With a slap, Gui Yin, the only survivor of the ghost clan, was directly blown away!

Although there is no special system for treating survivors in the Sky Continent, everyone felt incredible when they saw Gui Yin being slapped away by a slap.

Gui Yin, no matter how you say it, is also a powerhouse at the fourth level of the Heaven-reaching Realm.

Such a strong person is already considered the top in today's Northern Wilderness Region.

As a result, he was still slapped away by someone! ! ?

"Who are you!"

Due to the light, everyone didn't see Tian Yang's face clearly at first, but his face sank and he said.

However, just when Tian Yang approached a few steps.

Ling Yuhan jumped up directly and hugged Tian Yang tightly!

"Master, you are finally back!"

Immediately afterwards, a drop of tears poured out.

Tian Yang's figure also stood still, raised his palm and touched Ling Yuhan's head.

He knew what the girl had endured for the past six months.

The one-year appointment made Ling Yuhan suppressed to the extreme, but at that time, Tianyang had no worries about life, so Ling Yuhan just endured it.

But now, although only half a year.

However, this half year is the half year of thunder, flame, wind and catastrophe!

To put it in a bad way, Tianyang is in a crisis of life and death all the time, how can Ling Yuhan bear it?

In the Dragon Emperor's Mausoleum, except for a very short period of time, Ling Yuhan was just a burden to Tianyang. Although Tianyang didn't mind, Ling Yuhan felt extremely uncomfortable.

Therefore, Ling Yuhan just took over the military power of the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor, commanded the army of the demon clan, and guarded the only remaining Northern Desolate Territory.

half a year.

On the shoulders of the girl, I don't know what a heavy burden is borne.

Now that Tianyang appeared, this burden was suddenly relaxed, and the whole person just wanted to throw himself in Tianyang's arms, and he would never let go of it for the rest of his life.

"Okay, there are so many people here."

After hugging for a few minutes, Tian Yang just opened his mouth, Ling Yuhan also woke up suddenly, and hurriedly let go.

However, his left hand has been holding Tianyang's right hand, and he will not let go.

At this time, Li Tianchen, the Sword Saint Sect sitting in the first place, with an old face, jumped and jumped.

Obviously, it has entered a state of incomparable fury!

"Who are you! If you can't tell why, there are so many strong people here, but they are not vegetarians!"

Li Tianchen suppressed the anger in his heart and roared.

Hearing this, Tian Yang raised his head and glanced at Li Tianchen indifferently.

Tongtian Realm Sixth Layer.

Among the hundred demon kings he had dropped in seconds, the weakest were all at this level.

"I'm someone you can't mess with."

As soon as he said that, the entire palace fell silent.

Countless people widened their eyes and looked at Tianyang in disbelief.

I don't know who this guy is, but dare to say this to the strongest person in Xiao Continent today?

"Arrogant!" Hearing this, Li Tianchen's face suddenly became ugly.

Since Li Tianchen became the principal of Tianxiao Continent half a year ago, when has he encountered such rude words?

Old Dragon King, Shi Kaitian doesn't care, the Dragon King and the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor can't compare to him, his words are the imperial edict of this Heavenly Sky Continent!

Today, how could anyone dare to speak to him like that?


Finally someone said what Li Tianchen wanted to say, Li Tianchen glanced at the person approvingly, and slowly got up.

"I don't know who you are, but you suddenly broke into the meeting and blasted a general of the Sky Continent. I doubt that you are a demon!"

Li Tianchen said coldly.

Hearing this, the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor's face froze slightly.

This is a word of heartbreak!

The faces of the others also became gloomy, but at this time, Tian Yang spoke lightly.

"I've been watching my transcendence for so long, and now I see the main lord, don't you know him?"

Hearing this, the powerhouses in the palace were all dumbfounded.

Then, someone took a closer look at Tianyang.

At this moment, Tianyang is very different from when he was in the Wild Demon Realm.

