The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 295: Yanguicheng

   With the sound of three explosions, everyone's faces became more ugly.

   At this time, everyone on the spacecraft got news that there was a huge wave of beasts in front of it, and four semi-divine beasts had been discovered so far.

   "Such a large-scale animal tide has not happened in the human race for a long time, it must be a ghost of a foreign race." Lu Heng said with an ugly face.

   Looking from the spaceship at this time, I can already vaguely see the beast tide in the distance.

   "The tide of beasts has captured four cities. If I guess it is correct, the main human race in the northern frontier area behind will be caught in a dilemma."

   "To quell the tide of beasts, the werewolves in the front line of defense will inevitably overwhelm."

   "If the animal tide is not calmed, the rear will not be protected."

   "It's really too cruel." Chu Feng said through gritted teeth.

   A virtual screen appeared, and the situation of the super-large animal tide was broadcast live.

   "What shall we do under Brother Yue?" Ning Xiu asked.

   "Go to Yanguicheng and help them fight the beast tide together." Zhang Yue said while watching the news on the screen.

   "Good," everyone agreed.

   Yunjian spacecraft flew towards Yanguicheng with all its strength.

   Yanguicheng, one of the ten largest cities in the northern frontier region, is also the transportation hub, economic center, and logistics center of the entire northern frontier region.

   During the flight of the spacecraft, there were two more explosions.

   Zhang Yue clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were a little red, and he became a demigod in the future. He swears that one of these demigods is counted as one, and all of them are made into statues.

   "Brother Yue, don't be angry, it's just an empty city behind that exploded. Those who don't have time to retreat will be offline." Xu Lingxuan comforted.

   "I'm fine, I just feel that I am too weak now. If I were a demigod, these strange beasts would have to die." Zhang Yue said.

   After a short while, the spacecraft was already close to 000 kilometers from Yangui City.

   In the sky, countless flying alien beasts are flying towards Yangui City, almost occupying the entire sky. Only when the spacecraft is at an altitude of 0 million meters, can it avoid the flying alien beasts below.

   Everyone looked at the darkened area below, and rushed towards Yangui City like a torrent.

   "Can this be held?" Ning Xiu murmured, not that he said frustrating words, mainly because there are really too many alien beasts below, and the lowest-level alien beasts are also intermediate.

   "Most of the below are mid-level monsters. As far as I can see, I can kill them all."

   "As for the high-level, all I can do is to weaken their strength a little bit." Zhang Yue said, this is the greatest extent he can do so far.

   "Brother Yue, when will you advance to the Intermediate Level, will the high-level monsters be killed by that time?" Lu Heng was speechless, and everything you said was so easy.

  At this time, the spacecraft contacted the main control system of Yanguicheng to indicate its intention and obtained the access permission.

   The spacecraft stopped over Yangui City, at the top of the city shield.

   The shield opened a gap, and Yunjian entered.

   A staff officer in the military headquarters of Yan returned to the city was waiting for them.

   "Hello, in accordance with the requirements of your firefighting team, I will lead you to the A9 defense zone."

   "Also, thank you for helping Yan return to the city."

   The staff officer gave a military salute to Zhang Yue and the others, and everyone hurriedly returned the salute.

   "If you see it, you can't ignore it," Zhang Yue said.

   "Let's go, I will take you to the A9 area, which is the area next to the main battlefield, which is very important."

   "The Yanguicheng defense system can still last for one hour at present." As soon as the military staff had finished speaking, a lightning ball in the sky hit the shield, causing a wave of ripples in the shield.

   "This is the attack of the semi-divine beast Leiji beast, don't care, it can withstand it." As soon as the staff officer finished speaking, there were several explosions above the shield.

   The staff drove out of the city with Zhang Yue and the others.

   "At present, 5 semi-divine beasts have been discovered, and there are more than 60,000 Tier 9 beasts." The staff officer introduced while driving.

   "The five top demigods of the human race have arrived in Yanguicheng, plus the iron fist boss, there should be no problem holding them."

   "I just don't know what to do on the werewolf defense line."

  The staff began to introduce the situation of Yan's return to the city.

   Zhang Yue has been quietly listening to the staff's introduction, thinking in his heart that after defending the city this time, he will find his master, he will be promoted to the middle level.

   drove out of the city gate and drove towards a certain area under the city wall.

   A9 area, the strange beast outside the shield that the commander looked at, his eyes shot out fire.

   "This group of wild animals, the cities that were destroyed all have Lao Tzu's properties, and I must make you look good today."

   The commander said to the mechanic who was checking the weapons and equipment behind him: "Lao Miao, don't be stingy in this battle. Take out the housekeeper's treasure, otherwise I can't look at it."

   "Don't worry, one of the strange beasts in our defense area can't run away." The mechanic called Lao Miao said, he patted the one-person-high shell box next to him. This is half of his belongings.

   At this time, the staff officer took Zhang Yue to the A9 area.

   "Commander Wang, these are the members of the firefighting team who are here to assist our city and help you defend the to make up for your lack of close combat." The staff officer looked at Commander Wang and said.

   The head of the king instantly put away the scornful expression, and gave a military salute to several people.

   "First of all, thank you for coming to help. I can see that you are all children of the big family and the arrogance of our human race."

   "You shouldn't come to such a dangerous place. If you are killed in a battle, you are an ordinary soldier."

   "Here, it's a waste of your talents, go back, don't mess with me." Head Wang said sincerely.

For the children of the big family, he used to be very welcome, until one time, in a battle against a foreign beast, when a perfect-level Tianjiao saved an ordinary soldier from dying under the giant claws of a foreign beast, he He began to oppose those Tianjiao going to dangerous places.

The Tianjiao who died under his eyelids did not have a sense of superiority when he first came here. He is kind to others and likes to make friends. His talent is also first-class. If nothing happens, he will definitely be promoted in the future. Rank, the existence of the ninth-ranked boss, maybe there will be more demigods in the human race.

   It's a pity, dead.

   "Head Wang, you are a Tier 7 shield bearer and my predecessor." Zhang Yue said.

"I know, I noticed you as soon as I arrived. I was thinking that there is another Tianjiao among our shield bearers." Head Wang looked at Zhang Yue and said with a smile. For juniors of the same profession, he has always been very Take care, but there are really too few shield holders.

   "Head Wang, hello, my name is Xiong Ti."

   Zhang Yue smiled and stretched out his hand, and quietly opened the shield, exerting all on the head of Wang.

   At this time, Head Wang's expression changed.

   "I was so **** suppressed by a third-tier shield holding a shield!"

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