The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 6: Test after awakening

   "The concentration is good, I opened my eyes in an instant. Those newcomers who were not strong in concentration were just there, and it took a long time to come back to their senses."

"This is the Spirit Fox tribe. It is a race brought out of the fragmented world by the Human tribe more than 100 years ago. Look beautiful and stunning. Look at the breasts, thin waists, and long legs. When you reach Tier 7, you will have the strength belt. Go home and work hard for Sao Nian." The uncle patted Zhang Yue on the shoulder and said wretchedly.

"One glance is enough. In my eyes, it is no different from other alien races." Zhang Yue is reflecting on the loss of consciousness just now. If it is an enemy, he may die in that instant, and he must strengthen it in the future. Mental training.

   "Interesting. You must be a big man if you don't fall." The uncle said with a serious expression.

"thank you."

The uncle took this Yue into a room with a large door. After registering at the front desk, he turned left and right to find his assigned awakening room. There is an ancient tub-like instrument in the room filled with emerald green liquid. , As if the color of life.

"Zhang Yue, you can go in and soak for 2 hours. No surprises. After you come out, you will have the strength of the first-level intermediate. In the future, your potential and development will be one step ahead of ordinary people. Because the awakening fluid is adjusted based on your college entrance examination results. The better the grade, the higher the level of the awakening fluid. Your awakening fluid is of the silver level."

   "There is a higher level of awakening liquid?" Zhang Yue asked curiously

   "That has nothing to do with your college entrance examination students. They are all configured for the wealthy children."

   "Before you go in, take off your clothes and take a shower next to you. After the shower, you can move around freely." The uncle pointed to the other door and left after speaking.

   After Zhang Yue made sure that the door was locked, he stripped off his clothes and slowly entered the bathtub with the water temperature just right. After the body was completely soaked, Zhang Yue felt his bones start to itch. A warm current flowed into the body along the acupoints of the meridians outside the body. The warm current flowed throughout the body, slowly gathering in the internal organs, and then slowly gathering to the heart. One.

   Zhang Yue feels that his soul is gradually sublimating, as if the relationship with the world of the heavens has become closer, and he has a clearer perception of the cosmic energy between heaven and earth.

Thinking of going to high school, the teacher talked about the knowledge of Awakening Liquid. Awakening Liquid is the foundation for the human race to stand in the world of the heavens, and it is also the basis for human beings to be based on the third-rate race. In a very large fragment of the world, there are various elements in it. The most precious thing is that it claims to be one of the important supplies of the Protoss race's adult ceremony. After the human race discovered the importance of the awakening liquid, in order to occupy the fragmented world more thoroughly, regardless of recuperation, resolutely launched a super large-scale battle. In the end, the human half-god Yang Tianyi was injured and half of the high-level professionals died, only to exchange the current awakening liquid. Awakening fluid, composed of various precious elements of the fragmented world, can increase the human body's potential from the source of the human body, improve the spirit and three-dimensional data.

Since then, the Terran has embarked on the through train of development. The number of Terran high-level professionals has increased sharply, and the demigods have already had hands. This has increased the development of real-world technology and promoted the overall strength of the Terran from inflow to the current third-rate. At the intermediate level, as long as the human race has a few more demigods, it can be promoted to a third-rate high-level.

   The sound of the end of the equipment sounded, and Zhang Yue recovered and got up and walked out of the tub. Zhang Yi is tall, but his body is not the kind that his muscles are about to explode. He has the kind of muscles that appear to be particularly even and smooth, covering every part of the body just right, and his muscles seem to contain huge and tough power.

   took a shower in the next room, and Zhang Yue put on his clothes and came out. As soon as he came out, a call request came from the portable communicator. Zhang Yue saw that he was the master, and clicked to connect to the conversation.

   "Xiaoyue, the awakening is over, come to the lower hall, I will wait for you at the east gate." The master's gentle voice came.

   "Good master." A warm current ran across Zhang Yue's heart. The master cared about himself very much. When teaching his skills, he never hid himself personally. He wanted to pass on his decades of battlefield experience completely. Zhang Yue had a few more names to guard in his mind.

   After Zhang Yue got down on the elevator, he found his master, Zhao Yunshu was also there, and when he saw Zhang Yue, he rushed over. We circled Zhang Yue a few times.

   "Well, Brother Yue has been a little handsome after awakening." Zhao Yunshu pretended to be old-fashioned, holding his chin.

   "Yun Shu looks more temperamental than before after awakening." Zhang Yue replied politely

   "Really, it seems that what is said on the Internet is correct. Awakening can really make people more beautiful." Zhao Yunshu turned around like a flower in front of Zhang Yue.

   "Okay, okay, don't tout each other. Let's go, follow me to your dad's training hall, and test the physical data." Zhao Gaoshi was a little bit unwilling to watch, and said disgustingly, as if he was awakened.

