But for a moment.

The old dragon king fell into the dilemma of being besieged!

"damn it!"

Below, Zhou Tong looked at the old Dragon King, who was instantly suppressed to the lower wind, with a look of resentment on his face.

As one of the top commanders who dispatched troops this time, he is naturally very clear about the strength of the old dragon king.

If there is only one elder of the ancient temple, the old dragon king is not wrong at all.

However, the previous old dragon king, who fought against the blood demon king in prison, had a chance to severely damage the blood demon army, and the consumption was extremely huge.

Now, it has been attacked by the four elders of the ancient temple, and naturally, in an instant, it is at a disadvantage!


This time on the expedition, there is only the old dragon king who is a strong person in the sky.

Even though Zhou Tong has grown by leaps and bounds since cultivating the Zhou Tianxingchen Sword Sutra, he has now reached the eighth level of the Spirit Sea Realm.

However, in this battle that was a big realm higher than him, he couldn't help in the slightest.

If you intervene rashly.

If you don't want to die, you will kill the old dragon king!

"Damn the devil!!"

In the battle above, there is no way to intervene, so there is no harm in helping. Zhou Tong, naturally, poured all his anger on the Gorefiend army in front of him!

The Gorefiend army has gone through battle after battle, and now there are less than 30,000 of the 100,000 Vanguard Army left.

Most of them are still fighting with wounds.

On the other hand, the Tianxiao Continent Coalition Army has at least 80,000 people and still maintains combat effectiveness.

More than twice the difference!

Even the average strength of the Gorefiend army far exceeds that of the Allied Forces of the Sky Continent.

However, at this level, in the case of close to three to one, no matter how strong the average quality is, it will not be of any use!

Now, Zhou Tongyi has joined the battle.

That star-like sword is like a god of death who harvests life, beheading the blood demon soldiers one by one!

The dignified Gorefiend army, in front of today's Sky Continent Allied Forces, is as fragile as paper.


Zhou Tong understands.

Even if the overwhelming victory of the bottom, the real decision of the battle is the battle of the strong above.

If the old dragon king is defeated.

Even if he succeeded in wiping out the entire army of Gorefiends, he would still be wiped out!


Snow Wind Country, the Royal Palace.

Most of the top leaders of the alliance have already left at this moment, preparing for a decisive battle.

The Demon Emperor tore up the agreement and launched a war ahead of schedule, which was beyond the expectations of most people. Therefore, there was no time for a meeting.

And Shi Kaitian is guarding this place, his face is gloomy.

In his hand, it was the information that Zhou Tong had just sent.

"The Blood Demon King was defeated, crushed the space crystal, and summoned the four elders of the ancient temple?"

"The first elder, the second elder, the fourth elder, the fifth elder... In addition to the dead third elder of the ancient temple, the five elders of the ancient temple are all complete!",

Shi Kaitian roared, and bursts of light flashed on the blue-gray skin.


Shi Kaitian has never been so angry!

The ancient temple, the pillar of the human race, and the former representative of the heavenly world, should have become the main force in the fight against the demon race.

However, after the Demon Race's catastrophe began, he disappeared immediately, and at this moment, he became the lackey of the Demon Race!

"Old Dragon King, I can't hold it anymore!?"

At this time, another message came, Shi Kaitian's pupils shrank, and he roared!

"The ancient temple, these damn beasts!"

The imposing manner of the sixth-level peak of the Tongtian Realm bloomed, and Shi Kaitian's eyes were full of blood, and he almost couldn't suppress his desire/desire to fight.

However, this Northern Desolate Territory still needs their guard.

Here, I don't know how many demons are lurking.

And these demons, I don't know how many, can cause a riot.

If Shi Kaitian can leave, just bet on them, and nothing will happen if Shi Kaitian leaves.

However, Shi Kaitian didn't dare to gamble, and he couldn't gamble either. If he lost the gamble, Heaven's Sky Continent would be destroyed!

But if you don't leave, with the power of the old dragon king, there is no way to hold on for too long!

The Demon King of Prison Blood, the four elders of the ancient temple, they are all extremely terrifying existences!

And this time.

Shi Kaitian suddenly changed his face and looked to the side.

A space crack suddenly opened, and under the silver light, a young and outrageous figure walked out indifferently.

"What's the situation now?"

A young voice came out.

Hearing this, Shi Kaitian, who was originally furious, immediately calmed down.

Looking at the man's eyes, full of hope!

"The old dragon king has already rushed to the front line and is about to win, but he was besieged by the ancient temple powerhouses recruited by the blood demon king, and it is difficult to hold on for too long now!"

"The four elders of the ancient temple have already taken refuge in the demons!"

