The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 197: First encounter with Zerg

An hour later, at the moment when the Koren tribe finally returned, they saw the Zerg breaking in.

Subsequently, all the Keren people returned.

As the ancient tree base of the Moonlight Elf clan, Yuexi looked at the news sent by Zhang Yue and turned his head back to the tribe who was about to return to the world of the heavens and said: "Put all the things and materials you exchanged into the ancient tree space, then Returning to the world of the heavens, I have a way to persist until the end of the ten thousand race battlefield."

After all the moonlight elves heard what Yuexi said, their eyes lit up, and they quickly put their exchanged things into the ancient tree space, and began to return to the world of the heavens on the spot. No moonlight elves questioned what Yuexi said.

At this time, Zhang Yue's spacecraft had reached the sky above the Moonlight Elf Ancient Tree Base.

Watching the overwhelming Zergzi rush toward the Moonlight Elf Ancient Tree Base, Zhang Yue said to Yinguang and Lin Dong: "Yinguang, help me guard the spaceship, I will go down and help the Moonlight Elves, it's okay. "

Yin Guang looked at the flying sword insects that covered the sky and the sun in the distance, and there were strange fluctuations in the void, and said with a smile: "Go, help you guard the spaceship for ten days is no problem."

Lin Dong was a little scared and said, "Brother Elephant, is there really no problem?"

Lin Dong believed in Zhang Yue's strength, but did not know the strength of Yinguang.

"Your brother Yue believes me, what are you worried about." Yin Guangbai glanced at Lin Dong.

"Xiaodong, it's okay, Yinguang is very strong."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he jumped directly, turned on anti-gravity, and landed beside Yuexi.

"I need help." Zhang Yue said to Yue Xi with a smile, but thought in his heart that he should be able to defend against Yue Xi's attack.

"Thank you for sending such an important message at a critical moment. If this time it really persists until the end of the Ten Thousand Race Battlefield."

"Then you will have a chance to get the blessing of our mother goddess." Yuexi finished the thankful words first, and then said to Zhang Yue: "I really don't have a good group attack method. If you can help, that would be really great. Great."

"Obviously, you have to say a lot of things about one sentence. Look, now the Zerg race has attacked." Zhang Yue said while looking at the Chonghai less than one kilometer.

"So what, you should be an expert to deal with group attacks." Yuexi said, the terrifying law of gravity still keeps her memory.

"Haha, I like to hear that." Zhang Yue said.

What Zhang Yue likes most is the image of the Zerg, which has been wiped out by thousands.

‘Earth Force Field: Triple Gravity’

‘Gravity: Absolute Gravity’

"The Power of the Earth and the Sea: The Earth Millstone"

At this time, a huge millstone appeared within 30 kilometers of the entire ancient tree base. Start to swallow everything around.

Forests, boulders, mountains, and the overwhelming zerg, including knives and insects flying in the sky, and space insects in the cracks of space, are all killed by Zhang Yue's terrifying law of gravity and the grinding disc that swallows everything.

Yuexi felt that Zhang Yue's strength had improved again.

In the Yunjian space above the ancient tree, ordinary flying insects cannot enter the gravity range under Zhang Yue's cloth. Only the sporadic space insects that are relatively powerful and have not been squeezed out of the space by Zhang Yue attack the spacecraft.

"Don't you care about your spaceship, it's going to be invaded by Space Worm." Yuexi said.

At this time, Yue Xi had already taken out the battle bow, ready to rescue Zhang Yue's spacecraft.

"Don't worry, there is a big man in it, you probably know him, the seal of the white elephant clan."

As Zhang Yuezheng spoke, he saw dozens of space insects falling from the sky.

"It turned out to be him, so I'm relieved." Yuexi said.

At this time, 50 kilometers away from the ancient tree base of the Moonlight Elf clan, thousands of spray giant insects and ice giant insects, like turrets, launched giant magma meteorites and giant burst ice **** at the ancient tree base.

Yuexi watched the thousands of giant meteorites and ice blocks that smashed into the ancient tree base. They were all smashed down from the extremely high sky. Zhang Yue's gravity couldn't catch it at that height.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Yue said, looking at Yuexi, who was about to expand his move in confusion.

"Transfer these meteorites and ice **** to the space gap." Yuexi explained.

"Take it back. That's so troublesome. It's only been less than 10 minutes at the beginning. How many times can you use this trick."

"Ten times, no matter how many times, neither mind nor body can accept it."

"Just rest, you don't need to act."

"Earth Field: Everlasting Shield Mountain"

A huge mountain surrounded the entire Moonlight Elf ancient tree base, and there was no gap in it.

Without the Zerg who subsequently attacked, the entire ancient tree base became quiet.

"You have this trick, why don't you use it early, it consumes a lot of money?" Yuexi asked suspiciously.

"Well, my hands are itchy recently, I want to beat bugs and practice my hands."

"As for this shield mountain, there is as much as you want." Zhang Yue said indifferently.

"Then what about your spaceship."

"It's okay, Yunjian can enter the gap in space, don't worry."

"This time, I have confidence in the message you sent. It seems that you can really persist until the end of the ten thousand race battlefield."

Yue Xi shot an arrow directly into the void as she spoke, only to see that a huge space bug would fall into the air.

"Unexpectedly, there will be a legendary space worm so soon." Yuexi frowned and said, feeling that the matter was a bit serious. According to the rate at which the female worm can absorb energy, this legendary space worm should be the last month appeared.

"Is there anything magical about this space bug? It can't get past 500 meters of my body at all. What is there to worry about?" Zhang Yue asked curiously.

"The Zerg mother wants to breed a powerful Zerg race, one is a variety of precious materials, but the degree of understanding of the law."

"At present, this female worm of the space system has shown its three attributes." Yuexi said that he did not forget to kill the space worms lurking in the cracks of the space one by one.

"No, that bug mother has four attributes, but there is one kind of bug, which has been in the earth all the time, and I was scared to come out."

Zhang Yue directly raised his hand, a super giant earth hand, holding a heavy armored giant insect that was still struggling and came out.

"With me, Zhang Yue is here, under the earth, it will always be my turf." Zhang Yue said, and directly let the hand of the super large earth squeeze the heavy beetle to death.

With a ‘pop’, like the sound of crushing a beetle when I was young, a large amount of green blood flowed out from the gap in the super-giant hand of the earth.

An hour later, Yuexi watched the tribe safely return to the world of the heavens and took a sigh of relief. Then, under her meal operation, this ancient tree base slowly turned into a lively young sapling~www.mtlnovel. com~ has been spinning around Yuexi.

"Awesome, worthy of being a top race, there are many good things." Zhang Yue praised.

"This is nothing to show off. If you like it, I will give you one when you come to my clan in the future."

"You can count on talking."

"You are questioning the integrity of the Moonlight Elf." Yuexi said with a frown.

"No, it's not." Zhang Yue said quickly.

"Okay, how should we help below? I feel that there must be another purpose for you to send a message to me." Yuexi said, if it is really to deal with the Zerg, Zhang Yue can definitely rely on his own advantages to hold on to the end of the ten thousand race battlefield, there is no need call her.

"Follow me back to the spaceship first, and I will tell you more when I arrive at the base." Zhang Yue said.

"it is good."

At this time, Yunjian, passing through the space mezzanine, appeared inside Dunshan, and stopped in front of Zhang Yue and Yuexi.

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