Zhang Yue looked at Chu Feng, who was attacking him, and directly blocked it with a shield. I have special blocking skills to ensure that you are satisfied.

Just when Chu Feng was about to stab Zhang Yue in his hair, Chu Ying’s figure slowly flashed beside Zhang Yue, quickly took out a golden slender arrow, ran to Zhang Yue’s flank, and jumped in depth. Duo meters high in the sky, directly facing Zhang Yue's heart, directly shot out.

‘The Potential of Breaking Gold’

The skirt around watching the battle took a breath, how the situation was broken, the front and back flanks, and there were archers on the periphery to launch a fatal blow. Chu Yunxuan also stared at the battlefield closely, holding the tactical board in his hand, and kept recording several times. Detailed data of human combat is the most tactical basis for the future.

"I can't break this situation. I can only retreat strategically." Lu Heng touched his chin and asked what should I do if I encounter this situation.

Between the lightning and flint, Zhang Yue held a shield in his left hand to block, and his right hand condensed a high-strength shield wall into a shield to resist Chu Ying's side attack. A circular shield wall directly surrounds the three people on the periphery, and the whole sinks into the Zheng of the earth.

This is a golden slender arrow that directly penetrated the shield wall and shot towards Zhang Yue, but was blocked by another shield wall by Zhang Yue.

"Awesome, this attack power is close to Tier 5 advanced." Zhang Yue thought in his heart, but there is no way to miss the shot. Now Zhang Yue's nerve response speed is already at the top level of the same order.

Under the gaze of the audience, the circular tomb-shaped shield wall sank completely underground.

Zhang Yue got out of the ground.

In the ‘guillotine’, two coffin-shaped shield walls rose slowly, just as Lu Heng was lying flat.

At this time, an intelligent flying shooting robot flew over the two of them and began to take pictures.

Lu Heng looked at the photos that were sent back, and started to shout.

"Haha, let you ridicule me in the first place, and give people everywhere that I was abused by Brother Yue, now the retribution is coming."

All the people who were watching the battle who did not know the truth reacted.

"It turns out that Lu Heng was abused by Zhang Yue, and Zhang Yue's evaluation is still very pertinent." Chu Yunxuan said thoughtfully, whether to raise the upper limit of the enemy's level by one level.

"I want to have a good relationship with this big brother, and I will have another backer in the future." Lin Dong looked at Zhang Yue with golden eyes.

The master of his demigod mechanic has always taught him a concept that the mechanic is the first mystery to live. The second is to make more friends and hug your thighs, because in the future you need a lot of energy points to build your future space war castle. When you can sell cute, hug your thighs when you can hug your thighs. They are good candidates for borrowing money. They are also willing to lend you money. This is his demi-god master on the way to escape the debt. There are more than 10 demigods chasing after his master.

Returning to the battlefield, Zhang Yue turned his attention to the archer Xu Pokong, and Zhang Yue quickly rushed towards Xu Pokong with his shield.

‘Ice Crystal Arrow’, a dark blue arrow hurriedly shot towards Zhang Yue, condensing ice elements in mid-air, turning into a giant arrow as big as a missile.

"Ice Forces, this is what I am most afraid of."

Zhang Yue holding the shield turned into a huge water shield, directly resisting the ice force of the ice crystal giant arrow, and Zhang Yue's water shield also turned into an ice shield under the influence of the ice crystal giant arrow.

The spiritual suppression and gravity of the shield force made Xu Pokong's footsteps heavier and heavier. In the end, he was directly captured by Zhang Yue's shield wall, and there was another coffin beside Chu Feng and Chu Ying.

"Here's my brother!" Chu Feng said with a grin, being defeated by the strong, keeping an optimistic attitude, practicing hard, and finding the strong son when he is strong.

"Brother Yue, we have all lost our combat effectiveness, have we finished the discussion." Chu Feng shouted.

"It's still the last step. Someone paid a big price for me to do it." Zhang Yue finished.

The earth element giant slowly rose in front of the Chu Feng trio, holding a giant axe in his hands, his face like a ghost.

"Brother Yue, who are you making trouble?" This is Chu Feng

"Brother Yue, we lost, let us go." This is Chu Ying

"Skills can be killed, not insulted." This is Xu Pokong.

Zhang Yue didn't say anything, and said sorry in his heart. Someone paid a big price and asked me to scare you once.

The giant axe was lifted aloft by the giant, and matched with the ferocious expressionless face of the earth element giant, it really gave the three of them a great shock.

"Brother Yue, don't! We have taken it, we have taken it!" Chu Feng said a little trembling.

Lu Heng looked at Zhengzhuang from below, and the flying camera robot also took wonderful photos.

Zhang Yue glanced at Lu Heng and indicated whether it was okay. After all, it would be a bit too much to go down, because there will always be a team's brother in the future.

Lu Heng returned a satisfied expression to Zhang Yue, and Zhang Yue breathed a sigh of relief and removed the shield wall and the earth element giant.

After being free for the third time, Zhang Yue looked at Zhang Yue, and Zhang Yue looked at Lu Heng naturally.

"I want to challenge you for the man who plays dung fork." Chu Feng shouted to Lu Heng angrily.

"Dare to insult my weapon is to insult me, playing with toothpicks, I will fight you for 300 rounds." Lu Heng was instantly irritated by a dung fork, and he cursed back.

"Dung fork, I want you to know what Dahe Sword is coming up and come and die." Chu Feng jumped into the middle of the training ground excitedly and pointed his sword at Lu Heng.

"Toothpicks, I used to let you, but now I want to let you know what is a slash." Lu Heng rushed towards Chu Feng holding Fang Huaji, his eyes fired.

‘Qingfeng Jianying. ’

‘Across the World’

The two used their big moves at the same time to make you come and go on the training ground. The momentum was huge, and the shock wave of the collision between the weapons blew around like a strong wind.

"Isn't this very powerful? Why do you look so weak when you fight with me? Did I restrain them?" Zhang Yue muttered to himself as he looked at the two men directly above him.

"It's not that they are weak, it's that you are too strong, you are obviously a shield bearer, and the skill lethality lacks so much."

Chu Yunxuan didn't know when he walked to Zhang Yue's side.

"Leader Chu is good." Zhang Yue saw Chu Yunxuan coming and greeted him quickly. Influenced by Xu Ling, he had a good impression of the tactician. In a team, a tactician could avoid a lot of trouble.

"Haha, I'm not much older than you, and teach me how to do it with Brother Chu. I want to know that you have shown dodge strength in the battle just now." Chu Yunxuan took out the tactical board and recorded it.

"85% of ~www.ltnovel.com~ my skills are restrained from close combat and long range, and there are many skills that are not used." Zhang Yue thought for a while.

Zhang Yue then went over his skills roughly.

"Okay, the basic data of your personal combat power has been entered." Chu Yunxuan put away his tactical board, his ability was a little stronger than expected.

At this time, a thunderous loud sound resounded through the entire training ground, and Zhang Yue and Chu Yunxuan looked at the training ground together.

"Toothpicks! Really, why didn't you use the big move just now." Lu Heng's light armor broke, as if struck by lightning.

"Stop talking nonsense, dung fork die."

"Okay, then we will decide the outcome with one move." Lu Heng said loudly.

"Thunder Sword!"

"Wild cut!"

The shield of the heavens is unharmed

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