The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 36: Earth Spider

   Zhao Yunshu stepped off the small spacecraft to see the welcome spacecraft docked by many universities at the airport.

"Classmates, from that college, I'll take you over. The School of Truth, the School of Life, the School of Origin, or the School of Alice. Hey, how crowded are the people at your School of Wars, is such a gentle girl from your School of Wars?" An arcanist of ordinary build looked fiercely at the two-meter-high giant next to him.

   "It is the duty of our War God Academy to help every student who comes to our Academy Star." The giant stared at the arcanist unwillingly.

   "Oh, I'm smart this time, who taught you how to speak, how about it, you want to rise this year."

   "I won't argue with you, school girl, which college do you belong to, I will take you to your welcome spaceship." The giant man turned his head and whispered to Zhao Yunshu.

"School of Life, thank you senior." Zhao Yunshu is grateful. She really needs someone to take her to find the welcome spacecraft, because the entire airport is too big to see at a glance. Thousands of welcome spacecraft are simply Hard to find.

   The giant man led Zhao Yunshu to the welcome area of ​​the Life College, chatting while walking.

   "School girl, what kind of profession is it, priest, summoner, or magician."

   "I am a summoner, senior, why the welcome spacecraft is parked in such a mess, and there is no news to notify." Zhao Yunshu asked suspiciously.

"This is the tradition of the Academy Star, because there are too many universities in the Academy Star. In order to increase the exchanges between the various universities, in order to make it more convenient to find suitable teammates when teaming up in the future, this rule is slowly followed. You guys New students can’t leave after finding the welcome spacecraft. They must complete a friend mission, usually at the airport welcome station to find a hundred friends with different professions."

   "Oh, there is such a tradition, which is very good." Zhao Yunshu looked like this.

   "Senior, do you have a shield holder major at the War God Academy?" Zhao Yunshu asked softly, remembering Zhang Yue.

"Yes, a profession that is particularly popular. Let me tell you that if someone says that he is a shield holder, he can enjoy heavenly treatment in an instant. Unfortunately, there are too few people in this profession. If you do, don’t forget to introduce it to me."


"The front is the orientation zone for your life students, can I ask you something for the students." The giant man is a little embarrassed, and there is another purpose for the old anger who comes here to welcome the new students, which is to ask the students to help them find suitable ones. Teammates, the student star's university generally only enrolls two or three occupations in a university, which leads to the lack of ready-made suitable teammates when the third Tier goes to the world to experience.

   "Senior, you said. I will try my best to help you." Zhao Yunshu said.

"Can you help me find a summoner with an excellent evaluation in your school? I am the Blazing Greatsword Warrior. I have found an excellent arcanist of the illusion department. There is only one summoner missing. Those with excellent evaluation are acceptable. "In fact, there is another one that I’m embarrassed to say, it’s better to be women. Otherwise, the three lords are a little bit too steel, and a female comrade must come to neutralize it, which is conducive to the atmosphere in the team. This is what his senior told me. His, too many examples show that if the team is all men, they will gradually become straight men, and it will be very difficult to find a girlfriend in the future.

   "Good seniors, I will introduce you to some outstanding Summoner seniors who know me in the university." Zhao Yunshu said readily.

   After exchanging contact information, the two left. Zhao Yunshu walked towards the welcome point of the School of Life. The spaceship of the School of Life is a horizontal water drop, symbolizing the source of life.

   Early in the morning, Zhang Yue received a video call from Zhao Yunshu early in the morning.

   "Brother Yue, I am on the Capital Star, and I am on Planet 16 of the Capital Galaxy, called the Academy Star." Zhao Yunshu happily introduced everything around him to Zhang Yue.

   "I'll be relieved when I arrive safely." Zhang Yue said with a smile. Zhang Yue's childhood sweetheart sister ran to school so far away, Zhang Yue was really worried, what should I do if someone else is bullied.

"Brother Yue, you don’t know. Shield bearers are very popular among Academy Stars. Everyone wants to find a shield bearer comrade. If I say my brother is a shield bearer, I don’t know how hot you envy me. Let me tell you. .............." Zhao Yunshu talked about her experience of being a college star, about the friends she had just made, and showing him all kinds of university welcome ships here.

