressed expression inadvertently and let Zhang Yue know this thing.

"Seeing that you are almost finished, if it's okay, I'll leave, and we have the destiny to meet again in the world." Zhang Yue said with his hand.

"Okay, Brother Zhang Yue, one last question for you, do you think it is worth it to rule Fayan?" Jianhun said at last.

"This..." Zhang Yue couldn't say anything for a while, so he could only say a word in the end.

"If in the future, you write him in your history as a victor, it is worth it." Zhang Yue didn't say the following, so he seemed disrespectful to the dead.

"Understood, goodbye brother Zhang Yue."


Terran base.

"Leader of Fayan is a respectable hero, hatred by the country and the family, no one can bear it." Lin Dong said.

"It's a pity that Fayan rules that talent, and it's possible to become a **** in the future." Xu Lingxuan said softly. After speaking, she suddenly remembered something and said to Zhang Yue: "Brother Yue, are you looking for The Linglin clan takes revenge, bring me one when the time comes, and I also want to avenge Sister Ji and the others."

"It will take a while to find the Linglin clan to fight. You have to go with me, and I will set aside a few for your revenge. It's a waste of time. Just stay at the base. I will be enough for revenge. "Zhang Yue said, he found the Linglin Clan and took control directly, and sent it to the guillotine. It clicked, saving trouble.

"Sister Xu, you just want to add chaos when you go. It's better to stay at the base and wait for Brother Yue to come back." Lin Dong persuaded. Master once said that when one person does a good job, if it is not necessary, one should not ask others for help unless there is another purpose.

"Okay." Xu Lingxuan glanced at Lin Dong, boy, wait to use your bonus to pay off the debt.

Lin Dong suddenly felt a bit cold. He looked at the indoor temperature regulator and ventilation system perfectly hidden in the room. It was not broken. What happened to the chill just now? Could it be that Master discovered the small vault he hid in the house?

The next day, the injured Lu Heng and the three woke up, but their entire bodies were still immersed in the liquid medicine container. They were not only physically injured, but there were more toxins specific to the Spiritscale clan in their bodies, as well as soul injuries.

"Brother Yue, I was really careful and careful at the time. I didn't expect to be recruited in the end. Fortunately, I snatched my arms back. Otherwise, I cloned a pair of arms and it won't have the same strength as before." In the liquid medicine, only one head leaked out, chatting with Zhang Yue, and seeing Zhang Yue coming back safely, even the depression of his arm was dissipated a lot.

"You say cut you and cut you. It's enough to give me a knife." Chu Feng next to him said depressedly, which completely affected Yuchi.

"How can a brother get the knife alone? You were saying that you were so close to me at the time. If I were the Linglin clan, I would also take a knife." Lu Heng said with a smile, when he knew that his teammates had returned to the base safely. , Coupled with Zhang Yue's safe return, made him completely ignore his injuries.

"Haha, you were a brother when you got the knife, you weren't a brother when you robbed me of the head." Chu Feng glanced at Lu Heng and said.

"There are no brothers on the battlefield." Lu Heng said with a curled lips. In the adult world, there are brothers when they are killed.

"That's the enemy!" Chu Feng's heartbeat was quickened by Lu Hengqi. Although Lu Heng made up the points for grabbing the head, it still made Chu Feng very upset.

Zhang Yue looked at Lu Heng and Chu Feng quarreling, and suddenly felt that it would be nice to have a brother like this. Unfortunately, his brother Zhou Jiezhi was in business and was destined to be unable to fight side by side on the battlefield.

"The day after tomorrow, after I fully recovered, I will seek revenge from the Linglin Clan. Is there anything I need to pay attention to?" Zhang Yue said to the two quarreling.

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