The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 324: Come back home

Latest website: At this time, Lu Kun patted Lu Heng on the shoulder, feeling wrong, and patted again.

"Grandpa, are you planning to let my dad practice the trumpet?"

Lu Heng clutched his shoulder and bared his teeth and said, the demigod pat on his shoulder really hurts.

"Xiao Heng, the gravity around you is different, have you been caught in a curse or other secret technique?" Lu Kun said solemnly, and someone in the human race actually moved his grandson.

"Uh, this is because I asked Brother Yue to help me adjust the gravity for exercise." Lu Heng said, of course he wouldn't say that it was caused by mouth hi.

"You are harder than your father. In the future, you must carry the banner of our Lu family."

Lu Kun nodded in satisfaction, and he became more satisfied with Lu Heng.

Zhang Yue returned to the temporary station with the fire fighting team.

"It's all gone. You know the time and place. Just come and gather at that time." Zhang Yue looked at the crowd and said, before arriving first, he had just rested for half a month.

"Is it a secret realm like the battlefield of ten thousand races again?" Ji Xiayun said with bright eyes, since she was a young Taoist artifact, she hasn't gone anywhere.

"I'm really looking forward to it." Ning Xiu said with a smile, why not take it for the benefit and fight with the boss.

Cai Celadon didn't speak, only the warlike eyes that represented everything. Last time he was promoted to the mid-level and missed the opportunity to enter the battlefield of ten thousand races. This time in this secret realm, he must meet the geniuses of all races.

"Brother Yue, please take the flight."

The five words of Chu Feng expressed his intentions.

"Then go back and prepare early."

Zhang Yue originally wanted to tell his family members, but later thought of Chu Feng, but did not say anything.

In the water blue area, Zhang Yue appeared on the top of the cloud tower like a Xiong Ti, and then returned to the water blue city home and went offline.

When Zhang Yue returned home, it was dusk.

There was no one at home, so Zhang Yue walked into the yard.

"Little master, little master, don't you want to run so fast."

On the grass covered with golden light, a four-month-old child ran happily on the grass, and there was an elf behind it.

Accompanied by the child's silver bell-like laughter and the anxious and lovely voice of the elves, Zhang Yue felt that this scene instantly infected his soul.

Zhang Xingyu, who was running, was instantly covered with cloud-like plants, which dragged him up.

The plant took root under its feet and ran in the direction of Li Lengzhen.

"Little master, you can't run away." The plant elves said with a puffed face. Since the little master will leave, it has been stable every day, and he has no time to talk to another little boy who is about to be born on the tree. The partner chatted.

"Didn't you put a barrier around you? You are still afraid of him running."

Zhang Yue quietly walked to the side of the plant elf and said that he was very satisfied with the little butler sent by Yuexi this year.


A grandma's voice sounded, and Zhang Yue's calf was hugged.

"You little troublemaker, you can't settle for a while."

Zhang Yue smiled and hugged Zhang Xingyu.

"Xiao Yue, you are back."

Li Lengzhen never walked far away, with surprise in her tone.

"Well, I'll have a trip to the far door in a while, now I will go home and see you."

Zhang Yue smiled, and being with the family was his most relaxing moment.

"My dad." Zhang Yue asked.

When he left last time, he remembered that Zhang Shaohui was planning to retire, and he had the support of his family.

"I can't get down, so I went to work again, saying that I was training more fighters for the human race." Li Lengzhen said.

"Yes, life expectancy has greatly increased after being promoted to the middle level. My dad is in his heyday and can't take any time off."

Zhang Yue said, holding Zhang Xingyu and walked to the bench under the one hundred-meter giant tree and sat down.

"Are you going out again?" Li Lengzhen said worriedly.


Zhang Yue nodded, thought for a while and said, "Mom, I am very strong now. It is not easy for me to be a demigod who wants to kill me. I will definitely come back safely this time."

Li Lengzhen did not speak, and the worried expression on her face became more solemn. Since the things her son brought back have become more and more high-end, her worry has also increased.

Looking at this expression, Zhang Yue knew that the remarks just now seemed to have a counterproductive effect.

In order to reassure his mother, Zhang Yue told his mother a lot of concerns about the resurrection of the true god, and also said about the resurrection agreement between himself and the moonlight elves, so that Li Lengzhen was relieved.

Zhang Yue chatted with his mother while teasing Zhang Xingyu.

After a while, Zhang Luoluo ran in like a gust of wind.

"Mom, I'm starving to death. I want to eat grilled fish with dragon tail."

After Zhang Luoluo ran in, she saw Zhang Yue and Li Lengzhen stunned for a while, then pretending to be surprised, ran towards Zhang Yue.

"Brother, you are back."

A scene where good brothers and sisters meet.

"Dragontail fish, I left it to mom to replenish the body. You are addicted to eating it." Zhang Yue pretended to ask seriously.

At this time Zhang Luoluo was like a little girl who made a mistake.

"A fish is so big that Mom can't finish a meal. Will it be wasted after a while?" Zhang Luoluo rubbed his hands and said.

A brain collapsed and hit Zhang Luoluo's head.

"Next time you want to eat, bring one to the Emperor Star Hotel for processing. You haven't been there without relying on my identity." Zhang Yue glanced at Zhang Luoluo and said.

After a while, he would receive all the information from his family. Among them, Zhang Luoluo went to the Emperor Star Hotel to eat and drink under his own identity, and also brought a bunch of classmates.

Without his approval, Zhang Luoluo and her classmates would all be left to wash the dishes.

"You know it all," Zhang Luoluo said in a low voice, for fear that others would hear it.

"I know there are many more, for example, you had an appointment with three male students in your school and sent them to the hospital."

"If it weren't for me, do you think you can get things done with your little money?" Zhang Yue said with a squint.

After Zhang Yue finished talking, he looked at the picturesque golden lake in the distance.

Li Lengzhen, who was watching the excitement, became serious in an instant, and said in a cold voice: "Little Luoluo, you had a fight at school and you also sent someone into the hospital."

Li Lengzhen's voice instantly energized Zhang Luoluo. The last time my mother spoke in this tone, she was afraid of being in bed for three days. The taste of that bamboo stick is unforgettable now.

"It is said that Lolo was not convinced because she saw that the speeding car was better than her own. Besides, the boy was not convinced that she was studying like Lolo, so she started to make an appointment."

Zhang Yue added fuel and jealousy and said that he intercepted detailed information about the incident. The boys who were beaten only despised Zhang Luoluo's speed car, and then they were beaten by a date. The most important thing is that they left. It is also a formal channel for ring competitions.

One hand instantly pinched Zhang Luoluo's ear, grabbed it and pulled into me.

"Our Zhang family's family law seems to be explained to you well."

"Brother, I hate you!"

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