"But so."

When Tian Yang's flat voice sounded, hearing the words, the young man's eyes widened and he stared at Tian Yang.

However, in the next moment, his anger attacked his heart, he spat out blood, and fainted directly.

Looking at the young man who was easily brutally killed by Tianyang, and even vomited blood in a coma with a word, Ling Yuhan was also shocked.

That is the first-level Ming Qi Realm ranked fifty in the inner sect of Lingyun Sect! Compared with ordinary second-order monsters, it is incomparably stronger.

However, Tianyang, except for a few swords, is like dealing with a chicken and a dog, and even he didn't really use his full strength!

From the beginning to the end, Tian Yang just stood there, never took a step, and never even used the movement technique to dodge.

It seems to be saying: he is not worth my avoidance.

"Master is amazing!"

Ling Yuhan's eyes shone brightly, and he was about to take a golden star. Hearing this, Tian Yang smiled embarrassedly.

To deal with a few arrogant and domineering wastes with a little strength, but also to run the real yuan, for the Tianji Sword Emperor, this kind of record is not very good.

"Now that you have entered the inner door, it's time to advance to the Ming Qi realm."

Tian Yang murmured, and then smiled: "You are here to learn the "Ice Emperor Heavenly Sword Art", and I will look elsewhere in the inner door."

The inner sect of Lingyun Sect is divided into several large areas. The place where some of their new disciples live is one area, and the place where others cultivate is another area.

In the most central place, there is not only the Sect Master's Mansion, but also the Mission Hall, the Martial Arts Field and the like, and the ranking stone wall is also there.

"Ah? In...here? In you!?"

Little did she know that Ling Yuhan was in a mess after hearing this sentence.

A red glow suddenly appeared on her face. This is Tianyang's residence, so let her comprehend here, doesn't it mean that Tianyang wants her to live here?

"it is good……"

Raising his head to look at Tian Yang, who was thinking about the next itinerary, but didn't care about Ling Yuhan's reaction, Ling Yuhan thought about something, nodded and agreed.

After that, Ling Yuhan walked into the house where Tian Yang lived, holding the first volume of the Ice Emperor Heavenly Sword Art.

Tian Yang didn't know that his casual words made Ling Yuhan's heart fluctuate so much. At this moment, he was pondering.

"Everyone is stunned, and they don't even know his name... Let's go to the ranking stone wall and see."

Tian Yang murmured, and by the way, kicked the young man who blocked the gate away, and then walked towards the inner gate of Lingyun Sect, the core area.

However, at the same time, ranked before the stone wall.

As something that ranks all the inner disciples of Lingyun Sect, ranking the stone wall is extremely important for inner disciples.

Therefore, almost every moment, in front of the ranking stone wall, there are some inner disciples watching.

"Hey, has the ranking stone wall changed?"

A youth who looked younger looked at the huge black stone wall and suddenly found something wrong and said in surprise.

Hearing this, others were also attracted by this sentence, and turned their attention to the black ranking stone wall.

"There's nothing wrong with it... Hold on! How come the person ranked 50 has changed?"

A young man glanced over and found no problem. Just as he was about to continue chatting with his friend next to him, a strange name suddenly swept out of the corner of his eye.

After walking a few steps, the young man's face changed greatly, and he was extremely shocked, "The fifth-ranked Ming Qi Realm first-level, Senior Brother Xiao Ping, why... was he brushed down?"

Ranking stone walls, the rules are very simple, whoever is defeated, then, if the loser's ranking is higher, then the winner will replace the loser's ranking.

However, this kind of ranking change usually only occurs in the competition arena. However, Xiao Ping, who is ranked 50th, is not in the competition at this moment.

"I just saw Xiao Ping and his younger brother Xiao Hao not long ago and don't know where they are going. Could it be that they went to fight with people?"

"But that's not right. We all know who has the ability to become the 50th, who is this Tianyang?"

Another young man said suspiciously, and at this time, the young man who spoke first seemed to have thought of something, and said weakly.

"This Tianyang... Could it be that Tianyang ranked first in this inner disciple assessment?"

The voice fell, as if time and space had frozen, and the audience was silent.


"It turned out to be called Xiao Ping, tsk tsk, this name is okay, why is that person so bad?"

Tian Yang glanced at the ranking stone wall, and muttered to Xiao Ping, who was now in the 300th grade.

At this time, there were relatively few people who ranked Shibi, so Tianyang was not discovered, but the news that the new disciple had defeated the 50th ranked first-level Ming Qi Realm gradually spread.

Among some old disciples ranked below fifty, it was as if a bomb had been thrown, causing a sensation!

However, as the protagonist of the matter, Lord Tianji Sword Emperor was unaware. After seeing the ranking stone wall, he thought of something and went to another place.

There, called the Medicine Pill Pavilion, was the place where the inner disciples of Lingyun Sect came to exchange medicine pills.

Pills are extremely precious to ordinary mortals, and even ordinary cultivators are difficult to obtain.

However, that refers to ordinary cultivators. For a ninth-rank sect like Lingyun Sect, although medicinal pills are precious, it is not impossible to obtain them.

Of course, after getting it, the supply to the disciples is not free, it needs to be exchanged.

As a Grade 6 super alchemist, Tian Yang would naturally not spend gold coins and spirit stones to exchange medicinal herbs. As long as he has medicinal materials, even Grade 6 medicinal herbs can be refined.

Then what do you need to do with the medicinal herb pavilion of Lingyunzong?

He went to the medicinal herb pavilion just to inquire about the medicinal materials.

Not long after walking in, Tian Yang walked out of the Medicine Pill Pavilion with some regret.

Although the medicine pill pavilion is rich in collections, most of them are only ordinary first-grade medicine pills, which are of little use to today's Tianyang.

When I asked about the medicinal materials, the Medicine Pill Pavilion could only give an unknown answer, and Tian Yang could only sigh.

The medicinal material he wanted to inquire about was not some other high-level medicinal material, but one of the medicinal materials that would allow him to temper his body when he was in the clear energy realm.

Blood Refining Pill!

Today, Tianyang has obtained the most important and most precious medicinal material, Scarlet Blood Monster Mushroom, but none of the others are available.

And this time...

"Have you heard that, ranked 50th, Xiao Ping, the son of the Xiao family, one of the eight major families in Xuefeng Kingdom, was defeated by a new student!"

"I heard that Xiao Ping fell into more than 300 people because of this. He fainted on the side of the road. Judging from the situation, he probably vomited a mouthful of blood."

In a certain courtyard, several inner disciples of Lingyun Sect sat around the table and discussed.

"Tsk, this Xiao Ping's strength is also good, and the cultivation of the first-level Mingqi realm is not covered. Even if the new disciple is strong, it is impossible to be strong enough to defeat the first-level Mingqi realm head-on."

"Xiao Ping will lose. Nine times out of ten, it's because he underestimates the enemy and carelessly."

The young man who seemed to be the leader said in a low voice, hearing the words, the others also heard some unusual meanings from the words of this person.

"You mean..."

"The top fifty people have the opportunity to participate in that big event. This new disciple is obviously not enough to participate."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the young man said, "You, tomorrow, go to invite Tianyang to fight and kick him off the top fifty!"


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