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If one wave solves them all, will they lead them to the real gods?

"Senior Lu, if I solve all these demigods, will I recruit true gods from the tribe of people and horses?"

Zhang Yue quietly conveyed to Lu Kun, and finally gathered so many demigods, and it was a pity that it was not a pot of food.

Lv Kun suddenly looked at Zhang Yue and said through the voice: "You can really take the opposite demigod in one wave."

Zhang Yue nodded and replied: "No problem, the only loss is that the aftershocks may destroy the big camp behind."

"Why don't you do such a good opportunity? The true gods of the Centaur tribe are controlled by the tauren tribe. As for the demigods of the werewolf tribe, it shouldn't be a concern."

Lu Kun instantly activated the highest authority and issued a heavenly order to all the soldiers in the camp, and all the soldiers evacuated backwards and withdrew to Jubei City.

For a while, all the soldiers in the defensive camp evacuated in the direction of Jubei City. No one had any objections. The highest-level missions represented unconditional obedience.

The tauren demigod sacrifices and the archers of the Sagittarius tribe on the opposite side were still cursing, and just cursing, the tribe of Sagittarius felt a strange atmosphere entwining them, uneasy.

A werewolf demigod whispered to the demigod archers of the centaur tribe, "I have an unknown premonition, or let it go today."

Centaur archers also felt the same way. Last time I had this feeling, I still cared about the full-scale war of the tauren clan. When the true **** of the opposite tauren clan stared at him, that time was his closest to death.

"Retreat first, the situation is a bit wrong."

At this moment, the supermassive giant peaks condensed in the sky lost their support, and they slammed into the downward zoom.

"Semi-Domain: Endless Gravity"

Zhang Yue suddenly attacked, spreading out half of the field and quickly comforted the opposite side.

"It's not good to have fraud!"

"Quickly break free, there is murder here!"

The bound demigod struggled sharply, but when a strange sound came out from the sky, all the demigods' hearts were greeted by the giant peaks in the sky.

"Desperately! Otherwise we all have to die!" the half-length archer of the centaur clan shouted wildly.

Several fields unfolded instantly, protecting all the demigods.

All the demigods instantly broke free from the shackles of Zhang Yueban domain.

"You want to escape, how much do you think." Zhang Yue said, with a big hand pressed against the demigod protected by the domain.

A hand of the earth that covered the sky and the sun clasped all the demigods and turned them into a cage.

At this time, in the dull gaze of the human and tauren demigods, the giant peaks in the sky stunned fiercely.


One day’s doomsday general taste was staged, and a gust of wind was blowing. Numerous cracks in the ground were dividing the earth. A continuous road hundreds of miles away, the aftershocks instantly destroyed the entire defense camp.

It took a long time for the guarded Human Race demigod to see the scene in front of him, a thousand-meter-high yellow giant peak thrusting into the ground.

"They should be dead," said the human demigod looking at the scene like a wooden Japanese version.

"Can you survive this power?"

"Ten are not enough for me."

At this time, the gaze of the human demigod looking at Zhang Yue began to change, with the comfort of the past, and now the feeling of being able to talk on an equal footing, with a trace of respect.

Having the strength can break the routine at any time.

This is when Zhang Yue looked at the giant peak in front of him, and began to ponder. The moment when all the opposing demigods resisted just now, this wave of big moves would not be perfect if it hadn't trapped them. Small composition novel

The series of operations just now made him feel a little lack of energy.

"It's almost something, and I have passed a big stage. I feel like I am struggling. I still have to practice. I can't come to Consummation until the 9th level."


Is this not enough?

"Xiaoyue, you have done a great job here."

"Killing 27 demigods, you can be promoted to all positions in the human race just by contributing points."

"It's not impossible if you want to be the emperor." Lu Kun said with a smile.

"Senior Lu, you know that, I have never been interested in these things, you can just look at it." Zhang Yue said nothing.

"Okay, that's right, the three large fragmented worlds that I said at the beginning have been knocked down for you, so I have time to check it out." Lu Kun said, becoming these three large fragmented worlds, but mobilized all the high-level human race Elite combat power.

"Um, those three large fragmented worlds will hang under the name of the Boulder Chamber of Commerce, let their people take over." Zhang Yue thought for a moment and said.


In the evening, in a hall in Jubei City, Zhang Yue saw Lu Heng and others.

At the table, everyone began to marvel.

"Brother Yue, this will call you your real name."

"My God, as soon as Brother Yue came out, he was a big deal. The 28 demigods were taken away in one wave."

"Brother Yue, you still lack pendants."

Everyone is talking about Zhang Yue's heroic deeds today.

"Okay, okay, what a big matter, when I am promoted to a demigod, I will show you how to hunt and kill the ancestors of the heavenly ape." Zhang Yue said with a smile, and his former comrades in arms can gather together again, he feels this trip Not in vain.

"Brother Yue, tomorrow we will have the Werewolves together. I want to ask, can we resurrect countless times." Chu Feng asked expectantly.

Zhang Yue took a bite of the dish and ate it all over and said, "There are such good things there."

"The soul is resurrected up to nine times, even the main **** is no exception."

This is when chatting with the spirit ball. According to Baka, the strength of less than the detachment level can be resurrected up to nine times.

"That said, I can still wave eight times." Lu Heng said excitedly, and the future battles can be more fearless.

"If you die again, I will shut you up in the Hall of Valor, and give you the companion of the spirit ball, and let you out after the Diamond Ape Clan has passed."

Zhang Yue looked around again as he spoke.

"The rest are the same. If you are resurrected more than three times before being promoted to the true god, then you have no hope of being promoted to the true god."

"In the world of heavens~www.ltnovel.com~ the true **** is the starting point." Zhang Yue said slowly.

Zhang Yue chatted with the spirit ball as soon as he had nothing to do. He knew that there was a greater threat outside the world of the heavens, so that the various races of the world of the heavens could be relatively peaceful.

"Understand, rest assured Brother Yue, we will not waste the chance of resurrection at will."

"I know that Brother Yue is for our good."

When Zhang Yue said that the true **** is the starting point of the world of the heavens, they thought of a lot. The sociologists who once had the human race questioned them. According to the strength of the top race, they can completely divide the whole world of the heavens and enslaved them. Countless tribes serve them.

The top races have the ability to carve up the world of the heavens but have not done anything. The most likely thing is that most of their power is held back.

"I hope you all become true gods, and there are more challenges waiting for us in the future." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

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