The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 345: Purple Sky

Zhang Yue looked at the fourth level area in front and took a deep breath.

"That strange beast is in the fourth-level area, it seems to be another fierce battle." Zhang Yue said to the Orb Robot next to it.

"This hybrid divine beast will not pose too much threat to you by then, mainly because it hides too deeply, and the general strong cannot find it at all." said the Orb Robot.

"It seems to be hide and seek."

Zhang Yue said that he stepped towards the fourth-level area.

The ship of the earth drove fast in mid-air, and Zhang Yue looked at the fire law rune in his hand, a little bit dumbfounded.

While traveling in the fourth-level area, Zhang Yue ran into a fire beast. At the beginning, the violent fire magic technique almost defeated Zhang Yue, and it was almost too large to provoke the monster.

At this moment, the Fire Lin Beast saw that it could not attack for a long time, and it also used a big move to split up hundreds of small Fire Lin Beasts and launched a fierce attack on Zhang Yue. As a result, Zhang Yue's power was completely overwhelming. Take down.

"It would be nice if that strange beast could also be so relaxed."

Three days later, the ship of the earth driven by Zhang Yue appeared in a desert area.

"Is that the place where the strange beast is?" Zhang Yue asked.

"That's right, look at the desert ahead, it's all unrefined sand of time and space, and it should be worth some money if you take it back." The Orb Robot said.

"I will charge the sand of time and space."

Zhang Yue said and waved his hand, and a giant wolf formed by the sand of time and space appeared.

"You are the spirit of this world."

Zhang Ran looked at the giant wolf and said, he thought that all the earth spirits he summoned with the power of the earth soul would be human.

"Lord, I am the spirit of this space-time desert, what do you command?" The giant wolf said in a low voice, just having self-awareness, the consciousness is not easy to speak.

"I need to find a monster with a mixture of Earth and Space. Have you seen him?" Zhang Yue asked. At the same time, the shield of perception and earth protection had a strange reflection.

"I have seen it, and he is behind you."

The giant wolf bowed his head and said respectfully.

'boom! ’

‘Polar Power’

As soon as the giant wolf finished speaking, a deep purple earth hand appeared and quickly inserted into the void, grabbing behind him in the space.

"Hey, it's really difficult."

Zhang Yue looked at the hand of the earth coming out from the gap in the space with his bare hands, and said a little bit.

"Lord, are you going to kill that strange beast?" the giant wolf asked.

"Yes, do you have any idea?" Zhang Yue asked expectantly.

"not at all."


"Do you have a way." Zhang Yue looked at the orb robot.

"Neither do I, unless it walks out of this desert."

"Earth Spirit, can you still sense its position now." Zhang Yue said, looking at this piece of slow desert.

"It's on top of your head, laughing at you."

The words of the giant wolf instantly discouraged Zhang Yue.

"It seems that some brain cells have to be spent."

Zhang Yue talked about a room condensed in place and walked in.

Sitting cross-legged by the window, he was lost in thought looking at the vast desert.

"This situation seems to be the same as the last worm mother encountered on the battlefield of ten thousand races. Once hidden, no one can find it."

Three days later, Zhang Yue slowly closed his eyes and began to comprehend the force field of the earth, and began to try to refine the sand of this desert.

Half a month later, outside Zhang Yue's room, there appeared a sacred earth with a purple crystal city hundreds of meters long.

Zhang Yue walked out of the room, looked at the amethyst in front of him, nodded and said, "It seems that it is really bluffing. I don't know if my idea will succeed."

In his hand, there was a space divine stone that Lin Dong thought about day and night, and he had obtained it in the storage space of the dragon leader in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

Under Zhang Yue's control, Amethyst Earth's Mang slowly lowered his head, and Zhang Yue put the Space Divine Stone in his hand into the place where Amethyst Earth's Mang was not awake.

In an instant, Zhang Yue felt that the ruggedness of the earth in front of him had become different, and there was a breath of life.

"Just the last step."

A little light flew from Zhang Yue's eyebrows, and that was exactly the law that represented Zhang Yue's understanding of the power of the earth's soul.

Aura drifted to the brows of Amethyst Earth.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and a strong force of the earth hovered in the sky.

"I rely on, what do you make, unexpectedly provoke the will of the universe." Orb robot said in a panic, this thing is familiar to him, when he was promoted to the main artifact, he was knocked down by this thing. Eventually he ended up living here to do some inferior work.

"Cosmic Will, is this thing dangerous?"

"You are not in danger. The big snake you made is mysterious."

At this moment, a strange cry was made by the Amethyst Earth.

The power of heaven and earth dissipated, and everything returned to normal.

Zhang Yue looked at the sky blankly and said, "That's it?"

"The Will of the Universe said it would let me go as long as ten high-level cosmic hearts, and I agreed."

A voice appeared in Zhang Yue's mind.

Turning his head to look, a pair of big purple eyes with endless emptiness were staring at Zhang Yue.

"Do you know what the heart of the universe is." Zhang Yue felt that he was being calculated.

"I know that you and I are one."

"One ass, you are just a creature that I created to contain the laws of my earth soul."

"I know everything about you, so I am your clone."

"This thing has been lost, did you say when to give it."

"Within the 10th era."

"It's okay, I shouldn't survive that time." Zhang Yue comforted himself.

At this time, the Orb Robot looked at Zhang Yue and the Amethyst Earth Mang, the core of his artifact spirit was hot, and the dissipated earth power reminded him of the experience of it and its original owner.

"Let's talk about it, what do you have now."

"You will give me all the enemies in the cracks of the space in the future battles."

"If you give me that stone, in the future I will have the power of the master **** of space."

After listening to the words in his mind, Zhang Yue laughed: "Don't say so much, you first get me the mixed divine beast."

" Earth's Mantle, purple light flashed in the eyes of a pair of vertical pupil snakes, and for a moment, Zhang Yue felt the world turned into a cage.

A yellow mouse as big as a hunting dog was held by the Dimensional Prison, controlled by the Amethyst Earth, and dragged to Zhang Yue.


Looking at the squeaking mouse, Zhang Yue began to laugh.

"What did this mouse say."

"He said, don't kill it, he still has a wife and children, very pitiful, please let him go."

"It's interesting." Zhang Yue said, touching his chin.

"Zi Kong." This is the name Zhang Yuegang gave to the Amethyst Earth.


After a while, a large and a small mouse appeared in the cage.

"The family should be neat and tidy."

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