The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 335: Forest Elves Family 1

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"Devil Abyss Battle Armor!"

With a loud roar, a dark armor appeared on the Captain of the Earth Demon.

'boom! ! ’

Everyone saw that all the demon energy around Captain Earth Demon collapsed, returning to the body of Captain Earth Demon, and the armor that had just appeared on him collapsed.

"It's now."

There was a fire burning in Lu Heng's eyes, as if he wanted to excite all his energy.

With a leap, Lu Heng flew into the air, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in both hands and raised it sideways. The red flames all over his body soared, and the peerless warlord in the **** sea behind him also took Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hands like Lu Heng. Lift up, as if to destroy the whole earth.


Before Lu Heng finished speaking, a giant giant mantle suddenly appeared on the ground, like a whale jumping out of the sea, and swallowed Lu Heng directly.

"Get out of the small world."

A faint voice came.

This voice made the Demon Captain shiver.

"let's go."

After the Demon Captain finished speaking, he walked out of the small world without looking back. The rest of the Demon looked at the rest of the human race unwillingly, and followed the Captain of the Earth Demon out of the small world.

After the Earth Demon clan disappeared into the small world, Zhang Yue came to the place where Lu Heng was swallowed by the Earth Python just now.

"You have a big problem with your head." Zhang Yue frowned and said.

As one of the master's tricks, according to Lu Heng's physique, after using it, it is estimated that he would have to lie in bed for a month.

An earth python swam above the ground like a fish, opened its mouth, and vomited Lu Heng.

"Brother Xiong, I am still not wrong."

Lu Heng, who was a little overdrawn, looked a little languid.

Zhang Yue patted Lu Heng on the shoulder, and a law of gravity entered Lu Heng's mental space.

"You're right, I just felt bitten by a snake once."

"Oh, the law of gravity just now will be activated in a day, 20 times the gravity, enjoy it."

After listening to Zhang Yue's words, Lu Heng's face changed drastically. Ten times the gravity is already very uncomfortable, isn't it even more uncomfortable with 20 times the gravity.

"Brother Xiong, I was wrong!"

Everyone ignored Lu Heng who was shouting, and started his daily training again.

In the tauren spacecraft, in an ordinary small world, the Demon Captain looked at the leader of the demigod in shame.

"A third-rate human race that is not advanced enough to beat you back." The Demon Demigod looked at the Demon Captain and said coldly. In the normal period, the Demon Captain who led the team is estimated to have been sent to the underground world. Used as cannon fodder on the battlefield.

"The human race I studied with is weaker than me, but there is another human race who is definitely the top strength of the Intermediate Legend." The captain of the Earth Demon said. The scene where the last earth python swallows Lu Heng has been in his Lingering in my mind.

In the area covered by the devilish energy, he can prevent his teammates from using the ultimate move without hiding his own perception, which is already very difficult.

The most important thing is that Zhang Yue's words before leaving made him feel that he was in his hand like a small bug that could easily be pinched to death. This kind of soul warned him of the feeling of retreating. He was the first. This encounter.

"Legendary top strength, you go, it is indeed a bit reluctant." The demigod demon said and looked at a silent demon beside the captain of the demon.

"His Royal Highness Tunyuan, are you sure?" said the demigod demon.

"I haven't played against each other, but the pure laws of the earth, even if it's against each other, I'm not sure to kill him." The Demon next to the Demon Captain said lightly.

"His Royal Highness, are you not sure even you." The demigod demon respectfully faced him. This big figure projected from the spirit of the underground world is said to be a god-level genius in the underground world, which made him have to be careful. treat.

"I'm really here, suppressing that celebrity is just a backhand, but this mentally projected body can't work." The Demon said calmly.

"After that, during the trial, when encountering the human race, we will avoid it. Our goal is not to kill. It is important to complete the task."

"Understand." The two demons nodded and said.

In another small world, the forest elves are building their own temporary base. Three magicians planted on the ground with a few luminous seeds, and a few huge sky-reaching giant trees rose up, and three giant tree forts. Shaped.

"This small world is a bit short." A forest elf said, the energy concentration in the air is tightly stronger than the world of heavens.

"I heard that the demigod said that the best entertaining small world is occupied by the human race, and that if you have the strength, you can go to that small world to drive the human race out." Another male elf said to the leader of the team.

"No need to go. Just now I received a message from the demigod that the earth demons had just emerged from the small world of the human race."

"It should be the iron plate, so we don't need to find excitement." The captain of the forest elves said. She is very happy to hear about the collapse of the earth demons.

"Really, it's great," said the forest elves who heard the news.

"Since we can't take away the small world of the human race, then we can also visit the human race when we have time and exchange it." A beautiful figure with greenish skin is even more attractive.

"I'll tell you, use less of your charms and be careful of backlashes." The captain of the forest elves clan looked at the beautiful clansmen and said.

"That's what you said so casually, without 100% certainty, I won't make a move." The charming elf said softly.

"It's fine if you know, and be careful not to hit my male partner in the future. There are already few males in the clan. You know it's not easy for me to have a male partner."

"You won't appear in front of him in the The soul crystallization of the demigod that I treasured is yours." The captain of the forest elves looked at the beautiful elves, and an unknown light flashed in his eyes.

"Boss, stop your dangerous thoughts. After I go back, I will apply to the Holy Capital for advanced studies. I don't want the crystallization of the soul of your semi-divine beast."

She is good at controlling the minds of intelligent creatures, just by looking at the captain's eyes, she is hesitating whether to kill her during the trial.

"Remember what you said." The captain said, every time she sees her swaying around her male partner, she feels uncomfortable, thinking that the male partner that she has not easily won can not be robbed like this.

Originally, when she came out this time, she wanted to let the family members keep her male companion for a period of time, but when she saw her name on the list of participants, she was relieved.

"You know, my mission this time is to abduct a strong man above the legendary level, so you understand." said the beautiful elf.

When she learned about her mission, she was more resistant. She only agreed to this request after knowing that the elders of the clan showed him the faces of outstanding people of other races.

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