Demon Venerable, Mo Wushuang!

Even if he doesn't speak, he is different from the primordial demonic energy around him.

Mo Wushuang didn't have the slightest aura around him, and even his appearance was mediocre, even inferior to Tian Yang.

Wearing an ordinary black shirt, ordinary black hair.

Apart from the dark throne behind it, there is nothing special about it.

But, just stand in front of him.

Tian Yang felt a little bit of horror.

Obviously, there is no breath on his body, but standing in front of him, there is a kind of silent pressure.

"This time, it's the tenth era catastrophe."

"Nine times before, all of you have obstructed, so that the catastrophe of the era cannot be successfully released, and I only devoured a part of Yuanshi."

"However, after accumulating it ten times, I can still devour all Yuan Shi."

"Now, you are just right, let me launch a complete era of catastrophe."

"So, I'm not going to let anyone stop me."

Mo Wushuang said.

The voice was unusually calm, without the slightest emotional fluctuation.

However, the moment Mo Wushuang finished speaking.

A mountain-like pressure surged towards Tianyang.

Tian Yang only felt that his whole body seemed to be blocked.

The God King's cultivation base can't even move!


Tian Yang snorted coldly, and the god-king cultivation base bloomed!

He directly broke through the confinement that Mo Wushuang imposed on him!

"You should also be born from the heavens and the world, no, the origin continent."

"Why do you want to destroy the heavens and the world?"

Tianyang said.

Before going to war, he wanted to know the answer to that question.

In this side of the universe, there should be all creatures from this side of the universe.

Why do you want to destroy the world?

"A lot of people have asked your question."

Mo Wushuangdao.


"God emperor is the way of heaven. Only by swallowing up all the primordial origin can one become the way of heaven and become a god emperor."

"Even if I cultivate my source of the Dao of Heaven to the extreme, I will not be able to become a God Emperor, because no matter what kind of laws of the Dao of God are, they are all under the suppression of Dao of Heaven."

"For a day when the Dao of Heaven exists, I can't become a God Emperor for a day."

Tian Yang noticed this.

Beside Mo Wushuang's pitch-black throne, there was an innumerable fragment of light, emitting a dim light.

Tian Yang instantly recognized the essence of this light group.

The origin of all worlds, the "Original Beginning" of the Dao of Heaven.

The current Yuan Shi is already crumbling and is about to be completely extinguished.

Perhaps, Mo Wushuang launched the Era Catastrophe just as an incidental.

As an incidental to the devouring of primordial origin.

If the source of the Dao of Heaven is swallowed, it will inevitably lead to catastrophe in the heavens and the world.

"Then...why do you want to become a god emperor?"

The Heavenly Firmament Sword in Tianyang's hand burst out with a dazzling light, and his whole body of fighting intent climbed to the top!

Rolling divine power, burst out!

Obviously, when Mo Wushuang finished answering this sentence.

That is, the moment when this decisive battle to connect the destiny of the heavens and the world begins completely!

"In the ancient times, I was the strongest in the origin continent, known as the king of gods."

"Standing at the top of the world, you can't be resurrected, a mortal who is scattered."

Mo Wushuangdao.

"My clothes were given to me by her, and my face was also her favorite."

"She said that it would be beautiful if I had a throne sitting on it, so I made a throne in this seal."

"Although, I don't like it, and it doesn't match the clothes she gave me at all."

"Hun Feishuo San is a complete death. I cultivate with all my strength, and even when I reach the King of God Venerable, I can't save Soul Fei San."

"So, only by becoming a god emperor, controlling the way of heaven, refreshing the heavens and the world, and reversing time and space."

"Only possible, let her come back."

Then, Mo Wushuang's body burst out with fiery white divine power!

Its vastness, almost.

Illuminate this black hole to the extreme!

"I don't like black, although I am called Demon Venerable by you."

Mo Wushuang's black hair gradually turned into bright white.

In his eyes, there were beams of divine light.

"However, having said so much, enough is enough."

"Those who prevent me from becoming a god emperor will die."

Then, Mo Wushuang raised his hand slightly.

The space in the entire black hole has turned into the strongest annihilation force, and it collapsed toward the sky!


The endless space and time, all centered on the sun, collapsed crazily!

Seeing this, Tian Yang's pupils suddenly shrank to the extreme, this is...

Demon Ancestor, the world is collapsing!

In an instant, one after another powerful chaotic divine power burst out from Tian Yang's body!

In an instant, in this white world, chaos occupied one after another!

However, compared to Mo Wushuang's origin of the Dao of Heaven, it is still a lot worse!

"In the past, a man named Xin admired me very much, so I taught him this trick."

"Looks like you've seen him now."

Mo Wushuang said calmly, raised his right hand, and turned it.

The five fingers that were stretched out suddenly clenched tightly!


The Quartet Heaven, all collapsed!

Tian Yang's figure disappeared in an instant!

"Chaos God Realm!"

A roar erupted from the collapsed heaven, and the next moment, a world dedicated to chaos, in the endless pure white, expanded!

The origin of the Dao of Heaven allows Mo Wushuang to take charge of the Dao of Heaven.

As soon as he made a move, he turned the Heavenly Dao where Tianyang was located into the most powerful weapon against Tianyang.


Tianyang's Chaos God Realm opened, and in an instant, it opened up a world that did not belong to the heavens and the world!

You are the way of heaven!

"Your strength is very good."

"However, my Chaos God Realm is the strongest!"

Tianyang shouted angrily, and his body shot out!

In front of Mo Wushuang, no martial arts skills would be of any use.

Fight with demons.

That is, the ultimate confrontation of its own strength!

"Vientiane, all directions will be destroyed!"

The Vientiane Divine Flame, which integrates all the spiritual fires of the heavens and the world, burns up on the Heavenly Firmament Sword!

Tian Yang seemed to have used this sword countless times, found the most accurate angle, and fell with one sword!

Mo Wushuang is only a moment away!


Mo Wushuang stretched out his right hand and held the blade of the Heavenly Firmament Sword.

The sword edge sharp enough to split everything in the world slashed at Mo Wushuang's jade-like arm without leaving any scratches.

"Vientiane Divine Flame, the means of the flame war soul."

Mo Wushuangdao.

"I remember that he was the first to kill himself."

After that, Mo Wushuang clenched the body of the Heavenly Firmament Sword and threw it away!

The terrifying power directly followed the Heavenly Firmament Sword and acted on Tianyang!


Tianyang's pupils contracted, and he could feel that this physical strength was not much different from his own.

However, in the use of power, it has reached a level of perfection.

Forcibly, let yourself not be able to exert half of your strength!


Tian Yang was directly thrown out by Mo Wushuang!

At the same time, Mo Wushuang looked indifferent and raised his left hand.

Countless divine chains of order stretch out from the endless void.

It runs through Tianyang's body!

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