After all, in the wild demon realm, Tian Yang was only nineteen or twenty years old, and even for mortals, he was still growing.

What's more, Tian Yang is a monk.

For so long, Tian Yang's appearance has changed a little, and after passing through the catastrophe, he has tempered his body again and again, and Tian Yang's face has become more perfect.

Cultivation is to make oneself stronger and more perfect.

This appearance will naturally change a bit.

The current Tianyang has hands like white jade and eyes like stars. Although it is basically the same as before, it is more flawless. Standing next to Ling Yuhan, it is like two immortal companions.

Originally, these people were not very familiar with Tianyang. If Yang's appearance changed today, he would naturally not recognize him.

Only a few people familiar with Tianyang, such as Ling Yuhan and the Nine-Tailed Demon Emperor, can recognize Tianyang at a glance.

"You...you are Tianyang!?"

Someone spoke in shock, and it fell into the ears of others, and it was like a stone that stirred up a thousand waves.

There was an uproar!

Countless people took a closer look at Tian Yang, felt the breath of Tian Yang, and their faces changed slightly.

Indeed, it is Tianyang!

Appearance will change, height will change, and clothing will change, but this breath cannot be easily changed!

However, looking at Tian Yang, everyone's expressions were a little weird.

Before, they were still discussing whether Tian Yang was dead or not, and most of them mocked ruthlessly.

In the next second, Tian Yang slapped Gui Yin with a slap, confronted Li Tianchen strongly, and appeared in front of them with the attitude of returning the supreme!

"Humph! What about Tianyang?"

But at this time, Li Tianchen still had a gloomy face.

half-year power.

Li Tianchen has long been infatuated with the taste of power, but now, Tianyang is born, making Li Tianchen feel a sense of crisis.

"Successfully crossed the calamity, but didn't show up immediately, what the hell did you do!?"

Li Tianchen said, hearing this, Tianyang smiled faintly.

"Saving people, having a fight with the Demon King, and killing a hundred Demon Kings by the way, that's all."

Hearing this, the whole place was silent.

Everyone stared at Tian Yang in astonishment, this guy... In the face of Li Tianchen, how dare he brag like that?

Kill a hundred demon kings?

Even if your talent is unparalleled, but you just crossed the calamity, killed hundreds of demon kings, and fought with the demon emperor?

how is this possible!


Hearing this, Li Tianchen's face suddenly turned gloomy, "Now that the enemy is at the head, he will not return to his command immediately and obey the order, but instead is open to this seat. I suspect that the time for you to disappear is to go to the Demon Clan!"

"It's ridiculous to kill hundreds of demon kings!"

Li Tianchen snorted coldly and said, the next moment, the momentum of the sixth level of the Tongtian Realm broke out!

Except for Shi Kaitian and a few others, and Ling Yuhan, who was protected by Tianyang, everyone felt it was difficult to breathe for a while.

This is the coercion of the sixth-layer powerhouse of the Tongtian Realm!

"So, are you dissatisfied?"

Hearing this, Tian Yang raised his brows and smiled faintly.

Hearing this, Li Tianchen snorted coldly, "Dissatisfied? What power do you have to make this seat dissatisfied?"

"It's fine if you don't accept it, if you don't accept it..."

"I have a reason to mess with you."

Tian Yang smiled faintly, and the Godly Desolate Heavenly Spirit Art was running.

The majestic True Essence poured out, and in an instant, in mid-air, a terrifying True Essence giant hand condensed!

Feeling the information in the hands of True Yuan Ju, everyone couldn't help being sluggish, but Li Tianchen snorted coldly and flew out with a sword!

"Shuzi is arrogant!"


The flying sword and the giant hand collided.

As a result, it was ruined!


Another bang.

Under the shocking eyes of everyone, Li Tianchen was dignified.

By Tian Yang, he turned his hands and suppressed it under the ground!

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