The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 354: God-level soul value

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"The deal, but I have a condition, the soul must be sold to the necromancer family." Zhang Yue said.

As soon as Afu Braun listened to Zhang Yue's request, he could make up the general plot.

"Understand, this soul is guaranteed to be given to the most evil necromancer." Afu Braun promised that one of his clan uncles was specifically dealing with the necromancer. Once this soul was sold, it was doubled. Profit.

"I don't have so many divine origins on my body now. I will go back and prepare first. Brother, what do you want? I will go to Curry to help you get it." Afu Braun said, and he will go back with him. Uncle of the clan to get in touch.

"Is there a list."

Zhang Yue thought for a while, now he really fills up something.


Afu Braun expertly lays a book on the ground, with the most recently updated products on it.

Opened it and turned it over.

"Hey, give me 5 of the export version of this machine race chariot." Zhang Yue said while looking at a 50-shenyuan chariot.

A small notebook appeared in the hands of Afu Braun and quickly recorded a symbol. Although he had an intelligent butler who could help him record, he thought that the goods he sold personally still recorded a sense of accomplishment.

"This Protoss low-level standard divine weapon giant sword will give me 3 pieces of various styles." 40 Shenyuan, not expensive.

"This Moonlight Elf clan's low-level standard artifact war bows will give me 10. The matching war arrows will give me 5 bases." The full set of 60 gods is not expensive.

"There are 5 sets of heavy armor and huge shields from the Ziguang clan."

"The essence of life spring water of the Mu Ling clan comes 100 tons."

"The basic practice method of the Three Eyes."

"There are 3 sets of Thunder Evolution Liquid from the Titans."

Zhang Yue almost couldn't stop the car with this purchase, but he bought everything pleasing to the eye.

Afu Braun's eyes were getting brighter and brighter next to him. Once he got his hands back and forth, he earned thousands of gods, Zhang Yue, brother, he confirmed.

In the end, Zhang Yue squandered only 10,000 gods and stopped the car.

At this time, Zhang Yue asked suddenly: "What's the use of this **** source besides serving as the true god's trading currency?"

"Recovering divine power and building the kingdom of God is also the most basic energy source in the resurrection pool of the kingdom of God."

"When a demigod is promoted to a true god, if there is a **** source, it can stabilize the true **** realm more quickly."

"Shen Yuan is also indispensable when fighting in peacetime."

The more Afu Braun said, the more Zhang Yue regretted buying so many things just now.

Seeing Afu Braun's enthusiastic expression, Zhang Yue suppressed the return of the goods to Ale.

"Brother Zhang Yue, you are here to wait for me for three days, then I will prepare the things you want properly."

Afu Braun waved goodbye to Zhang Yue on the Bird of Wind.

Afu Braun, the main space city of the traveling merchants, walked out of the space transfer station with the steps that his six relatives did not recognize.

As soon as he went out, he was dominated by countless kinsmen.

"Fu, how did you think about the things I told you last time."

"Your friends on the battlefield of ten thousand races introduced to me, a 400 **** source, don't say I don't take care of you."

Said a traveling merchant who appeared before Afu Braun first.

As soon as the wandering merchant clan finished speaking, he was retorted by the clansman next to him: "It's shallow! It's shallow! Afu, the legendary top genius 300 **** source, **** level 800, top evildoer 1200."

"Just introduce it to me, and you will account for 10% of the profit from subsequent transactions."

There is a default rule among the traveling merchants. The traveling merchants are not allowed to encroach on the customers of the rest of the clans. If they trade without the permission of others, they will be forbidden to leave the main space city after being discovered.

Therefore, in the main space city, changing hands with potential customers is a very popular business.

In the world of the heavens, the most proficient in news belongs to the wandering merchants. After the battlefield of the ten thousand races is ransacked by the Zerg worm mothers, the top customers who can return safely are the top customers. Therefore, the wandering merchants are the most generous with foreign investment. .

A trace of contempt flashed in Afu Braun's eyes. In the battlefield of ten thousand races, he trades with the top powerhouses of all races, so every time he returns to the main space city, he will be dominated by those second-level traffickers.

A list was virtually magnified into the air by Afu Braun.

"The profit of this order is 12,000 Shenyuan, which was just entrusted to me by my brother."

"Guess what my brother's trading position is worth."

As Afu Braun laughed wildly, there was no one who could fight this year.

The envy of the crowd of onlookers becomes more and more exaggerated. This kind of top customer is envied even by the crowd of true gods.

"I'm out of 20,000 Shenyuan, I buy this trading position for my grandson, I don't know if it's possible."

A demigod of a traveling merchant came over and said. A young traveler was following him.

"Sorry elder, I won't buy my brother's trading position."

Afu Braun bowed and said, first, I will show the list just to show off. The profit of this trip has reached 30,000 gods. Brother Zhang Yue still has a large number of ace commodities like gods. This kind of transaction Bits will only be traded unless they are stupid.

"That's a pity." The demigod elder of the wandering business clan took his grandson away.

"It's gone, orc clan's top legendary Tianjiao, 1200 **** source, you can contact me if you want to."

After Ah Fu Braun finished speaking, he rushed to the place where he and his uncle were better.

Wanzu teahouse, where all the famous teas of the world are gathered.

In the box, a middle-aged business traveler looked at Afu Braun with a serious look.

"Sent me a Level 4 emergency contact message. If it weren't for an appointment in this kind of place, I would just blacken you." The middle-aged traveling merchants took a sip of the Protoss tea and said slowly.

"Give me a reason. If you don't please me, your communication position with me will be gone."

Afu Braun was a little nervous. The clan uncle on the opposite side dealt with the necromancers all the time, and the breath of death on his body really made him breathless.

"I received the soul of a god-level or an intermediate-level. I don’t have enough abyss in my hands. I want to borrow your 50,000 **** source." Afu Braun said directly, the uncle’s aura is too Strong, won't go around Wanzi.

The middle-aged traveler shook his hand holding the teacup, and forced his composure. Recently, a strong man of the Necromancer family closest to the main **** is buying a god-level soul, but in the past few years, there hasn’t been one. Get the friendship of this top true god.

"Give you 60,000 gods, and bring me that god-level soul." The middle-aged traveler said lightly, a true **** who has the hope of becoming the main god, his friendship is priceless.

A sacred space stone appeared in the hands of the middle-aged traveler.

"There are 62,000 **** sources in it, 60,000 **** sources are trades, and the remaining 2,000 are rewards. If your friend still has such good things in his hands, you will trade with me."

There was a smile on the faces of the middle-aged travellers.


"Give you"

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