"Rely, the shield of the soul space version is really uncomfortable."

After Zhang Yue's soul body was exposed to the turquoise smoke, he felt that his whole body had lost its vitality, and he felt like he wanted to faint.

A figure quickly appeared behind Zhang Yue and stabbed Zhang Yue directly into the chest.

Zhang Yue Yidun smashed the figure away, and after a concentrated look, he found that it was a Space Worm General.

Then came the boundless pain, it felt like the body was torn apart by others, but the feeling of wanting to fall asleep was even stronger.

A shield slammed away the Space Insect General who struck again, Zhang Yue endured pain and looked at the Insect Mother and Space Insect General

"My soul armor doesn't work." Zhang Yue said, the situation is very bad, if this continues, the soul will eventually be invaded.

"Are you wondering, your soul armor doesn't work anymore."

"Jie Jie Jie, under my influence, you didn't sink immediately. It is the last use of your armor." The worm mother's unpleasant voice sounded.

"Fortunately, Shishi, I can only use it three times in my life, your value is enough to make you proud"

Had it not been for the soul that had doubled, Zhang Yue had already been invaded.

"Go on, standing in the end is the winner." Zhang Yue said solemnly, not thinking that his final disaster on the battlefield of ten thousand races would be here.

"I see how long you can hold on."

The Space Worm will bully its body, and the sharp arm seems to be a weapon that can pierce everything in the world.

'boom! ’

Zhang Yue once again blocked the Space Worm General's attack with his shield, but at the cost of an extra crossing on his body.

The intense pain almost made Zhang Yue unstable.

Am I going to die here, Zhang Yue thought.

"Unexpectedly, in the end, he would be planted in his soul space." Zhang Yue looked at the worm mother and the space worm general and said, his body faltered, as if he was about to fall down at any time.

"Final blow."

The Space Worm will quickly rush towards Zhang Yue.

At this time, Zhang Yue began to impersonate Jinguang, and he was about to blew himself up.

"If you want my soul, then go to death with me!"

"No! Stop him from exploding."

Just when Zhang Yue was about to explode, he suddenly saw a pair of eyes as big as stars in the sky above his soul space, slowly opening, that body as big as a galaxy, as if dispelling the mist of soul space. Shows that huge body.

Zhang Yue stared blankly at the alien beast the size of a galaxy, even if he was smashed through the soul body by the Space Insect General, he didn't notice it.

"Isn't this the strange beast that besieged the herder?" Zhang Yue said blankly, he didn't know why this strange beast would appear in his soul space.

Suddenly, a strange cry came from Zhang Yue's soul space.

The space worm will be directly annihilated and become soul fragments in the soul space.

"Not good, withdraw!" The worm mother ran out of spirits, and quickly withdrew from Zhang Yue's soul space, but half of her soul body was also wiped out by that strange cry.

Zhang Yue also fell into a coma.

At this time, the alien beast that was as big as a galaxy disappeared, and a yellow fur ball like a football jumped to Zhang Yue's side.

The Maoqiu looked towards Zhang Yue who was unconscious and his eyes were filled with tears.

"I don't remember how many eras. Anyway, I won't go back to that horrible place."

"That wicked herder, raised me as an animal in that universe."

"Either it was eaten by him, or the soul was taken to gather the essence of the soul."

"It's all right now, the millennium plan has finally succeeded."

"Now I am finally, um, half a free man." Mao Qiu said here, the high voice lowered halfway.

"It's okay, take your time, wait until this little guy is promoted to the true god, and I will talk about it after he has the kingdom of God."

At this moment, stretched out a small hand from the fur ball, sucked the fragment of the soul that had just been extinct in Zhang Yue's soul space, and turned it into a ball of soul light.

A white flame appeared below the ball of light. After a while, the ball of soul light turned into a ball of pure soul energy, which was slapped on Zhang Yue's soul body by a fur ball.

Then Mao Qiu felt Zhang Yue's soul breath.

"It's interesting. It's rare that the twin universe can coexist so harmoniously. It should be the invading will of another universe."

"Forget it, anyway, after this kid is promoted to the true **** and established in the gods, I can get out of trouble. The immortality of this universe has nothing to do with me."

After Mao Qiu finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Yue and said, "Little guy, after eating my meat, you will pay off your debts slowly."

Then Mao Qiu hid deep in Zhang Yue's soul.

Ten thousand races battlefield, core area, in the ancient tree base of the moonlight elves.

"so big!!"

Zhang Yue yelled, suddenly startled from the bed, and then looked around in shock.

"Isn't this my room, I'm not dead!" Zhang Yue said in surprise, and then began to perceive his own situation.

After a while, Zhang Yue's expression began to become weird.

"My strength seems to be stronger again, and my soul has grown too." Zhang Yue said in disbelief.

In Zhang Yue's perception, his soul was twice as powerful, the extremes of the earth and the hidden earth could be controlled, and the earth's protection had already become powerful.

At this time, there was a knock outside the door.

"Go in." Zhang Yue said, he was still in confusion now, what happened after that huge alien beast.

Lin Dong pushed the door in.

"Just now the system in the base told me that Brother Yue is awake. I'll hurry over and take a look."

Lin Dong handed Zhang Yue a glass of water.

Zhang Yue drank the water in one sip and asked Lin Dong, "How did I get back."

"Sister Yuexi brought you back, she said, your soul is hurt and needs recuperation."

"She also marveled that Brother Yue's soul strength is so powerful that he can defeat the Zerg who is good at the way of the soul."

"Now, all the zergs in the battlefield of ten thousand races have all disappeared. It is estimated that the entire battlefield of ten thousand races is left with our base."

Lin Dong told Zhang Yue everything he knew.

"What time is it now."

Zhang Yue got out of bed and moved his stiff body~www.ltnovel.com~ I felt like he had been lying in bed for at least three days.

"There are still three days to return to the world of the heavens." Lin Dong said a little bit reluctantly. After there was no threat from the Zerg, he felt that it would be nice to stay on the battlefield of ten thousand races.

"So I lay in bed for half a month."

"Yeah." Lin Dong nodded and said.

"Time flies so fast, we will return soon." Zhang Yue said with emotion.

"Yes, I won't see Sister Yuexi in the future." Lin Dong also regretted.

Hearing what Lin Dong said, Zhang Yue suddenly asked with interest: "Do you want to marry your sister Yuexi home."

"Brother Yue, what do you think of me? I just want to have a sister like Yuexi." Lin Dong said hurriedly.

"Pretty sister?" Zhang Yue said jokingly.

After speaking, Zhang Yue walked out of the room and walked towards the dining room. He was very hungry now.

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