The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 180: Yunjian Spaceship

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In the conference room, Chu Yunxuan gave a general overview of the human team's experience in the world of heavens, and the detailed report has also been uploaded to the highest department.

At this time, Wei Duntian said unwillingly: "Why don't you persuade Xiaoyue to come back? There is always something in case."

"Don't worry, Zhang Yue has no other race on the battlefield of ten thousand races that can threaten his life. Even if it is a low-level powerhouse of God level, Zhang Yue can retreat with his whole body." Chu Yunxuan said calmly, in fact he too I want Zhang Yue to come back together, but the opportunity to enter the battlefield of ten thousand races is precious. Most of the heavens and ten thousand races gather here. If you don't take the opportunity to take a look, you will really regret it for life.

"There is one thing in the matter..." Wei Duntian said and fell silent. There is no strong man who grew up in a greenhouse. The eagle should see the vastness of the world. .

At this time, Chu Yunxuan said again: "We got the exact news that this time the Zerg cleaning of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield is a foregone conclusion, and because all the members were injured, they had to return early. The task was only completed at the second level, and we got the complete Matching Godhead."

As Chu Yunxuan said, he took out a box made of earth element crystals, opened it, and inside it was an earth attribute with a demigod that guarded the will. In a pale yellow spar the size of an egg, there are 640,000 facets, like A perfect handicraft, exuding a strong atmosphere of earth system universe law.

Lu Kun looked at Wei Duntian who was slightly agitated and said, "Old Wei, take it, and you can be completely arrogant when you become a demigod."

As Lu Kun said, he slowly laughed, thinking that Wei Duntian's ninth-level is not in the human race that no one can hurt him. I don't know what he can be arrogant after he is promoted to a demigod.

"This demigod exchange points, almost more than half of the points are contributed by your disciples." Chu Yunxuan said with a smile, in his heart redeeming the demigod points, not much is related to Zhang Yue.

"Little Yue."

Wei Duntian took the demigod with some trembling hands, and felt a little embarrassed in his heart that he was the first batch of people who were most promising to advance to the demigod.

It’s just that the original battle hurt the origin, and he has been wandering at the peak of Tier Nine for so many years. He watched every old comrade be promoted to a demigod. He didn’t say anything, his heart was very uncomfortable, and he needed his protection. The little bastard, now all riding on his neck to dominate.

Wei Duntian has decided that after becoming a demigod, he will repay all the grudges recorded in the notebook.


Looking at the empty base, Zhang Yue and Lin Dong were a little sad, and they were separated suddenly after spending more than half a year with their teammates on the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Races.

"Brother Yue, what are we going to do next?" Lin Dong asked, feeling a little bit happy in his heart. Now he has determined that this super thick thigh has been tightly hugged by him until Xu Wenyou returns to the heavens. World, take out his information storage device, his master should be very pleased when he gets the news.

At this time, the human race area of ​​the world, the capital area of ​​a ninth-order alien animal activity area, a base hidden in the mountains, a small, slightly wretched old man, looked at the news sent by his apprentice, and smiled with satisfaction Up.

"Boy, luck is better than me. If I had such high-quality thighs, I would be..." the old man started to feel sad as he said.

As the camera turned around, Zhang Yue thought for a while and said: "Let’s go to the game city to buy a better spaceship, then first go to the God Summon Clan to collect a protection fee, and finally destroy the remaining Sky Torn Bear Clan. And the dark snake people."

When talking about the Torn Sky Bear Clan and the Dark Snake Clan, a murderous aura flashed in Zhang Yue's eyes. You kill my teammate and I will destroy your entire team.

"Okay." Lin Dong said. Lin Dong still agrees to changing to a better spacecraft. The spacecraft he built is the lowest level in the battlefield of ten thousand races, and almost any race will find them.

The city of games, the store of the Kewell family.

Lin Dong, who was looking at the types of spaceships in the hall, was stunned. The functions of each spaceship here were extremely powerful, and the price was extremely beautiful.

"Brother Yue, or let's change another one. The spacecraft here is too expensive and the cheapest is 5000 points. I think the Vanka clan spacecraft just now is also very good." Lin Dong whispered to Zhang Yue. After that, she glanced at the shopping guide next to her, a girl from the Cowell family with tentacles.

"This spacecraft is not only used on the battlefield of ten thousand races. It is a rare opportunity to buy products of first-class technology side races. Isn't it guaranteed to buy a better spacecraft."

"That points." Lin Dong felt a little painful.

"Haha, I'm a big money now, and I have more points." Zhang Yue said with a smile. After Zhanshan blew himself up, he got 40,000 points, and now he is rich.

The girl shopping guide of the Kewell clan watched Zhang Yue staring at the spaceship for a long time and then introduced.

"Mr. Zhang, this Yunjian spacecraft is the flagship product of our Kewell family. It is a rare spacecraft that can evolve independently. It is made by the original Yunjin as a whole. It is 632 meters long, 268 meters wide, and 96 meters high. The spacecraft is equipped with the most advanced intelligent system and has the consciousness of autonomy. After recognizing the master, it will serve the master wholeheartedly, and has the potential to advance to the god-level intelligent life.

"With the top-notch soul vitality field detection system, it is equipped with a large storage space, which can grab the world of debris and load it in the spacecraft as a living area. This technology is only mastered by a few top-notch technology side races."

"The spacecraft can carry 3,000 people without a living area. The living facilities are complete, and there is a lot of space out of it, so it can be decorated by itself."

"The limit speed is currently 600 times the speed of sound, which is already the limit speed of the A-class spacecraft. It is equipped with a space guidance device that can dive into the cracks of shallow space and avoid all external detection. Daily navigation can use shallow space concealment technology."

"In terms of energy, Yunjian can independently absorb elemental energy in space and convert it into energy ~ ~ needs to consume energy cores at extreme speeds."

"A variety of weapon modules can be loaded in the spacecraft, and the armor is also at the top level of the same level of spacecraft."

"If Mr. Zhang buys a spaceship of his own clan, he will also give one as a gift. The spaceship upgrade formula is available in all directions, one worthy of the **** level."

Zhang Yue listened to the introduction of the Kewell family's shopping guide, and became more and more excited. He has a spaceship that can be used to the **** level in the future.

Looking at the virtual model of Yunjian in front, Zhang Yue liked it more and more, as if a woman couldn't move her eyes when she saw a good bag.

"This spaceship, how many points?" Zhang Yue asked tentatively, thinking that he would buy it if it was less than 20,000 points, which was the limit price he could bear.

The shopping guide of the Kewell family saw that the fire was almost over, and said with a bright smile.

"Such a great spacecraft, as long as 35,000 points, you can become your love ship."

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