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The world of heaven, outside Yanwu city.

Zhang Yue presented the wooden spirit flower in his hand to the giant tombstone.

"Master, I will come to see you again."

"I have been promoted to a demigod now, faster than you think, ten years, it won't be used at all."

"When I was promoted to a demigod, I already understood the power of the earth spirit."

"Now only one god-level soul can save you."

"You have been wronged there for a while."

"It's a pity that you can't see the scene of me oppressing the King Kong Ape Clan."

"But it doesn't matter, the ancestor of the sky ape, I will suppress you firmly under the ground, and I will deal with him when you come out."

The breeze blew, as if responding to what Zhang Yue had just said.

This is, Zhuge Qing's figure appeared behind Zhang Yue, and has been slowly waiting for Zhang Yue.

After a long time, Zhang Yue said: "Giant Spirit Demigod, Wolf Slayer Demigod, Gongyue Demigod are all already in the Resurrection Pool in the Hall of Heroes."

"The soul attracts Chengdu is very high, after coming out, working hard and having the potential to advance to the true god."

Zhuge Qing looked at Zhang Yue with satisfaction and said, "Xiao Yue, you have contributed too much to the Human Race."

"Now even if you give you all the contribution points and energy points of the human race, it will not make up for your credit."

Zhang Yue smiled and said, "Human race is like my home. It is normal for the children to take out something to supplement the family after they grow up."

"I've heard such words many times. Don't worry, Human Race will always be my home."

To be honest, the things that Human Race can give now are inferior to Zhang Yue's current worth. Just the artifacts in Star Realm Zhang Yue's equipment showroom can arm all the demigods of Human Race.

As for the contribution points and energy points, Zhang Yue is too lazy to count the series of numbers.

"If you have any needs in the future, just say directly, and our entire human race will serve you." Zhuge Qing said.

In the past few years, no one’s group has changed a lot. With the help of the Elementary World Library of the Heavens, the Human Cultivation Method has formed a unique system of the Human Race. In the education of the complete reform, it is generally a middle school to graduate from college. At the top level, students from the top colleges now have the top intermediate level upon graduation.

There are also equipment above the S level. Among the top mineral output of the star realm, the equipment above the S level has dropped to less than 10 billion.

At this moment, Zhang Yue's eyes flashed brightly.

"Senior Military God, can you bring out the ancestor of the sky ape?"

"It takes time. According to your master, he will not come out again in a few years."

"The divine body is destroyed, he needs a lot of resources to repair."

At this time, the demigod guard beside Zhuge Qing whispered a few words to Zhuge Qing.

"Xiaoyue, you are promoted to a demigod!"

Zhuge Qing began to get excited. Since Wei Duntian became a walking stick, he has not been worried for fear that the ancestors of the sky ape will restore the carrier of the King Kong ape clan to invade the human clan in advance.

"Yeah, I just got promoted to a demigod, and now the true **** is nothing to worry about for me." Zhang Yue nodded and said.

"This crisis, our human race has passed." Zhuge Qing murmured.

"Unfortunately, Master can't see all this." Zhang Yue sighed.

After Wei Duntian met Zhang Yue, his greatest wish was to cultivate Zhang Yue into a demigod, or even a true god.

"What do you plan to do next?" Zhuge Qing said, looking at Zhang Yue with bright eyes. Le Kan Novel

"Consolidate the demigod realm, and then go to avenge Shigong." Zhang Yue said, this is the first thing he needs to do to become a demigod.

"If you can't wait for the ancestor of the sky ape to come, don't come to suppress the ancestor of the sky ape easily."

"Ask what?" Zhang Yue said puzzledly.

"If there is no accident, there is an intermediate true **** level beast among the King Kong Ape Clan."

"The clone that killed your master is his, Holy Ape." Zhuge Qing said with a solemn expression.

The human race has many high-level professionals who are proficient in the path of change in the King Kong Ape Race. The most recent news from them is in their holy city, with an intermediate true **** and beast.

"Intermediate true god, then let's wait until the ancestor of the sky ape recovers." Zhang Yue muttered. He didn't expect the hole cards of King Kong Ape Clan Jellyfish, so why didn't he see him when he attacked Human Race earlier.

Intermediate true god, really a little troublesome.

"Then my promotion to a demigod will be hidden first, and I will talk about it after suppressing the ancestor of the sky ape." Zhang Yue said.

"Well, I think so too." Zhuge Qing said.

After bidding farewell to Zhuge Qing, Zhang Yue returned to the water blue area through the teleportation array. After he was promoted to the demigod, the increase in the star realm had been said to him as little pleasure.

Walking on the streets of Shuilan City, Zhang Yue slowly felt the faint smell of blood coming from under the earth, which was so weak that even a demigod would not be able to detect it.

Walking to the fountain fence of the square in the city center, Zhang Yue found a bench and made it down.

A soul clone followed Zhang Yue's feet towards the depths of the earth.

"When I was a high-level player, I did a dry tone in Shuilancheng, but I didn't get any results.

"After being promoted to the demigod, I discovered that the blood demon was hidden deep enough. According to the dead tortoise, this troll has been sleeping here for thousands of years."

"Are there any treasures underground."

Zhang Yue looked at the people playing in the square and said silently.

At this time, a pretty little girl ran to Zhang Yue's side. Poorly said: "Uncle, can you help me take down the balloon from the sky, my little flower is still on top, it will fall to death if it falls."

Zhang Yue looked up and laughed. A balloon was floating in the air. Below the balloon, an Emmanuel Snow Cat was holding the rope of the balloon and looking down in horror.

"Who blessed the floating technique on this balloon."

"If the energy is bigger, I guess it can drag you to the sky." Zhang Yue said, looking at the poor little girl.

"This is my blessing. I didn't expect to drag the little flower to the sky like this."

The little girl was so milky and very cute.

"Uncle, can you help me get the balloon down? I won't see it in a while."

The balloon has flown to a height of one hundred meters~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhang Yue looked at the little girl, his eyes swept away, and then smiled and pointed to the balloon in the sky.

The balloons in the sky seemed to have received instructions, slowly drifting towards the little girl.

The little girl took the balloon and said sweetly, "Thank you, uncle."

Then he ran to other places with a small flower in one hand and a balloon in the other.

"Interesting, I didn't expect to meet this family here."

Even the most basic semi-artifacts, among those top high-level professionals, can be bought by Crowd.

The development of the fragmented world is not as laborious as before.

All this stems from this young man in his early 20s.

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