The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 322: Trial in the Secret Realm

Latest URL: Everyone thought about it for a while, and felt that this was fine too.

At this moment, Zhang Yue's communicator remembered that it was a video call made by a military contact person.

Zhang Yue connected, and a girl with a double ponytail in a military uniform appeared.

"Why is it even counted today?" Zhang Yue said as he looked at the girl's double ponytails. He knew that there was no urgency on the girl's face, and he knew that there was no need to rush for this mission.

"Because today is an even number."

The return of the double ponytail girl made everyone bewildered.

"What task?" Zhang Yue stroked his head and said, he found that today is indeed an even number.

"Minister Lu invites you to meet in the Sky City, Human Headquarters."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yue asked suspiciously, this place is not accessible to anyone.

"It seems to be an assignment abroad, I am not very clear about the details."

"Then go." Zhang Yue said.

At the same time, Lu Kun was comforting the angry Wei Duntian.

"Old Lu, believe it or not, I will punch your **** out."

Wei Duntian's eyes full of anger caused Lu Kun to froze, and now he had to admit that he could no longer control Wei Duntian.

"At this critical time, you actually want to send Xiaoyue's to the tauren clan to participate in some universe trial, and your brain is dung." Wei Duntian shouted at Lu Kun in the video.

At this time Wei Duntian Zhenzhen went to the Sky City to look for Lu Kun, and pricked his mind to see what was inside. Today, he was in a good mood and felt that the future could be expected. He even began to imagine that after Zhang Yue was promoted to a demigod, he would take the person who had been waiting for his confession to travel around the world.

Unexpectedly, this beautiful scene would be ruined by Lu Kun's words, just like that, the good mood of the day was gone.

"There is a task that requires Zhang Yue to go to the territory of the Tauren clan to participate in the secret trial organized by the Haijiao Continental Divine Grace Alliance."

A word instantly exploded Wei Duntian.

Lu Kun looked at the furious Wei Duntian and began to patiently explain the benefits of this trial.

"Your disciple Zhangyue is healing in the hospital. The one who went to the tauren clan is your last disciple Xiong Ti."

"In this trial reward, there is a godhead. Although the human refining the godhead will affect the potential of the race, there should be nothing wrong with leaving a guarantee." Lu Kun said patiently.

"Why don't you tell me how much death is in the trials organized by the **** alliance in the past?" Wei Duntian asked, his expression no longer as angry as before.

"How much mortality is on the battlefield of ten thousand races, with Xiao Yue leading the team, this trial is absolutely no problem."

"The strong never grew up under the protection of everyone."

"Furthermore, it is your apprentice Xiong Ti and not Zhang Yue. No one knows the true identity of Xiao Yue except those from the firefighting team." Lu Kun said, he had sent a illusionist to know Zhang except for the firefighting team. The memories of people with Yue identity are adjusted.

Wei Duntian sighed. He knew that his anger was indispensable.

"You know I won't stop Zhang Yue from sending out, so you came to comfort me." Wei Duntian said while looking at Lu Kun.

"After all, you are now the only shield of our human race that can stop the true god, and your opinion must be considered." Lu Kun said, thinking that this old thing is getting more and more uncomfortable.

"Well, my opinion is not to send Zhang Yue out." Wei Duntian turned his head and said.


Lu Kun almost couldn't get out in one breath, but then began to persuade him, and finally made Wei Duntian agree to this request on the condition that he personally come to a PK match with Wei Duntian.

Zhang Yue led the team to make a teleportation array to the middle of the human race in the Sky City.

The Terran Headquarters, nicknamed the human brain, is not a magnificent building in Zhang Yue's imagination, but a large fragmented world.

After entering, Zhang Yue took a group of curious teammates and began to look around. There were countless drones in the sky that passed documents, and pedestrians hurrying up and down dressed as public officials.

At this time, a fully automatic speed car stopped in front of everyone.

"Firefighter, please get in the car."

An electronic sound played.

After the whole team got on the car, the speeding car started, flew into the sky, and flew in a certain direction.

"The architectural style here is so strange, it looks like a corner in a gossip picture." Zhang Yue said while looking at the city below.

At this time, the broadcast on the speed car came up.

"The city below you is Gancheng, the office in charge of the high-level human and demigod powerhouses, and one of the eight outer cities."

"The Terran Headquarters is divided into eight outer cities, 60% inside and two core cities, which means gossip."

Zhang Yuezheng was interrupted by Lu Heng when he listened to the explanation of the speed broadcast.

"Brother Yue, what's the point of listening to a semi-intelligent, I'll tell you it's not good." Lu Heng sat next to Zhang Yue, holding his body that was about to be crushed by gravity.

"This is how the human race discovered the large fragmented world 90 years ago. This world is rather peculiar. The entrance is in the air."

"When opening up wasteland, I discovered that there is a group of brain races with superior intelligence. If you want to get the heart of the world, you have to beat them in intelligence, no matter what way you use."

"At that time, the human race gathered the people with the highest racial intelligence to develop this world. It took 4 months. Finally, the brain races recognized that the human race was superior to them in intelligence and gave the heart of the world."

"It's a pity that after refining the heart of the world, the brain race also perishes, and finally becomes the nourishment of the world."

"In the subsequent development, it was discovered that the world exudes a rising gas, which has a very good role in promoting the development of the human brain, and the humans resident here can maintain a rational and efficient work state for a long time."

"Later there was the Sky City and Terran Headquarters."

"As for the layout here, it was designed and constructed by a metaphysical master of our human race to construct the congenital gossip and two rites world, which has the effect of suppressing the movement of the race.

"It is said that this Terran headquarters handles 70% of our Terran information."

Lu Heng said in a few words the origin of the Human Race headquarters.

After finishing talking Speed ​​also reached the destination, a huge circular city.

"The blood city is here, please get off the bus."

After Zhang Yue got off the car with everyone, a staff member led him to the center of the city.

Outside the door of a magnificent administrative building, Lu Kun waited outside.

"Brother Yue, looking at this task is not easy." Lu Heng said quietly to Zhang Yue.

Zhang Yue returned a puzzled look.

"Last time I saw my grandfather smile like this, and then you were fooled into the battlefield of ten thousand races." Lu Heng said again.

After listening to Lu Heng's words, Zhang Yue's heart began to excite, is there another place like the Ten Thousand Clan Battlefield?



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