The moment Tianyang touched the dim lines, the Qinglian Palace token that Tianyang placed in the space bag burst into rays of light!

It appeared directly in Tian Yang's palm, activating these dim lines.

Then, the door opened, but at the same time, a bunch of information also poured into Tianyang's mind from the Qinglian Palace token.

"This giant tower, there is such a history?"

Tian Yang was startled, then he understood and quickly entered the giant tower.

As for Jiang Xuan, Tian Yang put it aside.

Anyway, the gate of this giant tower is open, and it will not be closed for a while.

"Is the Jiang family lucky or I am lucky to find this kind of treasure in any tower?"

Tian Yang walked in the tower and muttered to himself.

This giant pagoda is indeed the secret treasure house of Emperor Qing, which contains a lot of treasures.

Divine Soul senses it casually, and it can sense countless powerful treasures.

There are even quite a few, although it is said that the dust is covered and the breath is blocked, but they can still sense the power of it.

It's just that, in Tian Yang's pupils, the brilliance of the divine soul lit up slightly.

The next moment, I saw the green lotus of the sword, which was blocked by many obstacles, but still exposed to the soul of Tianyang!

Qinglian Sword Immortal, who became an immortal with a sword, was remembered by all the worlds and became the guard of countless Tianjiao Supreme Road.

In the Qing Emperor's secret collection, Tian Yang did not see any information about Qinglian Sword Immortal, or even about swords.

This is naturally impossible.

Well, obviously.

The most important thing in this Qing Emperor's secret collection is what Qinglian Sword Immortal left behind!

One is the Qinglian Palace token.

Two, that is, the sword of Qinglian Sword Immortal!

Now, in this Qinglian Giant Pagoda, the second one has appeared.

Tian Yang shot in an instant, ignoring the useless lines of interference induction, and accurately printed the Qinglian Palace token on the flower heart of the sword Qinglian!


At the moment when the Qinglian Palace token was accurately printed on the center of the sword's Qinglian, the useless lines that interfered with the induction all turned into fly ash and dissipated.

The rest are sword marks one after another, slashing on the wall, depicting this delicate and wild sword of green lotus!

A tyrannical aura bloomed from this green lotus!

From the beginning, the sword marks are still very obvious, and it looks like a beginner in kendo who has tried his best to slash out, but it is completely uncontrollable.

However, the further up you go, the more you reach the part of Qinglian, and the true meaning of kendo contained in the sword marks becomes more and more profound.

At the flower petals, the true meaning of this kendo turned into a holy way.

At the flower stamen, the sword of the holy way has been transformed into the sword of origin, burning the flames of a lot of green lotuses.

The last flower heart, only a sword.

However, this sword has already broken through the realm of the gods and stepped into the divine way of the supreme sword!

Tian Yang glanced at it and saw the mystery of the Qinglian of this sword.

It was also deeply shocked by the last sword!

The flower heart that should be carved the most, however, has only one sword.

Of course, what about this?

This sword can be a thousand swords and ten thousand swords!

"I, fifteen swordsmen, cut out the first sword from this sword wall."

"One hundred and twenty, cultivate the fire of Taoism, and understand the true meaning of swordsmanship."

"Five hundred and forty, cultivate into a holy state and step into the holy way of swords! And based on the Qinglian good luck formula, create my Qinglian swordsmanship!"

"Six hundred, condense the origin, cut out the original Qinglian sword, and draw the Qinglian of this sword."

"Seven hundred, cultivate the divine way of the sword, understand my sword art, step out of my own divine way, and cut out the green lotus of this sword!"

"Now, leave my sword art, Qinglian sword song, if there is someone who climbs the kendo, realizes sword song, and steps on the sword pavilion, they can take charge of Qinglian!"

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