Zhang Yue dialed a number full of gold.

   At this time, Shen Manjin was building an entrance base in the Ten Thousand Stone Mountains. He saw Zhang Yue's call request and immediately connected.

"Brother Yue, what's the matter?" Shen Manjin asked with a smile on his face. Since the opening of the world of difficult fragments, he has been in a state of excitement. The top 3S equipment and the super technology of the Wings are currently being cracked. The most important thing is It is in the intelligent light brain of the Wing tribe that there is actually a set of five exercises that the Wing tribe used to build the foundation for the youngsters of the tribe, corresponding to the five elements.

   Zhang Yue talked about his intentions, and wanted to ask Boss Shen to help him find an ordinary world of small fragments, just planting.

"Brother Yue, no problem, there are many small fragment worlds in Biri Forest, most of them are planting types, I will send you a position in a while." Shen Manjin promised that there will be a lot of tasteless worlds in the fragment world. Some just have a higher energy density, and are of no use except for planting.

   "Thank you, Boss Shen." Zhang Yue thanked him.

"What are you polite. This time you helped me so much. The relics in the Fragmented World are long enough for our Boulder Chamber of Commerce to digest for a long time. There are equipment, technology, and exercises inside. Come and see if there are any. suitable for you."

   "Then thank you boss Shen." Zhang Yue said with a smile.

   "We don't need to say much, we will send you the location soon, and speak if necessary."


   After the call ended, Zhou Jie said in surprise: "Is that boss Shen just now? The business legend of Shui Lanxing?"

   "Yes, recently helped him open up a difficult fragmented world, so I asked him to help find a fragmented world." Zhang Yue said naturally.

   "Awesome, when you see him, can you give me an autograph, he is my idol." Zhou Jie said admiringly, this is when he is interested in business, witnessing the rise of this legendary figure.

   "Let me ask for it for you. Then we will ask Boss Shen to have a meal. You can ask for it yourself. What a simple matter." Zhang Yue said.

   "Really, can you really make an appointment with Boss Shen?"

"One sentence." After Zhang Yuegang finished speaking, Shen Manjin sent him the location and attached information. This is a low-value fragmented world. It was detected yesterday and it was judged to be of no development value. Intersection with the third-order alien beast area.

   "There are still three hours until noon, and we are ready to take out the barbecue kit. Let's go to the Fragmented World to eat, and Zhou Jie, you treat."

   "No problem." Zhou Jie immediately opened the takeaway mall and started ordering.

   Five minutes later, a drone carrying a boutique takeaway box landed in a designated area.

"Let’s go, take my car, don’t be afraid, there will be no strange beasts with me." Zhang Yue looked at Zhou Jie’s worried expression and remembered that he was most afraid of strange beasts when he was a child. My legs tremble in fear.

   "I'm not afraid, I'm just worried that Xiaoqian is injured."

   "Come on, you, Xiaoqian can beat you eight each, you weak chicken, hurry up in the car and don't delay eating time."

   When Zhang Yue spoke, the vehicle was already deformed. The three people got on the vehicle, connected to the personal communicator, and sent the position to the car's intelligent system.

   "Drive to the nearest place to this location." Zhang Yue said.

   "Understand, my master." After the electronic tone replied, he started to go to the destination.

   "Brother Yue, the car is good, it's a lot of money, I'll get one too." Zhou Jie got into the car and found that the interior layout and decorations of the car looked very advanced.

   "10 million"

   "It's pretty good." Zhou Jie retracted his interested gaze and began to look at the scenery outside the window.

"Haha, buy it when you have money." Chen Xiaoqian said with a smile, watching her good friends from high school meet again, she feels very happy, her boyfriend has a successful career, his brother looks more powerful now, Already Tier 3 strength.

   "Xiao Qian, how far has your pastor practiced?" Zhang Yue asked curiously.

   "First-level advanced, will be evaluated as excellent-next year, it is estimated that I will reach the second-level intermediate."

   "It's okay, the priest is very welcome."

   After an hour, the off-road vehicle stopped in a forest, prompting that it could not move forward.

   Zhang Yue got off the car and saw that there were dense forest bells ahead, and off-road vehicles could not get in. There was still more than 30 kilometers away from the destination.

   Zhang Yue turned the off-road vehicle into a helicopter to fly before reaching the destination.

   "Is it here?" Zhou Jie said, pointing to the hole with the blue light.

   "That's right, the trees here are too dense, I will clean it up for you."

   Zhang Yue directly dragged all the trees within 100 meters of the entrance of the cave to the ground and solidified the ground. It turned into a small square at once.

   "Let's go, let's go in and open up wasteland." Zhang Yue said.

   "I heard that there are tens of thousands of Tier 3 strange beasts and Tier 4 strange beasts in it. Is it really okay?" Zhou Jie was still a little scared.

   Zhang Yue didn't talk nonsense, and directly took Zhou Jie's small body into the hole.

   "Xiaoqian keep up."


   Zhang Yue and the two have entered the fragmented world, and they feel a clear and moist atmosphere, plain terrain, many grasslands, many lakes, and a few woods in the distance.

   took a deep breath, the air seemed to have a sweet smell.

   "Jie Zhou, how is this place to grow vegetables." Zhang Yue said, looking at this fertile land, it must be a good place to grow vegetables.

   As soon as Zhou Jie came in, he took out the instrument to take a soil sample for testing, and then began to measure the air component and energy component.

   "Too suitable, just add an artificial sun~www.ltnovel.com~ This is a superb place to grow vegetables. Here, I have the confidence to cultivate fourth-order spiritual vegetables."

   "Okay, then you have to come on, now come with me to get the heart of the world."

   Zhang Yue led the two towards the location of the Altar of the Heart of the World.

   At this time, the earth began to tremble, and countless Tier 3 iron-skinned bulls attacked the three of Zhang Yue, thousands of bulls galloping, unstoppable.

   Zhang Yue looked at a Tier 3 low-level tin bull, and couldn't raise any interest.

   Zhang Yue took out the Dragon Scale Shield and said to the two of them: "Follow me, Xiao Qian, give Zhou Jie the status, he can't keep up after a while."

   Chen Xiaoqian nodded and agreed.

   "The Power of Bull"

   "Cat's Agility"

Zhang Yue began to charge, and countless iron-skinned bulls were suppressed by the shield spirit before they even touched Zhang Yue. They stayed there, as if frozen, and the fourth-order bull king was dragged directly to more than 100 meters underground. The coffin made for it with a shield wall, um, probably won't be able to go up in a lifetime.

   Zhang Yue took the shocked two people all the way to the altar, took the Heart of the World, and gave it to Zhou Jie.

"Xiao Qian, teach him to refine the heart of the world, I will go out and kill a wave." After Zhang Yue finished speaking, he built a small cloud tower for them, took out the meteorite giant sword, and rushed towards the iron bull with the sword. He didn't use a shield this time, but rushed over dryly.

Zhang Yue used his sword skills to his heart's content, scoring one **** path after another in the herd. Zhang Yue's basic sword skills became more and more proficient. The entire basic sword skills have gradually been integrated and advanced to a higher level. .

   An hour later, Zhang Yue returned to the shield wall.

   "Yes, I haven't lost the family handicraft."

   Zhang Yue took out a cloth and began to wipe the blood on the sword.


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