The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 337: Flower art

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The elven girl Wu Xin looked at Zhang Yue in her eyes full of enthusiasm. From the first time she came to interact with the human race, the moment she saw Zhang Yue, she knew that she had a goal.

Zhang Yue's unfathomable strength attracted her deeply.

Everyone vacated the position next to Zhang Yue for Wu Xin to sit down, and then they all looked at Zhang Yue with a good eye for the show, looking forward to the plot below.

When everyone was disappointed, no conflict broke out during the entire dinner time, and it was quiet.

After dinner, Zhang Yue walked out of the small world and came to a transparent star-gazing platform on the top of the spacecraft, quietly looking at the sky.

"The boring time is the longest."

Zhang Yue looked at the stars in the sky and said.

Raising his left hand, looking at the heart core that is madly absorbing the energy of the stars, he sighed. This cultivation method is really a big energy absorbing practitioner, but when he thinks of the effect of this cultivation method, he begins to let go. What a bicycle.

Zhang Yue commissioned the iron fist demigod to find this place, because he couldn't absorb the starlight energy in the small world and had no energy to condense the star chart.

"The power of the stars, the power of the earth and the stars, the heavy armor of the stars, the power of the ethereal, the power of condensing the stars, the power of the dragon star..."

"How the **** do I comprehend these rules."

Zhang Yue thought about the conversation with Starlight Little Snake Baka some time ago. He was rather depressed. He said that it is difficult to feel the existence of these laws when he is in the world of the heavens. Go out after the demigod.

Zhang Yue once again rejected Bakar's proposal.

Two months later, in the small world where the human race was located, a team of second-rate challengers from the Chongkai family came and wanted to drive the human race out of the small world.

At the beginning of the challenge, Lu Heng and others felt that they had encountered hard stubble.

As Zhang Yue watched the battle, his expression began to become solemn, like a gorilla, with a thick cuticle on his body, invincible defense.

After five children, except for Lu Heng who was still insisting, only Cai Celadon won a match for the remaining eight people. The sword intent killed the heart and ignored the defense.

Lv Heng gasped and looked at the two Chong Kai clan with only minor injuries.

"Give up, you only have a trace of power in my eyes for your attack."

"My clan is good at defense. If you can't break it, I have to defend. You have already lost."

"How about it, are you withdrawing from the small world, or let your non-playing clansman single out our team." The captain of the Chongkai clan said, and he glanced at Zhang Yue in the audience.

Looking at the two alien races in front of him, Lu Heng said unwillingly: "I admit defeat, now is the time for my big brother to single out your team."

Lu Heng talked about leaving the stage and looked at Zhang Yue and said, "Brother Xiong, there is no way, you can't break the defense. Failure is only a matter of time."

"I've seen it all, leave the rest to me." Zhang Yue said softly to Lu Heng, and he was very satisfied that Lu Hengke had restrained his desire to use big moves.

Everyone in the audience began to look at Zhang Yue expectantly, especially the three new people who joined the team. They hadn't seen Zhang Yue's prowess.

The law of the earth moved, and several huge arenas not far apart began to move, and finally condensed into a huge arena in the middle.

The captain of the Chongkai clan looked at the combined arena, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, which looked hard to handle.

On the ring, Zhang Yue looked at the Chongkai clan curiously. He had seen the introduction of the Guangyu Chongkai clan in the introduction to the races of the world.

It has been in the world of the heavens for 20,000 years, and belongs to the typical racial talent with super defense.

From birth, the Chongkai clan began to condense a layer of stratum corneum, which took shape as an adult, and almost half of the time afterwards were condensing their heavy armor.

When they reached the ninth rank, the heavy armor on their bodies was comparable to a semi-sacred weapon. After reaching the true god, even the main **** in the world of the heavens could not help them.

The defense is very strong, the weakness is also very obvious, especially afraid of sealing and spiritual spells.

But after they formed an alliance with the Lingdie clan, these shortcomings no longer exist.

In their clan, every adult Chongkai clan will form a companion with a spirit butterfly clan and stay with him for life.

"Your partner, the Lingdie clan is there." Zhang Yue asked.

With a word of Zhang Yue, the nine Zhongkai clan on the opposite side blushed instantly.

"How do you know the spirit butterfly clan."

It is very strange for the human race who don't know how many billion kilometers apart to know the Lingdie family.

"Why don't I know." Zhang Yue said.

At this time, a pink figure appeared on the shoulder of the captain of the Zhongkai clan.

"The Lingdie clan, Hua Yun, have seen the human Tianjiao."

Like the most beautiful artwork in the world, Hua Yun instantly attracted the eyes of everyone present.

"Awesome, can face my perception."

"The most important thing is, if you two fight one, is it a bit unfair?" Zhang Yue looked at Hua Yun playfully and said, even if he was mentally tough, he was a little lost when seeing Hua Yun.

How could the sacred and beautiful race form a permanent alliance with such a wild race, near the water tower?

The captain of the Chongkai clan also knows the reason. In fact, without the help of the Lingdie clan, it is estimated that the Leiren clan can barely maintain half of the winning rate.

"It's us who won't be able to win, say goodbye."

The captain of the Zhongkai clan said that he would lead the team down the ring and out of the small world.

"Wait, it's here, so let's have a good fight. If I lose, our human race will still give up the small world." Zhang Yue said lightly.

After hearing Zhang Yue’s words, the captain of the Chongkai clan's eyes brightened. Their clan members are big bosses and don’t have much demand for the environment, but the spirit butterfly clan who cling to them like a beautiful environment, so they come to fight for the human clan. Right to reside in a small world.

"you sure."

"Take your partners together." Zhang Yue said.

After Zhang Yue finished speaking, the captain of the Chongkai clan began to attack, and the nine spirit butterfly clan inspired the arrows of the nine souls to shoot towards Zhang Yue.

With the arrow of the soul nine heavy gold spears followed.

'bell! ’

Nine wind chimes sounded, and an armor made of starlight appeared on Zhang Yue, stopping all the nine soul arrows.

Then the shield of the earth's protection was lit up, and nine heavy golden spears were fixed on the shield.

"Sundering armor is interesting."

Zhang Yue looked at the stunned people of the Zhongkai clan in the distance and said, "Is there any other means? If not, I will take action."

"Come on, let me see your methods."

As soon as the captain of the Chongkai clan finished speaking, he found that the sky was dark.

Looking up, a mountain in the sky is slowly pressing against them.

When they were getting up to take shelter, the Chongkai clan suddenly found that they couldn't move, and a strange gravity was controlling them.

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