"The Shield of the Heavens' Innocent Novel ( Find the latest chapter!

'boom! ! ’

Zhang Yue held the huge shield and was shot flying directly by the giant palm of the holy ape.

Zhang Yue in mid-air was directly hit by several thunder and lightning spears and penetrated into the depths of the earth.

A huge giant palm in the sky stretched out a huge finger shining with endless thunder, and pointed it at Zhang Yue fiercely.

"Body of the Earth: Transformation"

In an instant, Zhang Yue, who was in the depths of the earth, disappeared, and at the same time, somewhere outside the holy city, a figure slowly rose.

Zhang Yue touched the blood at the corner of his mouth. Looking at the stalwart body in the center of the holy city, a smile came out from the corner of his mouth.

"Your strength is nothing but that."

At this time, the holy ape in the center of the holy city also saw Zhang Yue outside the city, a trace of helplessness in the eyes full of thunder, there was nothing to do with this enchantment.

"Zhang Yue, hand over the Celestial Ape Ancestor, I promise you that the Diamond Ape Clan will never appear in the sight of the Human Race in the future."

"What's more, the Diamond Ape Clan is no longer an opponent of the Human Race, and I don't want to be your mortal enemy."

"You handed over the ancestor of the sky ape, how about he took his tribe to give up the site?"

The holy ape looked at Zhang Yue and said that the Diamond Ape Clan should leave this place of right and wrong sooner.

"Haha, you let me hand over the ancestor of the sky ape, you let me let go of the King Kong ape clan who has blood and deep feud with my clan."

"Do you think my human race is so spineless?" Zhang Yue looked at the sacred ape contemptuously. In these hundred years, the human races who died at the hands of the King Kong ape race have been countless. This kind of hatred can only be eliminated by the subjugation of the country and species. .

"Holy Ape, you give up protecting the Diamond Ape Clan, the Diamond Ape Clan is no longer worthy of your protection."

"Why don't you come to my human race, the Diamond Ape Clan will give you how many gods a year."

At this time, Zhang Yue started digging the wall.

The people watching the live broadcast at the Human Headquarters are now beginning to react. For example, today the ape ancestor was sealed by Zhang Yue, but now that the King Kong Ape Clan is dead, the Holy Apes are not necessary to guard the King Kong Ape Clan.

"The King Kong Ape Clan provides me with 300 sources of God's resources a year, can you humans?"

The holy ape looked at Zhang Yue with disdain, the human race was notoriously poor, and it was estimated that there were few artifacts in the race.

"My God, 300 gods a year." Zhang Yue exclaimed, is there such a cheap intermediate true god.

"Forget it, your human race can't afford it." Sacred Ape said as he was about to leave, but was stopped by Zhang Yue.

"Holy Ape, I will give you 500 gods in a year. Would you like to be the patron saint of my human race?" Zhang Yue said loudly to the holy ape.

"How do I trust you, do you have so many gods?" said the holy monkey.

At this time, a pure divine origin aura radiated, and the sacred ape instantly widened his eyes to look at the gleaming blue source color light in Zhang Yue's hand.

This light group contains 5000 sacred apes.

"Holy Ape, as long as you agree, I will give you the 10-year salary first." Zhang Yue looked at the holy ape proudly and said, poor child, only 300 gods for a year's salary.

The saint ape looked at Zhang Yue dumbfounded, to be precise, he looked at the divine source in Zhang Yue's hand.

"You are sure to give me 500 gods a year." The holy ape said uncertainly.

"There are rewards for good performance." Zhang Yue said with a smile, not to mention, let Zikong make a few shots every year and have a lot of gods.

"Okay." The holy ape said his body began to transform, and finally turned into a white ape only three meters high.

"Do you have a guardian agreement with the King Kong Ape Clan."

"No, they only gave the holy ape who guarded their King Kong Ape Clan territory."

"I can sign a contract with your human race." Saint Ape said, and the temptation of nearly doubling his annual salary made him abandon his only feeling for the Diamond Ape race in his heart.

A contract with divine power appeared in the hands of the holy ape. It was written on the guardian contract he signed with the human race, and Zhang Yue needed to give him 500 divine sources every year.

Zhang Yue immediately signed his name on this simple contract.

The divine power contract slowly floated towards the sky, and finally exploded. There was a connection between the holy ape and Zhang Yue, and there was an invisible chain of cosmic laws that slowly connected them together.

At the moment when the contract was signed with the holy ape, all the human leaders who watched the live broadcast instantly became excited.

"Don't leave today, and continue to discuss how to digest the territory of the King Kong Ape Clan."

"The King Kong ape tribe, the dead tribe and extinction, can't be less."

"The Vanguard Group asks to play!"

At this time Zhuge Junshen cleared his throat and said: "Everyone is quiet, the most important thing right now is the invasion of the centaur."

"And the first invader of the Centaur tribe may be the King Kong Ape tribe."

At this time, the screen in the large conference hall had become a map of the King Kong Ape Clan.

Zhuge Army God spent a line of defense on the map.

"In this situation, it is impossible to occupy all the King Kong Ape Clan."

"Quickly swallowing the place with the richest resources of the King Kong ape tribe is king."

"Now the First, Ninth, and Twelfth Corps of the Vanguard are dispatched to build a primary line of defense in this position."

"The Fifth, Seventh, Twentieth, and Thirty-sixth Legions of the Suppression Demon Army cleared the first part."

The area of ​​the first part is drawn on the map on the big screen.

At this time the meeting room was quiet, everyone was waiting for Zhuge Army God's arrangement, no one had any objections, no one's expression was full.

The faces of all the military officials showed a fanatical look. Just over a year ago, they were still fantasizing about annihilating the King Kong Ape Clan in a hundred years. Not now, today, what they once fancied happened.

The true **** of the King Kong Ape Clan is dead, and the remaining King Kong Ape Clan has to wait for the fate of not being slaughtered. The war between races is so cruel, even a three-year-old human just born knows that the dead alien is. Good interracial.

After the contract was signed, Zhang Yue looked at the devastated holy city again, sighed, and couldn't tell what it felt like.

Poor, unbearable, feeling too slaughter, Zhang Yue didn't have these feelings, just thinking about what to do if there is an unstoppable force to invade the human race in the future.

Zhang Yue and the holy ape boarded the spaceship returning to the human race.

Already the spacecraft, the eyes of the holy ape are all big, this is the god-level spacecraft of the mechanical clan~www.ltnovel.com~ is a serious existence that can go to the star field to collect resources, with this kind of spacecraft, it seems that I will be in the future. The Holy Ape is guaranteed.

In the driver's cab, Zhang Yue looked at the sacred ape who was looking around and asked: "Why, what do you think about this spaceship."

Hearing what Zhang Yue said, the holy monkey showed a memory of memories.

"I think at the beginning, I played the coolies of the previous years in the heavy spacecraft of the mechanical race."

"I used those resources to finally advance to the Intermediate True God."

The words of the saint ape made Zhang Yue stunned for a moment, the amount of information in this sentence is a bit big.

"You mean, have you worked in the machine clan?" Zhang Yue asked in surprise.

"I didn't know that when I was young, I almost couldn't work for the machine clan at the end." Sheng Yuan said with a sigh.

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