   Zhao Gaoshi called a carriage, and after everyone got on the carriage, the carriage started to run.

   "Usually you are riding horses. When you arrive on the unfamiliar road, you should take the carriage first."

   The carriage was driving on the wide road, and Zhang Yue and Zhao Yunshu curiously looked at the outside world through the windows. Urban street buildings are mostly modern in style, and there are no too high floors. Except for the cloud towers, the tallest are more than ten floors. They are mostly guild headquarters and trading halls. The sidewalks are full of people who are wearing armor or arcane. For professionals in the robes, there are many shops on both sides, restaurants, snack bars, raw material shops, cafes, mount rental offices, auction houses, equipment shops, etc., and most of them are various training halls.

   After a while, the carriage stopped in front of a training hall called Yongwumen. Zhang Yue knew that this was his father’s daily work place. As soon as he entered, Zhang Yue heard his father’s huge voice.

"Don't shake your hands! You can't hold on after only an hour. It's better to find a job and spend the rest of your life. Fighting is too dangerous for you. Not only will it harm yourself, but it will also harm your comrades." Zhang Shaohui is holding a pointer in a group. The young people who held the sword in their hands walked back and forth, adjusting the posture of the students holding the sword from time to time.

"The talent is good. If you don’t train hard, you will still be a scumbag of Fight 5. If you want to improve your strength, one is fighting, the other is daily hard training, and the third is your own martial arts will. Time and space have less than 60 or 70% of their strength."

   "When will your sword-holding pose be maintained for 3 hours, I will teach him how to comprehend the'potential'."

Speaking of Zhang Shaohui picking up the giant sword on the weapon rack, his temperament changed, as if he was about to launch the last charge on the battlefield where the corpses were all over the field. At a distance of 5 meters from the student, the void swept across the void, and the huge sword in the student's hand buzzed, as if afraid.

   "The name of the potential: One goes forward."

   Almost all the students were frightened, as if they were on a battlefield like a meat grinder. Although scared, all the students shook hands tightly with the giant sword, as if this was his only one. But after a while, the students began to ecstasy. The average training hall can only learn some standard postures and daily training, but they can’t learn this kind of dry stuff. Regarding the learning of momentum, the tuition for entry is not their own civilian career. The person digs it up.

   "You gave the spirit water essence to your dad." Zhao Gaoshi quietly said to Zhang Yue

   "Yes, so my dad can sleep well for a while."

   "I haven't seen your dad so energetic for a long time. Your dad thought he was a genius warrior at the beginning. If your dad is not injured, he might be able to advance to a higher level now."

   "I will find a way to heal my dad."

"wish you success."

   After Zhang Shaohui saw Zhao Gaoshi and his party, he instructed the students to keep a good posture, and walked over.

   "I said I'll pick it up, but your master wouldn't let him, so he has to pick it up."

   "Haha, Lao Zhang, the master-disciple relationship is more important than your father-son relationship in the world of heaven." Zhao Gaoshi joked

   "That's my son too." Zhang Shaohui said proudly

   "Hurry up and measure your body's getting dark soon." Zhao Gaoshi finished the chat with one sentence.

   Zhang Yue was taken to the test room, turned on the instrument, and started the test.

   Same as the college entrance examination process, Zhang Yue is familiar with the road, after a while. Zhao Gaoshi got the test data for the first time, and looked at the data above and said in surprise,

   "It seems that your Zhang family is about to rise. If this data is released, the major warrior academies will be able to break through."

   I saw it says on the data sheet

   Average left hand strength: 1750 kg

   Average right hand strength: 1860 kg

   Average left foot strength: 2530 kg

   Average right foot strength: 2600 kg

  100m speed: 5 seconds

   Neural response speed: Standard second order

   Zhang Shaohui also cocked the corners of his mouth. How good his son is, can his father be upset.

   After the test, the master took the data sheet and said

   "I won't give you this watch. The master will help you go to the pit. No, go ask for a set of equipment to guarantee the best quality."

   "Remember today's training don't fall. Let your dad teach you offline." After saying that he took Zhao Yunshu away, Zhao Yunshu walked back and waved goodbye.

   "Uncle Zhang, Brother Yue, goodbye!" The crisp voice echoed in the training hall.

   "In life, you choose success and failure. When I look back at the last time, I missed the best." Zhang Shaohui said while looking at their backs.

"Dad, I just wanted to take a photo for memorial, but I ended up recording it as a video. You recorded that passage completely before and after. Don't say it, it's quite artistic. I want to send it to Mom to see if I can dig more. Many stories." Zhang Yue said solemnly beside his father.

   "Smelly boy, you shame me." Zhang Shaohui shouted

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