Once again caught by the hand of the earth, Zhang Yue quickly stabilized his figure, holding a shield and looking at the **** general Chenyi, his heart, the power of the earth, finally had a little effect.

   was shrouded by the extremes of the earth again, the **** general Chenyi's world will blessing was much weaker, and his attack power was reduced by 30%.

   "There is hope." Zhang Yue's expression was slightly happy, and he secretly increased the output of the Polar Power.

  ‘Boom! ’

   The earth shook, Zhang Yue backed more than ten steps with his shield, the expression on his face began to boil with fighting spirit.

   Under the suppression of Zhang Yue's extreme power, earth force field, shield power, and gravity, the attack power of the **** general was reduced to the four cities. I want to be able to defend against the attack of the **** general in Zhang Yue.

   Watching the **** general attack again with a halberd, Zhang Yue said: "It's hard steel time again, if it weren't for the earth body, I would have been shaken to death."

   Zhang Yue greeted him with a shield.

   At this time, everyone who was watching the battle on the periphery began to sacrifice their own defensive methods to resist the aftermath of Zhang Yue and the gods fighting.

   Chu Feng watched the peaks in the sky smashed down, the hundred-meter-long giant halberd furiously attacked, and the sound of extremely shocking fighting, felt that his own knowledge was refreshed again.

   "Brother Yue, you lied to me, what is your legendary top evaluation, otherwise, you would have died eight hundred times."

   "Never say close to the **** level." Chu Feng curled his lips.

   "Don't talk, watch the battle seriously."

   The girl next to Chu Feng stared at the water curtain and said, her expression was quite nervous.

   "You seem to be nervous." Chu Feng said curiously.

   "You think of us as prisoners who are about to be released, how can you not be nervous." The girl quickly said, her eyes fixed on Zhang Yue who was fighting in the water curtain.

   "Well, you guys..."

  ‘Boom! ! ! ’

   Before Chu Feng finished speaking, he was interrupted by a voice resounding throughout the world.

  The **** general Chen Yi held a halberd to gather the power of the supreme world, and swept towards Zhang Yue.

   "Euphorbia Yokogawa"

   Zhang Yue felt the devastating power of the euphorbia, his hairs exploded, and the strongest power was quickly running.

  ’Earth Force Field: Everlasting Shield Mountain. ’

   A yellow crystal mountain stood in front of Zhang Yue. This was the shield mountain that Zhang Yue condensed underground at the beginning.

   Zhang Yue, who was locked in by the will of the world at this time, couldn't escape at all.

   "Block it, you must block it, or else the body of the earth will be ruined." Zhang Yue said, the one who is dangerous to life is still lingering.

  ‘Boom! ! ’

   The giant halberd collided with the mountain peak, and the Shield Mountain just blocked it for a while before it collapsed. The giant halberd reached Zhang Yue's shield with the power of the infinite world.

'boom! ! ’

   Zhang Yue flew into the distance like a cannonball, this time there was no hand of the earth to intercept it.

   "Is it over?" The God General said blankly as he watched Zhang Yue flying into the distance.

   "Brother Yue!"

   Chu Feng exclaimed, in the last attack of the God General, even when he was a kilometer away, he felt his soul trembled, and he could be attacked from the front, how did it feel?

   Chu Feng said he was about to enter the arena to check Zhang Yue's situation.

   "I'm going, you'd better not go in, if you don't care about winning or losing," said the ascetic girl.

   Chu Feng stopped his steps to step into the arena, and he saw Zhang Yue’s exclusive earth element giant leading Zhang Yue towards the direction of the **** general.

   "You are very stubborn. If you are in the outside world, a arrogant like you can squeeze me to death. Unfortunately, in this world, I am a god." The **** general said faintly to Zhang Yue in the distance.

   "No regrets, so what if you are a god." Zhang Yue said embarrassedly while supporting the earth elemental giant. The attack just now broke the body of the earth directly, and fortunately, the heavy iron armor on his body resisted the last force.

   "Give up, you are already injured."

   God will look at Zhang Yue faintly.

   "Speaking of I still have to thank you, if it were not for your last attack, I would never figure out what the so-called will of the world is." Zhang Yue spit out blood to the ground and said with a smile.

   "The power of the earth."

   A light yellow enchantment started to spread around Zhang Yue.

   "I can't fight the whole world, but in this small arena, I can still block the power of the outside world."

  The barrier covers the entire arena, blocking the power of the world to the outside.

   "Treasure your remaining world power, after all, it will be gone after all."

   After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he let the earth elemental giant rush towards the **** general with a shield, while he was absorbing the power of the earth to recover his injuries.

after an hour.

   At this time, the **** general has recovered his mind, and looked at Zhang Yue in surprise and said: "You won, I didn't expect that you could shield the power of the world in the end."

   "This is also the trump card that I dare to challenge you, but you, who are blessed by the will of the world, are really powerful. You are both a god-level powerhouse, and you almost beat me up." Zhang Yue said.

"Haha, without the will of the world, I can't move you at all. What's even more powerful is you. Now everything is about to end, and the world will be liberated." God General Chenyi said with emotion, then looked at Zhang Yue and said : "Can I ask you something."

   "I can promise whatever I can." Zhang Yue didn't randomly promise, the power of destiny is real in the world of heaven.

   "After you have the ability ~www.ltnovel.com~ can you send this world back to our universe?" Shen Jiang Chenyi said, he knew he had no chance.

   "Follow me back to the world of the heavens. When you are strong enough, you will bring this world back by yourself. I won't help with that." Zhang Yue said.

   "I have no chance."

   The **** general Chenyi took out a **** world heart from his heart and handed it to Zhang Yue.

   "Now I have less than 10 minutes of life left, so I beg you to promise, the most rewarding, I will have a great gift to give." The **** general Chen Yi said pale, he has lost the support of life.

   "You put the heart of the world back, can you live longer, do you have anything else to do beforehand?" Zhang Yue said while looking at the **** Jiangchen.

The **** put the blood-colored heart of the world in Zhang Yue's hand and said: "Except for that, I have done everything I dare to do. I have been guarding this boring world for more than 700 years. "

   "Now please take good care of it."

   The **** general Chenyi said, his whole body began to burn, and finally turned into a wisp of blue smoke floating towards the sky.

   "After 700 years of boredom, you are also relieved."

   "But, what about your gift?" Zhang Yue said depressed.

As soon as the voice fell, a white ball of light burrowed into Zhang Yue’s mind. The **** Chenyi, who practiced Fang Tian’s halberd painting since childhood, and the experience of the halberd mastery 300 years ago, have been completely imprinted in Zhang Yue’s mind. in.

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