The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 183: Rich loot

Zhang Yue led Lin Dong forcibly in from the vent of the Dark Snake Terran base.

Lin Dong looked at the portable projection screen and said, "Brother Yue, your spacecraft's intelligent system is too powerful. I guess I won't be able to crack the base system in a few years."

"Brother Yue, now we are in the middle level, and the Dark Snake Race leader is at the bottom of the base." Lin Dong said, looking at the data provided by the Yunjian intelligent system.

"Well, let's go to the bottom." Zhang Yue said.

"Earth Vein Power: Endless Cage"

The shell of the dark snake human base is covered with a shield wall, without the destructive power of the legendary top, it is absolutely impossible to get out.

Zhang Yue looked at more than a dozen Dark Snake Terran warriors rushing towards him with knives, and sneered: "I can't help myself."


"Gravity Spear"

The shield force directly suppressed the dark snake warriors, the spear of gravity exploded among them, and directly attracted more than a dozen dark snake warriors and all the surrounding matter to the explosion point, forming a huge ball, all the dark snakes Terran warriors never survived.

"The entire base has been controlled by me. Today, all the Dark Snake Races here are going to die." Zhang Yue said coldly. The first person who had entered the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Races was the Dark Snake Races. At that time, they were almost wiped out and then entangled. The most unclear killer, today he wants to thoroughly understand this period of grievances.

"Yeah, they must die. I'll call 666 to Brother Yue." Lin Dong said next to him. As expected, he was able to kill more than one hundred first-class races with his thighs. This is only found in movies against foreign races. Bridge segment.

"You can't let you call 666 for nothing. I control those little soldiers. You send your mechanical army out and go harvest together. What will happen to us at that time?" Zhang Yue said, for Lin Dongken to stay with him, He was still more grateful, so he didn't mind giving Lin Dong a point.

"Thank you Brother Yue!" Lin Dong was overjoyed after listening to Zhang Yue's words. He didn't expect to be accompanied by Zhang Yue and there would be an unexpected little surprise.

Lin Dong hurriedly turned out the armor controlled by his intelligent robot for five frames, and followed Zhang Yue to harvest together.

As Zhang Yue entered the next level, the leader of the Dark Snake Race became more and more nervous. With his combat power after being injured, it would be minutes for Zhang Yue to kill him. The most important thing was that the soul could not be kept.

At this time, the call request he sent from the Ten Thousand Clan Mall to the Orc Clan Soul Sky had been connected.

"Huntian, 20,000 points, come and save my life, that human race has killed it."

Hun Tian, ​​who was sweeping the periphery, sneered and said: "20,000 points, I will risk death in battle to save you, do you think I don't know the details of that human race?"

"It's not for you to kill him, just save my life." The leader of the Dark Snake Race said anxiously, the Orc Race Soul Sky is his only hope now.

"You ask for more blessings, remember, hug your soul, you still have the value of resurrection. One last thing, don't send me a call request, I am afraid that the human race will misunderstand." After the soul day, he hung up the call.

"Save you? I really want to save you. It's still a question of whether I can come out alive. I have persuaded you a long time ago, but I just want to die." Soul Tian said, and then said to the deputy next to him: "Give an order to all the orcs , You must be polite when you meet the human race. By the way, I invite them to eat barbecue."

"Roger that."

Just as the leader of the Dark Snake Race wanted to escape, the one-meter-thick dark alloy door of the main hall was directly and forcefully broken by a hand of the earth, and Zhang Yue and Lin Dong walked in with 5 armored robots.

"Unfortunately, your allies have rejected your request for help. Otherwise, I will get an extra credit." Zhang Yue looked at the leader of the Dark Snake Race and said faintly, his eyes were full of killing intent, in his eyes the Dark Snake Race Leader It's already a dead snake.

"Human race, you can only be arrogant in the battlefield of ten thousand races. If you dare to speak to me like this in the world of heavens, your human race will be implicated by you and face slaughter."

"Human race, if you kill me, the main **** of my race will know that your human race will face massacre at that time."

"Let me go, I will assume that nothing happened, our grievances..."

The Dark Snake Human Race hadn’t finished speaking yet, a hand of the earth directly photographed him into the earth, and then was captured by the earth's millstone by gravity, and fell into the millstone. The tiny scrapers in countless millstones slowly crushed into slag. .

A heart-piercing scream came from the earth, which made Lin Dong shudder.

After half an hour, all the Dark Snake Races were wiped out after Zhang Yue cleaned up.

"Let's clear the battlefield. Our spacecraft has no problem installing the entire base." Zhang Yue felt much better after killing the dark snake tribe.

"Received." Lin Dong said happily. He looked at the account with 16,000 points and looked a little excited. Although he only had 20% of them, it was also 3,200 points, and he could buy a lot of Sky Fortress accessories.

After starting to clear the battlefield, Lin Dong's exclamation did not stop.

"Wow! There are 8 semi-artifacts alone, and they are all sharp knives that our human race can use."

"I rely on! A thousand squares of dark attribute SSS grade metal."

"My God, with so many different races, how many races have they wiped out?"

"Wow khaka! High-purity energy concentrate, back to the human race, these energy concentrates alone can sell more than 3 million energy crystals."

Zhang Yue looked at Lin Dong who was yelling, and said, "As for, are you so short of energy points?"

"For a mechanic, how many energy points are not enough, I want to upgrade the spacecraft, transform the mechanical army, research the latest weapons, and I have several large-scale scientific and technological projects that have not started because there are no energy points." Lin Dong Speaking of the redness of his eyes, his head was a little hot when stimulated by these things.

Zhang Yue looked at the look of Lin Dong's financial and said with a smile: "I invested in your technology projects, isn't it just money?"

Lin Dong’s eyes lit up and he looked at Zhang Yue and said excitedly: “Brother Yue, let’s start with the first project, the sub-light engine project, as well as a personal portable teleportation array, a small space importer, and an estimated 5 million energy crystals. ."

"Five million energy crystals!" Zhang Yue regretted that he was cheap.

"First collect and sort out the trophies and investment matters, and then talk about it later." Zhang Yue said embarrassedly, touching his nose.

Two hours.

Zhang Yue looked at the list of trophies and estimates passed by Lin Dong, and said: "You said these trophies, after removing those semi-sacred objects, can still be worth 10 million energy crystals."

"Yes, the SSS metals and energy concentrates alone are worth 6 million energy crystals."

"So we are rich!"

"Well, if you don't invest in a mechanic, you can live a happy life with nourishment." Lin Dong said meaningfully.

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