The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 370: The library in the sea of ​​universe

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"With the power of a demigod, suppress the two true gods, the human race has a genius like you, it will be the next three-eyed race."

The little girl's father looked at Zhang Yue and praised.

Knowing that Zhang Yue was not malicious, the family of three gave a sigh of relief. Among the powerful clans in the world, the number of Wan Ling tribes who died accidentally was innumerable, all because of accidents.

No race can allow a foreign race to lurk in the race, and it is still hidden for generations.

"The human race is the human race, and the three-eyed race is the three-eyed race. You can't get confused."

There was a trace of displeasure in Zhang Yue's eyes, and my human race needed to praise the deeds of the three-eyed race.

"Haha, miss the word."

The little girl's father scolded himself secretly.

"How does His Highness Zhang Yue plan to deal with us."

At this time, the little girl's mother said that this is the problem she cares about most.

"Uncle, we don't want to leave the human race, we will not make trouble."

The little girl looked at Zhang Yue with pitiful eyes and said.

"Very simple, leave the territories of the human race."

"I don't want people from the Ten Thousand Spirit Race lurking in my human race."

"If I were to find out, I would deal with it in the same way as other races."

Before coming, Zhang Yue used his authority to retrieve the information of their family of three.

A very ordinary family can't fault it. The little girl with the finger has an amazing arcane talent, so she will appear in the world of heaven.

"Death by accident?"

The little boy's father flashed a bleak, this time he was afraid that the car would overturn.

"Although your all-spirit race has a good reputation in the world of heavens, to my human race, a foreign race is a foreign race. Unless you are attached to the human race, otherwise, there will be no race for you to collect news of your own race."

At this moment Zhang Yue seemed very domineering.

"If my race builds an embassy in the human race, can we stay?"

The little girl's mother said again that she knew that Human Race had several foreign embassies.

"No, your Wanling Race has a big plan, but you can't involve the Human Race."

"So you should leave."

Talking that a purple light shield surrounded Zhang Yue and the little girl's family of three, they moved instantly to more than 1,000 kilometers outside of Shuilan City.

An earth spacecraft is slowly taking shape under the blessing of the laws of the earth.

"You have no choice, go back." Zhang Yue said.

"His Royal Highness Zhang Yue, after I go back, I will accept the human race of the human race if the high-level clans don't want it."

"Hope your Highness, next time you meet my Wanling Clan, you will be merciful." The little girl's father pleaded to Zhang Yue.

"That's easy to say, if you don't kill, then I will seal him in the boundary monument of our race for a thousand years."

"After all, I am also a murderer." Zhang Yue thought for a while and said.


After Zhang Yue watched the family get on the spaceship, he directly sent an earth soul clone to follow the earth spaceship to the human border.

At this time, Baka, the little starlight snake, appeared beside Zhang Yue, more than half the size of the original.

"The Wanling Race, it's interesting. I saw this race when I was analyzing this universe."

"In the sea of ​​the universe, there is also this race."

"Collect all the power of merit in the universe in the sea of ​​cosmos to resist the dark tides of the sea of ​​cosmos." Starlight snake Baka said. Ran Wen Novel

Zhang Yue was taken aback.

"Is this Wanling Clan so awesome? This race also exists in the sea of ​​cosmos!" Zhang Yue exclaimed.

"Also, what's the matter with the tide of darkness."

"A kind of catastrophe, simply put, the universe without the guardian of the detachment must perish."

"It hasn't been long since the wave has passed. When it comes to the next wave, as long as you are still alive, it is estimated that there is no big problem with detachment." Starlight Little Snake Bakka said lightly, thinking that I was also the guardian of our universe.


"There are merits in the world of the heavens. What merit is the Wanling Clan recording the information of various races." Zhang Yue frowned and asked, you still have merits in copying an assignment.

"Yes, there is a history library in the sea of ​​universe, and there are two large universes as big as that."

"It records the past of all universes in the sea of ​​universe. This is also a great merit, a very powerful race." Bakka responded. He had been to that historical library, which was really magnificent.

"I've seen it." Zhang Yue looked like he had never seen the world.

"So, grow up quickly. This world of heaven is at best a small fish pond, and the outside world is even more exciting."

"In the sea of ​​the universe, your human race is also a relatively powerful alliance."

"According to the path you are taking now, wherever you go, you will probably be very popular."

As if thinking of something, Starlight Little Snake Baka said with a smile.

Baka's words made Zhang Yue an infinite yearning for time outside.

"The little pond of the heavens."

"I feel that now I am not even a microbe." Zhang Yue said with a smile to himself.

The next day, at an unknown place outside Shuilan City, Zhang Yue looked at the lake that had been broken into a vast expanse of lake.

"Unexpectedly, the resource world will be here." Zhang Yue said unexpectedly.

This was the place where his town killed the evil water mysterious turtle last time, and it has now become a barren lake.

Feeling the violent energy in the air after the war, Zhang Yue's domain opened directly, covering the entire battlefield.

As Zhang Yue's domain was covered, the violent energy in the air slowly softened.

Zhang Yue stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and a fragmented world not far away was directly captured in his hand.

"Don't think about me crying, am I not here to make up for you." Zhang Yue said with a smile, feeling the aggrieved emotion in his mind.

From here, Zhang Yue felt that this piece of land was crying to him, that everything about him was gone.

This is a very strange feeling. After Zhang Yue entered the demigod and returned to the world of heavens, wherever he went, the earth under his feet saluted him, as if to welcome his arrival.

"Everything has spirit, I will compensate you now."

With a light grip on the palm of his hand, the world of careful fragments in Zhang Yue's hand was directly crushed. A large amount of energy of each element appeared in the air, forming a large cloud of energy smoke, which first slowly penetrated towards the earth. Appeared in this battlefield.

This is, countless rabbits surround Zhang eyes of countless red rabbits are staring at Zhang Yue.

"Magic rabbit, I don't know if it is delicious to make braised rabbit head." Zhang Yue thought when he looked at the tens of thousands of rabbits around him.

‘Tweet! ’

All the rabbit characters received the order of the biggest rabbit, and countless flame rays shot out from the rabbit's eyes and focused on Zhang Yue.

For a while, Zhang Yue's protective shield was like a piece of red-hot steel.

"These rabbit characters are also brave."

Zhang Yue was angrily laughed, and a group of rabbits dared to attack themselves.


Zhang Yue snapped his fingers, and all the tens of thousands of rabbit characters around were petrified.

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