The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 310: Advance to Intermediate

Starlight Little Snake looked at Zhang Yue, who had only the skeleton left, touched his head and said, "No. How could it be so miserable."

"In my memory, failure at most fainted, and now this scene looks a little suspended."

At this time, Kabbah, the little starlight snake, felt a little wrong, and he found that his body began to blur.

"Damn, the car overturned."

"No, I looked at this kid not like a short-lived person."

At this time, Baka, the little starlight snake, began to panic.

At this moment, Starlight Little Snake suddenly felt a hot breath coming from the sky, an extremely huge sun occupying half of the sky in the star realm.

At the moment when the sun appeared in the sky, the energy in Zhang Yue's body instantly transformed into a liquid state, extremely viscous.

The three-color flames burning all over the body drilled into Zhang Yue's condensed energy liquid.

Outside the star realm, a multicolored divine light from the will of the universe instantly passed through the star realm and fell on Zhang Yue.

Bone and raw meat, spiritual derivation, soul sublimation.

In a moment, a pile of bones changed back to the original Zhang Yue.

In Zhang Yue's soul space, the two huge shields began to merge slowly, and finally transformed into a huge shield completely condensed by the laws of earth and stars, and a star appeared in the center of the huge shield.

Outside, the entire star realm began to vibrate, and all cosmic energy and starlight energy began to converge towards Zhang Yue.

Under the blessing of countless energy and starlight energy, Zhang Yue began to advance.

Fourth-order low-level, fourth-order intermediate, fourth-order high-level·············

It wasn't until the sixth-order high-end that Zhang Yue stopped absorbing energy.

The star that appeared in the sky began to gradually become smaller, and finally blurred, returning to the core position of Zhang Yue's star map.

When calm between heaven and earth returns, the star map returns to Zhang Yue's spiritual space.

Zhang Yue slowly opened his eyes and found that the world had changed completely at this time, as if he could control the world with a wave of his hand.

At this time, a bell rang throughout the space.

In Zhang Yue's spiritual space, a simple clock slowly condensed into Zhang Yue's huge shield condensed by law.

"Recognized by the law of time, this kid is too enchanting." Starlight Little Snake Baka was surprised. The law of time, without talent, can only master a little fur after being promoted to the **** queen.

"That said, there are probably other benefits to following this kid in the future." Starlight Little Snake Baka's small eyes began to spin quickly.

"You almost killed me."

Starlight Little Snake Baka took a halt, turned to look at Zhang Yue, and said with a smile: "I'm not all for your good."

"Look at you right now, you have reached the sky in one step, and you have directly promoted from Tier 3 to Tier 6. How much energy has been accumulated in the middle, that is the treatment that the top race geniuses of the sea of ​​the universe have."

"You should thank me." Starlight snake Baka said with his head up.

Zhang Yue looked at the Starlight Little Snake Baka, and wanted to kill it. After the secret method was activated, he was inferior to death. He didn't want to try it a second time. Hey, why is that so familiar.

Finally Zhang Yue sighed and said, "I should thank you."

"But next time, can you recommend a gentler secret method? It's already twice." Zhang Yue said helplessly.

"If you get it, then sell it for a good price. With this kind of secret method, others should burn it when they get one."

"Also pick and choose."

Starlight Little Snake Baka saw Zhang Yue's tone soften, and he instantly became hardened.

Looking at Starlight Little Snake Baka, Zhang Yue laughed. Yes, compared to the improvement in strength, this pain is nothing, as long as it can survive.

"Thank you, Baka." Zhang Yue said.

"Thank you, now I and you are one, and I will be more comfortable when you get better."

Thanks to Zhang Yue's promotion to the Intermediate level, Starlight Little Snake's body is more substantial.

The starlight snake now is no longer the original blurry scene.

Upon closer inspection, the Starlight Snake is a condensate of countless laws of the universe.

"Is there any secret method after that,"

"must have."

At this moment, a long, childlike sound resounded across the sky.


Zhang Yue looked up and found that he did not know when Xing Kun had already landed not far from Zhang Yue.

"You are here." Zhang Yue said hello.

"Comfort, energy, starlight, no, you, here." This is the message Zhang Yue received.

"Haha, sorry, I took away all your energy."

Zhang Yue talked about telepathy and opened the star gate outside the star realm.

An extremely violent starry sky energy was transmitted to the star realm in an instant, endlessly, but all the energy was caught by a treasure bottle condensed by starlight energy.

Half an hour later, the star gate was closed, and a treasure bottle taller one by one appeared beside Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue waved his hand, several crystals of other lines appeared in Zhang Yue's hand, and he put them away. Now the treasure bottle only has the purest cosmic energy and starlight energy.

"This is for you, as a reward for interrupting your rest." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

In my heart, I felt the changes in my own strength, just like the energy absorption of the star field just now for half an hour. The energy of the starlight alone is the amount of energy absorbed by him in a year, not to mention there is cosmic energy inside.


Xing Kun let out a cheerful cry, then stretched out the pink tongue and licked the tall treasure bottle into his stomach.

Then there was another cheerful cry.

"Boy, keep this little guy, maybe he can become your mount in the future."

"This little star Kun has the potential for transformation, plus you feed like this from time to time, transformation is definitely not a problem."

"The transformed Xingkun is definitely a good mount. It can ride and fight, and it has a special face when taken out." Starlight snake Baka said. Xingkun is very common in the sea of ​​the universe. It is only the lowest level of food, but it is transformed. The latter starkun is definitely in demand.

"Then keep it." Zhang Yue said, Starlight Little Snake Baka's recommendation is definitely a good thing.

After drinking the gift from Zhang Yue, Xing Kun started to become active, wandering in the sky excitedly, and yelled from time to time.

"It's still a really cute."

"I thought of the Dark Star Dragon I raised, which was so cute as a child."

"It's a pity that I didn't grow up, so I was greedy." Starlight Little Snake Baka said while looking at the cheerful Xing Kun in the sky.

What a pity you are a fart, you just wanted to eat it from the beginning, Zhang Yue thought in his heart.

"Do you have your own home?" Zhang Yue said to Xing Kun.


After receiving the reply, Zhang Yue took the starlight snake on a condensed earth boat and flew to the sky.

"No home, then make one for you."

Zhang Yue looked at Xing Kun's size, stretched out his right hand, and the void pressed the ground below.

Suddenly, the radius of a hundred li became a large flat square, all of which are condensed by Shield Mountain crystals, and they are all Shield Mountain crystals that can permanently and autonomously absorb the energy of the starlight. Presumably, Xing Kun will be very comfortable sleeping on it.

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