The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 348: Time panda

The soul bodies of ten demon spiders floating in the air were collected by the Soul Eater.

Zhang Yue looked at the dazzling soul in the Soul Devouring Orb, surrounded by a large number of laws.

"Is this the soul of God-level evaluation? It is really eye-catching. I don't know what will happen after my soul comes out." Zhang Yue said.

"If your soul is out of your body, when others look at your soul, it is like facing a star, which can definitely blind people." said the orb robot.

After the Soul Devourer finished collecting the soul, Zhang Yue looked at Lu Heng who was frozen in space.

"The ball, can they still heal them back to the way they were before? If not, can you revive them." Zhang Yue said as he looked at his teammates. He had thought that they would meet foreign teams and foresee that they would meet God-level battles. Power, but what they never expected was that they would encounter God-level combat power that specifically restrained themselves.

Although it was my previous self.

The Orb Robot looked at Lu Heng and others, and a stream of data flashed in the machine's eyes.

"All resurrect, their bodies and souls are almost damaged, there is no need for treatment."

Zhang Yue breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid of unexpected circumstances and could not resurrect.

When Lu Heng and others heard that they could be resurrected, their eyes burst with strong vitality.

"Brother Xiong, really, we can still resurrect."

"Aren't we going to die anymore."

"Brother Xiong, I only recognize you in my life, Yi Mengshuang."

Everyone showed a longing for life.

"Then you start resurrecting, it's hard work." Zhang Yue said.

"Haha, resurrecting these human races that are not even demigods is no problem for me."

"I even gave them a luxurious package, the dual sublimation of life and soul, it only takes 3 months."

As the orb robot said, nine angels of light appeared in the sky, waving their wings and piercing the eyebrows of Lu Heng and others.

Five minutes later, an elf of light flew out from the center of everyone's eyebrows. Each elf held a small ball in his hand. Inside the ball was the soul of Lu Heng and others. They all looked at themselves curiously Soul body.

After seeing Zhang Yue, they all waved to Zhang Yue happily.

Zhang Yue also waved to them and said with a smile: "Remove well, you will be a hero again in 3 months."

"......" Everyone's souls.

Seeing the spirit of light disappear into the sky carrying everyone's souls, Zhang Yue calmed down.

"Qiu, thank you, if it weren't for meeting you, maybe my current teammates have been killed by the magic spider clan." Zhang Yue earnestly thanked the ball robot.

"Don't say anything like that, you are my master. These are all things that should be done."

"But I have a request, can I inherit my previous name, Qiu, this name is a bit too ugly." The Orb Robot squinted and said.

"What was your name before."

"His Royal Highness."

"Good ball." Zhang Yue nodded and said.

"......" Orb Robot

After the souls of Lu Heng and others were taken out, their bodies had lost their breath of life.

Zhang Yue waved his hand and nine incinerators appeared on the ground, all of which were transformed by Zhang Yue using the earth force field.

The storage space of ten demon spiders and nine humans appeared in Zhang Yue's hands, and was thrown into the small world of Yunjian casually by him.

The red-hot spar at the base of the incinerator instantly ignited a raging fire.

After a while, nine crystal stone boxes resembling urns appeared in front of Zhang Yue.

"This thing should be of commemorative significance." Zhang Yue said with a smile, but he didn't expect that he would still have his teammates incinerator.

"They are convinced to have a captain like you," the Orb Robot said.

"Where there are so many words, let's go and clean up that time-type divine beast."

Ten days later, in the depths of the fourth-level area, an earth spacecraft slowly landed on the ground.

Zhang Yue walked out of the spaceship and looked around.

"It's really hard to find a divine creature at this time." Zhang Yue frowned and said, in these ten days, his spacecraft had continuously changed directions more than ten times.

This place was finally determined.

"This strange beast is not only difficult to find, it will not be easy to fight for a while, it is very disgusting, you must be mentally prepared." said the ball robot.

"You are right, soul ball."

This name is the result of the compromise of His Highness Aura.

At this moment, a panda with a height of 10 meters in black and white suddenly appeared above Zhang Yue. The bear's paw instantly became the size of a room and shot Zhang Yue.

"It's interesting, dare to fight me hard."

Zhang Yue raised his shield instantly, his feet were tightly connected to the earth.

'boom! ! ’

Photographed by the bear paw, Zhang Yue's whole body seemed to be plowed aside.

Seeing Zhang Yue's injury, the panda jumped away without an instant. He stood not far away and began to stare at Zhang Yue cautiously.

"It turned out to be a panda, I really can't bear to kill." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

‘Polar Power’



An earth hand stretched out from the earth in an instant, and directly pinched the panda.

"That's it?" Zhang Yue said while looking at the orb robot.

The hand of the earth clenched tightly and crushed the panda directly.

"I'm sorry, although you are a panda, I still want to kill you." Zhang Yue said, unexpectedly it would be so easy.

But then Zhang Yue's face changed slightly, because he found that there was no time to be divine in place.

At this moment, still in the original place, another panda appeared, still photographing Zhang Yue in the same way.

'boom! ’

The Hand of the Earth appeared and pinched the panda again.

At this moment, the panda pinched by Zhang Yue flashed from the hand of the earth to Zhang Yue.

'boom! ’

The shield of the Earth Guard lighted up and then collapsed, but the power of the bear's paw was exhausted.

Zhang Yue appeared around the body of several rugged land, and entangled the panda.

"Zikong, you don't help either." Zhang Yue yelled out of his body.

"Not interested in."

Zikong's voice came from the air.

"Damn, this panda has spatial attributes, it's your turn to go." Zhang Yue said with chicken blood.

"No, it doesn't."

"Yes, he didn't. This is just an application of the basis of the law of time."

"The panda in front of is actually just his time clone. You can't get divinity if you kill it," said the Orb Robot.

"How to solve it?" Zhang Yue asked.

"Find out the real body of this panda and kill it."

"How to find that panda."

"I don't know. There is only one stupid way, which is to consume its energy and finally force him out of his true body."


Zhang Yue looked at the panda that was entangled in the recklessness of the earth and said, "Then consume it slowly."

"The Power of Earth Listening"

‘The Power of the Soul of the Earth’

In an instant, Zhang Yue took control of the land with a radius of a hundred miles, and several Earth Soul clones appeared beside Zhang Yue, each with 60% of Zhang Yue's combat power.

"Little panda, let's play slowly, I have time." Zhang Yue said as he looked at the panda that had become uncute.

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