   Zhang Yue and Zhao Yunshu talked for an hour before ending the call. After hanging up, Zhang Yue had a smile on his face.

   The world of heaven, covering the depths of the forest.

   Zhang Yue Yidun stunned a ground spider and tore off the spider web.

"To be honest, I used to feel that I was not afraid of Tier 2 monsters anymore, but I am a little scared now. My scalp is numb when seeing so many crystal spiders." Zhang Yue now feels uncomfortable and regrets coming to this place. .

   "Haha, I didn't expect Brother Yue to be afraid." Zhao Yujue teased, and he kept shooting out the pyrotechnics against the crystal spider.

   "If it weren't for their silk sacs, I would just squash them." After a while, Zhang Yue's body was covered with the silk of the earth crystal spider.

"Brother Yue, next time we won't take this task. Didn't I think the value of this task is high, a silk capsule with 50,000 energy points, I found that no one has taken this task for a long time. The Earth Crystal Spider here It should be a lot. Don't we make this money and give it away." Zhao Yujue comforted. In fact, she thinks this kind of shiny spider is very cute and easy to kill. A 50,000 energy point is so easy.

   Hundreds of earth crystal spiders densely surrounded the team with the wealth and honor. Zhang Yue directly used a shield wall to protect Zhao Yujue and Ren Feipeng to form a bunker, which could protect them without affecting their output.

   "Brother Yue, open the door for me, let me go in and have a rest, a little bit off." Zheng Yang said breathlessly.

   Zhang Yue opened a door to the bunker, and Zheng Yang blocked it when he entered.

   "Just cut it for more than 2 hours?" Ren Feipeng laughed.

   "You can, I watched it. You will keep outputting continuously for one hour in these two hours, and you will be paddling the rest of the time. Say me." Zheng Yang looked at Ren Feipeng disdainfully.

   "You are not an archer, what do you know."

   "You are not a giant sword warrior, what do you know." The two began to quarrel as soon as they met.

   The three of them are hiding in the bunker, leaving Zhang Yue outside to kill the goblin spider.

   Zhang Yue watched that the Earth Crystal Spider couldn't even break his magic gold armor, so he simply retracted the mysterious gold shield into the storage space, took out the meteorite giant sword, and started to hack and kill as much as possible. The efficiency increased several times in a time.

   "I rely on Brother Yue has become a giant sword warrior. It's quite fierce, Zheng Yang, come and see what level Brother Yue is." Ren Feipeng exclaimed.

   Zheng Yang leaned over to the output port of the bunker, and when he saw that Zhang Yue could not use the standard standard, he fell into chaos.

"Just talking about Brother Yue's sword-cutting posture, it takes less than 7 or 8 years to say, every move is like this. The basic sword skills are already great." Zheng Yang looked at Zhang Yue outside and the ground. Jing Spider fighting figure said.

   "It seems that I will have to ask Brother Yue for advice on the sword skills of the giant sword warrior."

   "Let's work, take a break, and continue. There are not many left. After finishing work, find a place to establish a camp." Zhao Yujue said.

   During the time he spoke, Zhang Yue had already killed more than 20 animals, and the three continued to work.

   It didn't take long for the surrounding goblin spiders to die under the hands of four people, and everyone began to clean up the battlefield.

   "A total of 486 silk capsules, 24.3 million energy points, how about it, I chose the right mission. It is mainly because of the skill that can build a fortress like Brother Yue, we can plan and implement it." Zhao Yujue said proudly.

   "Sister Zhao, I started to pick up the task as I thought." Zhang Yue asked in a puzzled way. In the past, his team planned to go wherever they went.

"I was actually invited by the mercenary union as the captain of the team with the rich and honorable. I found that sometimes there are really good tasks, such as this task. High-level people look down on it, but low-level people can't do it. We are just right."

   "This is a bit higher than our own plan. There are many such collection tasks in it, which are very cost-effective to do."

   "We will do the tasks if we have good tasks in the future, and plan our own if we don't." Zhao Yujue said.



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