The Heavenly Shield is Harmless

Chapter 73: Mutant Earth Elemental Giant

   Zhang Yue finally drove the two to watch the entire fragmented world. Except for the Qinglingyu, everything else was a low-value resource, and the rest was just the fertile land under his feet.

   When he returned to the altar position, he found that the iron-skinned bulls were significantly less herd. Zhang Yue looked at the iron-skinned bulls' corpses all over the floor. There were almost 5,000 dead. It seemed that they had been killed by half.

Zhang Yue didn’t know that the spirit body of this earth element had already signed a master-servant contract with Zhang Yue, that is, when it was immediately wiped out by the endless starlight, it actively signed a contract with Zhang Yue, or else the Xingkai guarding Zhang Yue would Destroy it directly. Its spiritual body has been infected by Zhang Yue's soul, integrating all Zhang Yue's power of earth elements, the power of earth, and the power of heavy soil.

  Especially after the fusion of the power of the earth, the energy recovery speed of the earth elemental giant has been strengthened several times. It can be said that as long as it is above the earth, it will have endless energy, so the earth elemental giant began to unscrupulously use its big moves.

   With a loud bang, the earth element giant's right foot slammed on the ground, and circles of sharp thorns were released again, and the iron-skinned bull with a radius of 100 meters was pierced again.

   "This speed should be wiped out at night." Zhang Yue said as he looked at the earth elemental giant who had hammered an iron bull with a punch.

   "Brother Yue, your little brother's speed of clearing monsters is too fast. This time, half of them were killed by your little brother." Zhou Jie said while looking at the corpses all over the floor.

   "Well, yes, I didn't expect the efficiency to be so fast. It seems that professional people have sold the corpses of the cows. After all, they are Tier 3 monsters and are worth a lot of money." Zhang Yue said, touching his chin.

   As soon as I finished speaking, the earth element giant raised his hands and gathered a spherical boulder with a diameter of more than 40 meters and threw it towards the dense herd of cattle in the distance, smashing countless iron-skinned bulls.

   After Zhang Yue finished reading it, he quickly contacted the giant mentally to prevent it from using this trick, otherwise the Tin Man Bull would be worthless.

   Zhang Yue asked Zhou Jie to open a hole, brought in the signal, and dialed the number of Shen Manfu. He was the supervisor of the Bisun Forest in the Jushi Chamber of Commerce.

   Shen Manfu was assessing the price with the customer. He saw Zhang Yue's call request and said sorry to the customer and asked the deputy supervisor to entertain him. He quickly found another unmanned meeting room to answer Zhang Yue's call request.

"Master Yue, what can I do for you?" Shen Manfu said respectfully. Now Zhang Yue can be said to be one of the shareholders of the Boulder Chamber of Commerce. After the successful land reclamation of the world of difficult fragments, the boss held all the high-level meetings. Zhang Yue’s wasteland reclamation video stated that Zhang Yue will be a shareholder of the Jushi Chamber of Commerce in the future. He is the best hope for the Chamber of Commerce to enter the higher chamber of commerce in the future. You can disrespect me, but you have the slightest delay. Desperately.

   "Shen Bo is still so polite. I have a large number of iron-skinned bull raw materials. They are fresh and there are a lot of them. I wonder if you can send someone over to collect them."

   "Master Yue, Iron Man Niu bought a complete set of materials for 300,000 yuan. Where is the location and the quantity, I will send someone to collect it." Shen Manfu added 50,000 yuan to the original purchase price of 250,000.

"Shen Bo, your price increase is a bit cruel. You don't do business anymore. There is a set of 250,000 energy points, which is about 10,000. I will send you a short position. I will send you a whole cow without a good allocation. Then we will send professionals. Zhang Yue said that every time he sold something, the price would be increased, and Zhang Yue was embarrassed.

   "Okay, Master Yue said 250,000 would be 250,000." Shen Manfu said slowly.

   After the call ended, Zhang Yue felt that Shen Bo had more respect for him than before. Could it be the reason for helping them open up wasteland?

