The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 328: Spaceship arrives

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Zhang Yue took out a piece of fresh pig

Pass the meat to the stall owner.

"Try it, I will be satisfied."

"Okay, little brother, look okay."

The sturdy stall owner took the meat and handed it to the robot.

Under Zhang Yue's curious eyes, the robot quickly took out barbecue accessories and various baking materials from himself.

Ignite, burn carbon, put meat, brush oil, sauce, and sprinkle all in one go. In the middle, a certain area is roasted independently.

Within a moment, a charming smell of barbecue came out.

After a while, a small plate of barbecue appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

He picked up the chopsticks prepared by the stall owner and tasted one. Zhang Yue's eyes lit up, much better than his own chef robot.

"I want ten barbecue robots, are they in stock."

Zhang Yue's words almost drove the stall owner's eldest sister crazy, thinking that Feng Shui took turns, and finally met the local tyrants.

"Brother, I'm giving you a chef robot, which is of my own characteristics." The stall owner said boldly, and took out eleven large cabinets from the storage space, filled with brand-new barbecue and chef robots. .

After paying the bill, Zhang Yue strolled in the stall market for a while, and then walked towards the distant airport.

At this time, the periphery of the airport was surrounded by many high-level troops.

"Is this situation a bit bigger?"

After Zhang Yueliang entered his identity, he looked at the five demigods in the distance and said.

"Haha, Xiaotai is here, come here, let me introduce you." Wei Duntian said haha ​​after watching Zhang Yue come in.

"This is your senior Chu Bing."

"This is your senior Li Daoyi."

"This is your senior iron fist."

"This is your senior Lu Kun."

Wei Duntian pulled Zhang Yue to introduce them one by one, causing many eyeballs, pretending to be a wolf with a big tail, don't you have any points in your heart.

"I am my apprentice, Xiong Ti, a Tier 6 legendary shield holder." Wei Duntian said with a grin of white teeth. Zhang Yue's other identity can be regarded as fulfilling his thoughts.

"Hello, seniors, I am Xiong Ti."

Zhang Yue respectfully said as a junior, these people are heroes who fought **** battles for the human race and deserve respect.

The four demigods all pretended to be confused and said some encouraging words.

After Wei Duntian was overwhelmed, Zhang Yue saw Lu Heng and Chu Feng's group, and quickly said goodbye to Wei Duntian and walked towards them.

"You guys came very early," Zhang Yue said, looking at the time and found that there were still three hours before the assembly time.

"Being bored at home, I came here early." Lu Heng said.

"My brother and I are the same everywhere," Chu Feng said.

"These three are."

Upon coming over, Zhang Yue found that there were three new faces in the team, two women and one man.

"Tier 6 giant sword warrior, Si Yunli, Brother Xiong, take care of you in the future." A giant man with a bearded waist said to Zhang Yue, Xindao, for this position, his family can be said to have used all the relationships and strength. get.

Before coming, the demigod ancestor of the family said to himself that in the team, we must have a good relationship with the shield holder, which is crucial for his future growth.

"Rank 6 archer Yi Mengshuang, Brother Xiong, you must protect me from now on." said a charming and charming girl.

The soggy voice made Zhang Yue very uncomfortable, why is his throat blocked?

Everyone looked at Yi Mengshuang's enchanting eyes and stared at Zhang Yue, as if they were about to hook Zhang Yue's soul out, they knew that this guy must have known what he knew.

"Tier 6 Illusionist, Liu Yiyi." said a girl with a cold temperament.

"Haha, there are three more teammates, and two of them are beautiful women. It's worth celebrating." Ning Xiu said with a smile. There are more people in the team and it will be more interesting in the future.

"Hello, my name is Xiong Ti, a Tier 6 shield bearer, and I will take care of it in the future." Zhang Yue said, he had received news from Wei Duntian before he came, and told him that once he got on the tauren spacecraft, he must keep the bear. Titanium's identity, even when there are no outsiders in the team, should maintain Xiong's identity.

Because the Human Race got the information, Zhang Yue defeated the God-level Sky Torn Bear Clan in the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Races.

Three hours later, Zhang Yue and the others saw a huge spaceship flying in the sky quickly, and the huge bull-head-shaped collision angle on the head of the spaceship became clearer and clearer.

"My God, this spaceship is too big, too." Lu Heng opened his mouth and said in surprise.

"It covers half of the No. 1 main city." Ji Xiayun said.

Only Zhang Yue looked at the huge spaceship in the sky, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. This spaceship seemed a little smaller. Compared with that game, the smallest spaceship was as big as a water blue star.

Wei Duntian looked at the spaceship in the sky, with envy in his eyes. When will the human race have such a spaceship.

At this moment, Zhang Yue thought of a voice in his heart.

"Master, the God-class spacecraft in the sky has only the most basic frame. It is not even a cargo ship. It is also the weakest kind of God-class spacecraft."

"After Yunjian is upgraded to a god-level spacecraft, its real volume will be at least twice the size of the above, and it can also carry a super-large debris world."

"At that time, this basic model spaceship will be the younger brother."

The little boy's voice made Zhang Yue smile. He found that since he got the source code of the bottom generation of Yunjian Smart, Yunjian Smart has become more and more humane.

"Well, I believe you, after I gather the raw materials, I will upgrade you to the **** level." Zhang Yue said in his heart.

"Good host."

The spacecraft covering half of the No. 1 main city stopped over the crowd, directly plunged this area into darkness.

"Xiao Li, we can't let people look down on them and show off." Wei Duntian said while looking at the spacecraft in the sky. Although the human race and the tauren race are better, this does not mean that there is no comparison between the two sides.

"Understand seniors."

As Li Daoyi said, his left hand was gently raised, and an arcane magic circle with a diameter of about 30 kilometers appeared in the sky.

A cluster of light with an incredibly hot aura appeared in the sky, driving away the darkness instantly.

"God Arcane: The World of Light"

The originally dark area of ​​Main City No. 1 returned to its original state, and people looked at the sun-like light cluster in the sky, as if seeing a miracle.

"I originally wanted you to use a large illuminating technique, but I didn't expect you to go directly to the big move, when would you learn this hand." Wei Duntian said, looking at the light group in the sky.

"This trick was learned from Senior Yang, just mastered." Li Dao said with a smile.

"It seems that Elder Yang taught well."

At this time, a small spacecraft descended from the huge spacecraft and flew towards Wei Duntian and others.

"Here, I don't know if it is the big man in the cattle clan." Li Tiequan said.

"It should be the brother you made during your experience in the tauren clan. It is said that you will soon be promoted to the true god." Chu Bing said while looking at the spaceship in the sky.

"Is it my Niu Li brother."

Li Tiequan's eyes lit up.

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