The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 317: Akagi Youkai

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"Promoted to the Intermediate level." Wei Duntian asked.


"Then chopped off the heads of more than 10 high-ranking King Kong apes."

"Yes, I wanted to test my own combat power at that time." Zhang Yue said.


"As expected of my disciple and grandson, no, you are Xiong Ti now, you are my disciple of Wei Duntian." Wei Duntian said with a wild laugh.

"Master, how do you know that I killed those high-ranking diamond ape tribes? I lied to them that it was an alien passing by. I helped solve the trouble." Zhang Yue said puzzledly.

"You are a fool when you are a human intelligence department. When you come back from the promotion, the way you kill the King Kong Ape Clan and behead your head is completely consistent with your previous behavior."

"I don't know if it's you, they're done." Wei Duntian said with a smile, and then looked at Zhang Yue carefully, and said with satisfaction: "Our human race finally has its own top evil spirit, depending on your growth rate, you It is estimated that it will not take 50 years to advance to a demigod."

"Master, at most 20 years, I will be promoted to a demigod. Then we will lead the other demigods into the holy city of the King Kong Ape Clan." Zhang Yuehao said in a spirited voice.

After Wei Duntian heard what Zhang Yue said, he became even more excited.

"Hahaha, well, these words are to my appetite, this is what I have always wanted to do."

Mu Guang looked at the excited old one: "Okay, don't get excited. The days to come will be very long, so you should be steady first and don't overturn the car."

Wei Duntian glanced at Mu Guang and said: "Your set, first make a living, wait for Xiaoyue to become a demigod, this suffocation must come out well."

"King Kong ape tribe and werewolf tribe, don't leave one."

"There are also those demigods who took the opportunity to make trouble, all of them peeled off the skin, cramped and ate the meat, not one left."

As Wei Duntian spoke, his murderous aura was unconsciously released.

"Know, take the momentum first, don't scare Xiaoyue." Mu Guang reminded, as the human race enters the age of the heavens, after experiencing the race war with the rat race, there is no human mother to sympathize with those alien races.

In the current human concept. Either a friend or an enemy, since it is an enemy, then kill them all.

Wei Duntian put away his murderous aura, thought for a while, and said to Zhang Yue uneasy: "Xiaoyue, although you have a solid foundation, when you were promoted to the middle level, you jumped directly to the sixth high level."

"But don't worry about getting promoted to the higher ranks. Let me tell you that you have to settle for at least 10 years in the middle rank before you can advance to the higher ranks."

"Now the war situation is a bit slowing down. The ancestor of the miscellaneous hair has not taken any action recently, and the offensive of the werewolves has also begun to slow."

"It is speculated that it may enter the previous state in the next few years."

"The ancestor of the sky ape probably has a brain again, knowing that even if the race is promoted to a second-rate race, there is a gift from the heavens, and it will take time to digest."

"The thing I was most afraid of before was that the ancestor of the sky ape quietly promoted to the true god, and then the whole race began to improve its strength, and finally gave the Terran a thunderous blow."

"But who knows that this guy is crazy, he just came over to look for trouble when he was promoted to the true god, but he was injured twice. I guess he is calm now."

"But what about being calm, I have my disciples, even if they are attacking the human race after 50 years of cultivation."

"At that time they will face Xiao Yue who is countless times stronger than me. Then I can retire and travel the world of heaven."

Wei Duntian got more and more proud as he spoke, the uncontrollable smile made Mu Guang look speechless. I don't know when, Wei Duntian likes to fantasize about the future more and more.

"Wake up, are you celebrating in advance? Calm down, you can be happy by that day." Mu Guang said silently, and a purple light hit Wei Duntian.

"Lao Mu, what is this."

"Just research it out, call it Calm Light."

"Don't have too much longing at this time. Once there is a change, your mood will collapse and the demigod will be broken." Mu Guang said.

"Okay." Wei Duntian said, feeling the coolness in the South China Sea.

After reading what they said, Zhang Yue took out a space ring and handed it to Mu Guang.

"Senior Mu, this is the galaxy water I just took. You can use it as an essence."

After speaking, he took out a space ring and handed it to Wei Duntian and said, "Master, here are the Star Iron Mine and the Azure Copper Mine, you put it away."

"I'm interested, now you are probably the biggest creditor of Human Race."

"Now on the human battlefield, as long as it is a high-level shield holder, now it has a set of SSS star iron heavy armor and a large shield equipment, and the overall combat power has been improved several levels."

"With this batch of Star Iron Mines, Cui Qi is estimated to be able to make several large battlefield semi-artifacts. Then you can just wait to collect the rent." Wei Duntian said.

"It's all up to the master's arrangement." Zhang Yue said, he is not interested in making money, so he doesn't suffer a loss, so he should make a contribution to the human race in disguise.

After Zhang Yue had a meal with Wei Duntian and Mu Guang, they took the teleportation array to the capital area. He wanted to see his girlfriend, Zhao Yunshu, who had not seen each other for a long time.

At the center of the 56th main city teleportation array, Zhang Yue walked out of the cross-regional teleportation array. It was Zhang Yue who used his authority to find out the location of Zhao Yunshu.

"Unexpectedly, Yun Shu came here to experience." Zhang Yue said, looking at Zhao Yunshu's location information.

3000 kilometers east of the No. 56 main city, a team of women is cautiously walking in the jungle of giant trees.

At this time, a tall and strong female shield-bearer headed by, holding a large shield and looking around warily.

"I made a mistake. In order to chase a Tier 5 Moon Firefox, I went to the Tier 6 area without notice."

"I'm very reluctant to resist a Tier 5 alien beast. Sister Yun Shu, you have to help me when you encounter a Tier 6 alien beast." said the tall and strong female shield bearer. In her eyes, Zhao Yunshu is the best in the team. The thick thighs are unfathomable.

" don't worry, I will protect you." Zhao Yunshu nodded and said, with the help of the famous teacher and the help of the artifact, it is not a problem to help everyone survive under the hands of the sixth-order monster.

"Haha, sister Yun Shu is still caring."

The two-meter-high Zhuangling touched her head very badly. As a shield bearer, she still needs the protection of her teammates. If the master knew about it, she would break her leg.

Looking at the embarrassed Zhuang Ling, the other teammates all laughed. They all smiled kindly, without any sarcasm.

At this moment, a tiger roar interrupted the conversation.

Everyone's face changed slightly.

"No, this should be the Tier 6 monster Scarlet Wood Demon Tiger. Retreat quickly and don't anger it." Zhao Yunshu said a little nervously. Although his combat power can barely match the Tier 6 monster, he faced it for the first time. It is inevitable to be a little nervous.

Another tiger roar came, interrupting everyone's fluke mentality, and they found that the Scarlet Wood Demon Tiger came to their team.

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