   Hanging up, Zhang Yue turned his head and said to the sweet two: "It seems we have to spend it here today, just to finish everything about the alien beast."

   Zhang Yue looked at the cattle as if they were on a bar with the earth element giant, and madly pushed the earth element giant with its horns, then the giant got up and down, zoomed in, and died a lot.

   "Don't look at my little brother, let's catch the clear fish." Zhang Yue said to the two.

   "How to catch without equipment." Zhou Jie and Chen Xiaoqian looked at Zhang Yue suspiciously.

   "The mountain people have their own tricks, just follow me." Zhang Yue thought of his ice wall skills, isn't this a good way to catch fish.

   Due to the characteristics of Qinglingyu, Zhang Yue and the others found a lake with the smallest area.

   Zhang Yue stood by the lake, looking at this small lake, more than 100 meters deep, Zhang Yue may be able to hook.

   "Brother Yue, how to catch fish, whether you can eat it tonight, it depends on you." Zhou Jie said, looking at the swarms of clear fish in the lake.

   "You still believe me?"

   "Ice prison!"

   Zhang Yue directly locked a large group of clear spirit fish with the ice wall, at least more than 200.

   A large square ice shield was picked up by Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue separated the two halves, gave Zhou Jie half, and took the rest by himself.

   After a while, Zhang Yue's personal communicator rang. It was a message sent by Shen Manfu, saying that he had arrived at the place.

   Zhang Yue asked Hui Zhou Jie to open the portal, and found that Zhang Yue had made a small spacecraft parked on the small square outside, and Shen Manfu was waiting beside him.

   "Bo Shen, why did you come in person? It's not a big deal." Zhang Yue said after seeing Shen Manfu coming over.

"It just happened to be okay over there, just come over and take a look. It turns out that Master Yue has opened up a fragmented world. Congratulations." Shen Manfu handed over his hands and congratulated him. He looked at the two people around Zhang Yue. Did Yue lead them to open up wasteland and debris world?

   "Small things, come in, my little brother is still cleaning the tin-skin bulls, it will probably be some time." Zhang Yue led everyone into the fragmented world.

"Bo I will introduce to you, this is Zhou Jie, the owner of the Mountain Chamber of Commerce, and my best brother. This fragmented world belongs to him, and the other beauty is his girlfriend Chen Xiaoqian. "After everyone entered the Fragmented World, Zhang Yue began to introduce to Shen Manfu.

   "Shen Bo is good." Zhou Jie and Chen Xiaoqian greeted.

"Haha, this son of Zhou, is it possible that he is the founder of the Mountain Spirit brand. I have also eaten the spirit dishes of your Chamber of Commerce and admired it for a long time." Shen Manfu responded, somewhat surprised. The friend of Master Yue's is not a simple character. In just over half a year, the Chamber of Commerce has been built to this scale, and I still think that the next conference proposes the Chamber of Commerce to enter the plantation industry. Based on his relationship with Young Master Yue, it seems that the proposal has been stranded.

   Under the guidance of Zhang Yue, he led everyone to the core area, and saw a giant of the earth element clearing the iron bull from a distance.

   At this time, an arcanist behind Shen Manfu said in confusion, "Earth Elemental Giant? Why does it look a bit wrong."

   "Oh, it is my little brother, it can also be said to be my summoned beast." Zhang Yue responded casually, without saying much.

   The arcanist looked at the earth elemental giant in the distance and thought that the strength of Tier 3 summons the earth elemental giant with the top combat power of Tier 4. This legendary Master Yue is really such an evil spirit.

On the battlefield, watching the iron-skinned bulls pierced by the ground, everyone took a breath. This is too terrifying. The entire battlefield is full of iron-skinned bulls that were killed by the ground. Is it costly?

Everyone pressed the doubts in their hearts and began to sort out the cow carcasses, skinning, deboning, dividing meat, and collecting dirt with arcane techniques. Someone behind them was placed in a large space backpack in order. Zhang Yue stood by to prevent accidents and iron skins. Bull attack.

   has been busy until eight o'clock in the evening.


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