The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 339: The purpose of the trial

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"Start, start the speed of light, target, outer star field, sea blue star field."


The tauren spacecraft that was flying, the hull shook, and a strange engine fluctuation sound began to become louder and louder. It's best to even feel the small world where Zhang Yue is.

In an instant, the speed-of-light protection dimensional shield lit up around the huge spaceship that looked like half a planet, and then disappeared into the air, flying towards the sky above the world at the speed of light.

Zhang Yue, who was comprehending the force field of the earth, opened his eyes and said strangely: "The energy began to become strange, and the power of the laws of the earth began to weaken."

After counting the time, Zhang Yue knew that after three months had passed, the spacecraft was sailing at the speed of light if nothing unexpected happened.

A day later, the radio sounded in the small world.

"All teams participating in the trial please take the spacecraft corresponding to each race to enter the floating continent of God's Grace."

"time flies."

Zhang Yue looked at the team members who were cleaning up and said.

A few minutes later, Zhang Yue led the team out of the small world.

There was a tauren waiting outside.

"You come with me, I will take you to the Floating Continent of God's Grace." said the tauren of the team hosting Zhang Yue.

After several teleportation formations in the spacecraft, I finally arrived at the small spacecraft hangar in the spacecraft, where a standard small spacecraft was waiting.

After boarding the spacecraft, the tauren began to introduce to Zhang Yue and others: "This is a small tour, we will take him into our destination."

"Is this kind of ordinary spacecraft okay?" Zhang Yue asked, he was afraid that if something went wrong with the spacecraft, wouldn't it be over.

"Of course, this star field has been cleaned up by the Divine Grace Alliance. There are no asteroids and star beasts on the road. You can rest assured of safety issues." The tauren said patiently.

"That's good." The spacecraft started and ejected from the tauren's spacecraft.

"Next is time for sightseeing." The tauren said, snapped his fingers, the cabin became transparent, and everything in the star field outside was shown to everyone.

"Is this the scene of the star field outside the world of the heavens?" Zhang Yue said insanely as he looked at the shocking starry sky outside, and fell into a kind of wonderful sentiment for a moment.

The star map in Zhang Yue's spiritual world lit up, especially as the first condensed star became brighter and brighter, and the second condensing star began to condense at an unimaginable speed.

For a moment, Zhang Yue slowly opened his eyes and continued to admire the magnificent star world outside.

"It would be great if I could enter the universe."

Zhang Yue now has a species to jump from the spacecraft and put himself in the real world.

"You must first physically enter the stars, and you must have the strength of a demigod." The tauren said to Zhang Yue, who just heard Zhang Yue's words.

"What if not."

"It will be drowned by the law energy wave. In the star field, all the laws will be in the most violent state. Only with the strength of a demigod or above can they draw refining energy from it." Tauren said.


At this moment, Zhang Yue heard Lu Heng's shout.

"Brothers, look what's in front."

Zhang Yue looked forward after hearing Lu Heng's words. A large boat-shaped continent stood in the star field with six stars orbiting above it.

"This is the continent built by the main **** of the Divine Grace clan. It is now the headquarters of the Divine Grace Alliance." said the tauren.

"How far is the spacecraft from this continent?" Ji Xiayun asked casually.

"For 600 million kilometers, the spacecraft needs to sail for 6 hours." The tauren looked at the spacecraft's navigation data and said.

Hearing this number, Xu Lingxuan called up the calculation and said, "It's half the size of the solar system."

"I rely on, is this the strength of the first-class race?" everyone sighed.

Six hours later, when they approached the mainland, everyone knew that this area was silently vast.

The spacecraft stayed outside the protective layer of the mainland for a period of time, waiting for permission to dock in the mainland.

After half an hour, Shenen Continent authorized successfully, and the spacecraft began to sail according to the position given by the authority.

When the spacecraft entered the mainland, the external air circulation system of the spacecraft opened, and everyone was almost intoxicated by the laws and energy concentration here.

There is nothing about the energy concentration at that time, the most important thing is that the concentration of the laws in the air can be obtained at your fingertips.

"My God, when you cultivate in this environment, you don't have to comprehend a situation every minute, and you can be promoted to a demigod in a few years." Chu Feng took a breath of intoxication.

The thick thunder system law energy made him a little bit eager to stop.

Zhang Yue also took a deep breath, and the laws of the earth became clearer.

Seeing everyone's intoxicated expressions, Zhang Yue said with a smile: "You said, do we look like silly boys entering the city."

A very old terrier.

Everyone laughed when they heard Zhang Yue's words, which was indeed the case.

"The first thing that came to this place is that the race is like this."

"This is the headquarters of the Divine Grace Alliance and the general base of the Divine Grace tribe, which is equivalent to the holy city of the general race." Tauren introduced.

"I have gained knowledge," everyone said.

The spacecraft docked on a vast crystal carpet, and Zhang Yue got off the spacecraft.

"According to the regulations, I am not qualified to go out, and someone will receive the rest of the arrangement."

"Here, I wish you all the best and come on."

The tauren who entertained Zhang Yue's team waved goodbye to everyone.

After the spacecraft returned, everyone looked around and found that thousands of alien teams were waiting here to get off the spacecraft.

When everyone was observing the surroundings, a round starlight robot flew in front of them.

"Human geniuses, hello, I am your accompanying robot."

"Now, please be patient, our true **** is building a star field teleportation array."

"About the trial, if you don't understand, you can ask me." Orb robot said to everyone.

Zhang Yue noticed that there are still many such robots flying towards other alien teams in the sky.

"What is the purpose of the trial?" Zhang Yue asked He knew that the Divine Grace Alliance couldn't like a trial held by the crowd, and there must be something they need in it.

"Get the divinity and the main artifact in the trial world, as well as the law chain composed of divinity, and then hand it over to the Divine Grace Alliance."

Zhang Yue didn't expect them to state their purpose so directly.

"What can we get?" Zhang Yue asked again.

"Everything you want, divine artifacts, divine ranks, divine-level spaceships, true **** origin, divine origin, master god-level cultivation methods, territories in the star field,..."

"Almost everything you want can be obtained, as long as there is what the Godly Grace Alliance needs." said the Orb Robot.

"Can I directly become a true god, not the kind of godhead." Zhang Yue asked suddenly.

"With three complete chains of laws, our clan leader will take you into his time god's country and help you become a true god."

"Really." Zhang Yue said curiously.

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