The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 312: guillotine

"Commander, in 40 seconds, our fleet will be in contact with the rescued fleet, and the opponent's spacecraft will be 5000 times the speed of sound." said a crew member sitting next to the instrument.

"The whole fleet landed and waited for the rescue of the other spacecraft."

"Materials, except for anti-matter materials, all the rest are discarded." The commander said quickly.

"It will take at least 5 minutes for the King Kong Ape Clan fleet to chase here. The time is so urgent, all speed."

While talking, the entire fleet landed quickly and orderly.

Less than 10,000 kilometers away from the rear, the Diamond Ape fleet detected that the Terran spacecraft had stopped.

A ninth-tier strongman of the King Kong Ape Clan smiled cruelly and said: "Are you admitting your fate? Indeed, if they can't run away, they might as well have a good fight."

"In this way, I still admire them for being a warrior." Another 9th-order King Kong Ape Clan said.

Zhang Yue stepped off the spaceship and looked at the hundreds of people and materials on the opposite side.

When the commander saw someone falling from the spacecraft, he hurried to meet him.

"Captain Xiong, there is no time to be polite, let us get on the spaceship, or the King Kong Ape Clan on the side will catch up."

Zhang Yue didn't say much, and directly let the hatch with the largest **** behind the Yunjian ship open.

Those who escorted the material hurriedly took the material onto the spacecraft.

"Can't it be put in the storage space?" Zhang Yue asked as he watched the staff carry the storage equipment.

"Antimatter, it's unstable when installed in the storage space." The commander said politely to Zhang Yue. Just now his daughter told him the identity of Captain Bear.

The closed disciple of Human Shield Wei Duntian's talent is second only to Zhang Yue who returned from the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Races. He has higher authority than him in the Human Race, so he told Zhang Yue about anti-matter matters.

"Is it because of the heavy anti-matter artillery?" Zhang Yue said, looking at the busy fleet personnel.

The commander just wanted to reply when a beast-like voice came from the sky.

"I said why you guys stopped, it turns out there is rescue."

"Good luck, got a high-powered sonic spacecraft."

At this time, a small spacecraft appeared in the sky and landed not far from Zhang Yue's spacecraft. From above, eight powerful ninth-order Diamond Ape Clan experts walked out.

"It depends on the face of this high-powered sonic spacecraft."

"Hand over the spaceship and material completely, you can call it the garbage spaceship and leave."

"How about, how about my conditions." The leader of the ninth-order diamond ape clan said with a grinning smile.

At this time, the commander spoke to Zhang Yue and said: "Captain Xiong, I will unite my team members, a total of three Tier 9 professionals, to stop them. You can take the opportunity to drive the spaceship to escape. These things can't fall on the King Kong Ape. In the hands of the clan,"

Zhang Yue ignored the commander, but looked at the eight King Kong ape tribes opposite with a foolish look.

"Are you taking the opportunity to show your IQ."

"It's ridiculous to let us go, we are destined to never die when we meet."

Looking at the eight Diamond Ape Clan, Zhang Yue always had a feeling in his heart that he could pinch them all to death with the hand of the earth.

Zhang Yue's words clearly angered the King Kong Ape Clan on the opposite side, and the staff in his hand was inserted into the ground.

‘Divine Art: Illusion. ’

A strange wave covered the audience.

"No, there is an illusion magician on the opposite side of the King Kong Ape Clan." The commander yelled, but then began to struggle in his eyes.

Zhang Yue stared at the eight high-ranking diamond ape tribes, the large fleet of the distant diamond ape tribes also chased here, and many high-ranking diamond ape tribes descended from the spacecraft.

"Is there a strong willpower? You should be the newest firefighting captain of the Human Race."

"One of the Tianjiao of the Human Race can die here," said the King Kong Ape Clan magician.

A smile came out from the corner of Zhang Yue's mouth, and said to the King Kong Ape Clan: "You are so sure, it is me who is dead."

"Could it be us." The King Kong Ape Tribe theoretician also began to laugh, the last humorous and interesting human race before death.

"Haha, you guessed it."

"Guillotine, get me up." Zhang Yue said loudly.

In an instant, all the King Kong ape tribes were caught by the hands of the earth emerging from the earth, and finally arranged evenly, and finally turned into guillotines.

The trapped King Kong Ape Clan instantly changed from joking expressions to panic, and finally to despair.

Zhang Yue walked to the guillotine in front of the King Kong Ape Clan theocracy with the name of the head and smiled and said, "How is it, you said you guessed it right."

"There is nothing to say about the king and the loser." The King Kong Ape Clan magician closed in despair and said.

"Give you a chance to survive. You scold the ancestor of the sky ape vigorously. The more ugly the scolding, the better. When I am satisfied, I will let you go."

"How about it, how is my condition?" Zhang Yue said with squinting eyes.

"Are you taking the opportunity to show your IQ?" The Diamond Ape Clan magician repeated what Zhang Yue had just said.

At this time, the trapped King Kong Ape Clan began to scold Zhang Yue, but then his mouth was blocked.

"It seems that I think too much, the racial will is so easily disintegrated."

"You all get on the road, don't be the King Kong Ape Clan in your next life."

"Oh no, there will be no King Kong Ape Clan in your next life."

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, countless blades made of shield mountain crystal appeared in the sky, and they were severely chopped down.

At a time, 200 heads of the King Kong Ape Clan fell to the ground.

"High-ranking is now pressure-free." Zhang Yue sighed. He didn't expect the secret method given by Starlight Little Snake Baka to be so powerful. Now his combat power should be at the top level of Tier Nine, and there is no pressure to kill Tier Nine Diamond Ape Clan.

When trapping the King Kong Ape Clan, Zhang Yue used the power of the earth and sea and the extremes of the earth to completely trap them.

"You can ignore the enemies below the demigod in the future."

"Of course, the Tianjiao of the top first-class races should pay attention." Zhang Yue said, looking at the heads all over the floor.


After being blessed by Zhang Yuedun's power, the human crew members who were still sinking began to wake up.

"Heaven, beauty, how come the energy points are gone."

"My wife, don't leave me."

"Son, don't go to the battlefield anymore. We only need one to deal with the country."

" I finally brought your mother out of hell."

The crew members who woke up began to cry or laugh.

Finally, it stabilized with the passage of time, and then all looked at Zhang Yue.

"Don't worry, it seems to have disturbed your dreams, but now the task is important."

"Otherwise, we're all over by the demigod of the Diamond Ape Clan," Zhang Yue said with a smile, and the feeling of waking up from a dream is indeed very bad.

At this time, the commander came over and looked at the heads of the King Kong Ape Clan, and said in shock: "Captain Bear, what did you just post?"

"We were saved by an alien demigod named Baka, and then the alien predecessor left."

"As for why I saved us, it said I was handsome and must be a good person, and killed all the King Kong Ape Clan at will."

Zhang Yue casually changed a reason and said that it is better to hide his true combat power first.

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