Looking at the iron-winged beast that covered the entire horizon, everyone knew it was another fierce battle.

   "Power of Heroism"

   "Fearless Heart"

   ‘eye of wisdom’

   The priest began to give status to the soldiers and shield bearers outside.

Zhang Yue looked at the overwhelming iron-winged beast, slowly condensing a huge spear in his hand, turning on the anti-gravity and attaching it to the spear. The spear with a diameter of 40 cm and a length of 15 meters is directed at a speed exceeding the speed of sound extremely fast. The iron-winged beasts flew away.

   "Is this a new skill for Brother Yue."

   "From the perspective of an archer, Yue Ge's shot looks quite fierce, but in fact, a lot of energy was wasted during the projectile, and the lack of concentration caused the extra energy to be wasted in flight."

   "Can you block this spear?"

   "Of course I can't stop it, Tier 3 strength, how can I stop this."

   "That's fine."

   Several archers discussed.

   Zhang Yue’s spear plunged directly into the group of iron-winged beasts. Like the big arrows of the ancient crossbow bed, it pierced 7 or 8 iron-winged beasts before stopping.

   "Brother Yue's shot is really shocking, weeping!" The people around Zhang Yue praised, and even Xu Ling evaluated the damage and value of the skill.

The iron-winged beasts approached, and everyone began to confront the beast-like iron-winged beasts. Zhang Yue turned on the shield power and anti-gravity. It may be because of the Beast King. Zhang Yue’s shield power can’t be the same as before. Moving forward can only reduce the desire to attack and weaken the attack.

   Zhang Yue suddenly felt that a shield power with a breath of ice blended with the place covered by his shield power. Zhang Yue looked back and saw that the shield bearer Zhou Yun was blinking at him.

  Is my own guidance so powerful? I just understood the shield power in this way. Zhang Yue couldn't help but sigh. It seems that pointing will be charged in the future, but this way the entire team will be safer than before with the double shield power bonus.

   Zhang Yue led the team to charge forward, and would not stop unless he encountered Tier 4 Iron Winged Beasts. Now with Zhou Yun's shield, the soldiers on the periphery of the battle formation can resist more easily than before.

   When Zhang Yue charged to the iron-winged beasts group, he realized that he was wrong. All the iron-winged beasts wanted to fly to the center of the team to kill with the help of iron wings.

"I want to get over from the top of mine, first ask me whether I agree or not." Zhang Yue directly switched the anti-gravity mode to gravity mode. Due to Zhang Yue's recent practice, his mental strength has greatly improved and the gravity range has already Can spread to within 30 meters.

   So all the iron-winged beasts Zhang Yue approached in mid-air fell from the sky, and then they were all hit by Zhang Yue.

   At this time, hundreds of iron-winged beasts appeared in the sky and rushed down towards the team from a height of 100 meters.

   "Archer, mechanic, air defense." Xu Ling said when the iron wing beast entered the attack range in the air.

   "Received!" Countless flying bombs and burst arrows flew toward the sky.

   "Zhang Yue air defense."

"Roger that."

When the aerial iron-winged beast was about to attack the team, the entire team was protected by a shield wall of a semicircular tunnel, guarding the team’s sky. Xu Ling sighed again that this skill is a god-level skill on the battlefield. After pulling Zhang Yue into the team at the time, in the border battlefield, Zhang Yue estimated that he would be able to use this skill.

   Hundreds of iron-winged beasts directly hit Zhang Yue's shield wall and were hit half to death.

   "Tier 4 iron wing beasts, everyone pay attention." Zhang Yue quickly reminded, he saw three huge iron wing beasts staring at the team not far away.

   "Keep the charge and switch the sniper formation. When the Tier 4 and Tier 4 Iron Wing beast launches an attack, it will be counted as a defensive state immediately." Xu Ling's voice came from the headset.

   All the personnel of the sniper team began to stop the attack and began to accumulate their energy to prepare for the big move.

   The team is getting closer and closer to the Tier 4 Iron Winged Beast, and Zhang Yue is also more and more vigilant.

   Three huge iron-winged beasts flew towards the team from three directions. Seeing that they are not flying, Zhang Yue's heart is a little settled. On the earth, you don't want to hurt people by my side.

   A Tier 4 Iron Winged Beast used its wings to cut across Zhang Yue.

  ‘Clang’~~~ The sound of huge metal collision sounded from heaven and earth, and two Tier 4 iron wing beasts attacked on both sides of the team, but they were also blocked by Zhang Yue’s shield wall.

   "Guillotine, trap me." Zhang Yue directly controlled the three iron-winged beasts with the shield wall.

   "Shou! Enter the sniper group."

   "Red Flame Spear"

   "Burst Fireball"

   ‘energy-gathering light cannon’

   "Armor Piercing Burst Arrow"

   "Energy Storage Ice Spear"

   "Psionic Armor Piercing Bullet"

   Although the three iron-winged beasts had this armor, they were all killed by the fire.

"Keep going."

   Zhang Yue started to charge with a shield again, feeling very comfortable. The feeling of being a teammate was really good, trapping the enemy and killing them in one go.

   Until he met the Tier 4 Iron Winged Beast King, Zhang Yue had a sense of warfare. Unfortunately, when the Iron Winged Beast King appeared, he was smashed by the gun sister.

   Zhang Yue saw this scene, and decided that he would never provoke the Arcanist who is proficient in the Thunder system in the future, it was terrifying.

   After 8 hours, everyone set foot on the giant rock area, everyone began to rest. ,

   "Is this the last level." Zhang Yue said slowly, looking at the huge rocks in the distance.

"According to past practice, there are still many alien beasts in the core area of ​​the Heart of the World, but they are all hidden. I hope it will not be an energy-type alien beast, otherwise it is too difficult to engage." Xu Ling responded to Zhang Yue to ~www. ltnovel.com~ I think you may have guessed it right, this place is a bit rich in elemental energy, maybe it is true. "Zhang Yue said with a smile.

   "Trust your instincts, I am working out the battle plan of the energy system alien beast in detail." Xu Ling picked up the tactical board and started to operate.

   "Well, there is nothing wrong with being cautious." Zhang Yue said silently.

   Zhang Yue walked in the boulder area and felt the rich earth energy. Zhang Yue simply stood up here in the shield-holding pose, carried out daily training, and was deeply immersed in this earth energy.

   The three shield-holders watched Zhang Yue practicing the shield-holding pose, and hurried over to practice with Zhang Yue, feeling the strong shield power on Zhang Yue's body, and the three immediately entered the state.

   "Brother Yue, really hard work, don't forget to exercise at this time." An arcanist exclaimed.

   "Otherwise, Brother Yue can become the person that the Aquastar Chamber of Commerce most hopes to win. Boss Shen doesn't know how much it will cost to win Brother Yue." Another Arcanist said.

   "It is said that some people have already raised the price to 1 billion on the market."

   "Let me go, so high, our first team is only 500 million."

   "Brother Yue is not worth the price?"

"It’s worth 2 billion. Seeing Tier 4 high-level alien beasts are all imaginary, they are directly hardened steel. Unlike the shield bearers of our team, they can barely resist Tier 4 intermediate alien beasts. They can only be one. How can there be such a big gap between shield holders." The arcanist looked at the shield holders in his team and sighed.

   "Go and talk to Brother Yue in a while, the future of the great **** will definitely hold his thigh."

   "Haha, what a hero sees is the same."

   Zhao Yujue was listening to Zhang Yue proudly while others were licking Zhang Yue, and he was happy, haha, the thigh of the future god, I have already embraced it comfortably.


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