Shi Kaitian roared, and at this moment, Shi Kaitian suddenly felt that a cold killing intent flashed through his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the ice-cold voice sounded from Jiuyou Huangquan.



"it is good."

The man nodded, and the next moment, a dazzling golden light flashed, and the man disappeared directly in place.

Shi Kaitian released the power of his soul and sensed thousands of miles, but he couldn't find it!

"The big formation...successful? Faster than planned!?"

Shi Kaitian was stunned, then raised his head and laughed! "Hahaha! Demon clan brats, the Sword Emperor is here."

"You guys, wait to die!!!"


"Oops! Isn't this demon king fighting the old dragon king? How could he come to our army?"

On the edge of the Northern Desolate Territory, at the junction with the sea of ​​​​blood.

Looking at the center of the battlefield, the blood demon king who was like a demon descending, Zhou Tong trembled.

The terrifying power of the seventh-layer Tongtian Realm bloomed from the prison blood demon king.

At the same time, a strong blood demon qi was released, nourishing the blood demons who were hit hard by the Allied Forces of the Sky Continent.


There are more than 10,000 Gorefiends left, all of which have returned to their heyday!

On the other hand, the Tianxiao Continent Allied Forces, with only 30,000 left, maintained their full combat power. As for the physical strength, a large part of it had already been consumed.

"To deal with the old dragon king, it is enough to use the group of people like the extermination king, but, although this king, disdain to deal with your group of ants."

"However, let this king watch this king's army helplessly and be wiped out by a group of ants. This king, even more unwilling to see it."

The Demon King of Prison Blood stood on the battlefield, his huge body was like a colossus.

All of the oppressed people present felt difficulty breathing.

The Seventh-layer Demon King of the Tongtian Realm.

too strong.

They are only at the Ming Qi Realm, Hua Yuan Realm, and the strongest Zhou Tong, and they are only at the eighth level of the Spirit Sea Realm.

There is a shocking gap that is difficult to make up from the seventh layer of the Tongtian Realm.

In the sky, the old dragon king also discovered the situation of the prison blood demon king, but he was completely powerless.

At this moment, it is very difficult for him to survive under the siege of the four ancient temple elders, let alone to protect everyone?


Zhou Tong roared in his heart, and at this moment, a mocking light flashed in the eyes of the Prison Blood Demon King, looking at Zhou Tong.

"It seems that you are the strongest. Then, the killing will start from you!"

The Demon King of Prison Blood laughed wildly, stretched out his hand, and killed Zhou Tong!

Zhou Tong's face changed greatly.

The hand of the Gorefiend, before it came, a terrifying coercion oppressed him, and almost bleed out of sadness!

At this moment, a faint voice came.

"If I were you, I wouldn't move."

Hearing this, the Demon King of Prison Blood was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly became furious!

"Who! How dare you pretend to be a ghost in front of this king!"

The next moment, a figure, compared to the huge body of the blood demon king, was extremely small.

Appeared in front of the Hell Blood Demon King.

He also carried the spatial fluctuations that had just been transmitted, and the expression on his face was filled with murderous aura.

Seeing this, the Tianxiao Continent Allied Forces was stunned at first.

Then, the whole army was in an uproar!

Even the supreme commander of the coalition, Zhou Tong, saw this figure and shouted excitedly, "Tianyang!!!"

"Master Yaozun is here!"

"Long Live the Demon Lord!!"

"What kind of bullshit demon king, it's dead! Lord Yaozun, but the existence of killing hundreds of demon kings!"

In the Allied Forces of the Sky Continent, there was a sudden burst of excited roars!

For them, Tianyang is a myth!

The only myth in the world!

At this time, the face of the Demon King of Prison Blood finally changed.

It became extremely pale, without a trace of blood.


The next moment, the Demon King of Prison Blood turned around and rushed towards the sea of ​​​​blood!

In the battle two days ago, Tianyang's tribulation was completed, and the deeds of killing a hundred kings in one anger are still circulating among the demons. The blood demon king, he doesn't want to let himself be like the group of demon kings, turned into a demon that was swallowed up!

At this time, Tian Yang said indifferently: "I said, if I were you, I wouldn't move."

"What?" Prison Blood Demon King was stunned for a moment, and then the next moment.

In front of him, there was a dazzling golden light.

Before the Demon King of Prison Blood could react, the golden light directly enveloped the entire body of the Demon King of Prison Blood!

"If you move, you will become a test object for the formation."

Tian Yang shook his head and chuckled.

And that golden light suddenly burst out with incomparably terrifying power!

boom! ! !

A terrifying loud noise came out.

The Hell Blood Demon King didn't even let out a scream.

The body exploded, the soul flew away, and turned into a blood fog!

Even the devilish energy was easily swallowed by Tianyang!

In the sky, the people in the ancient temple looked at the sky below with incredible expressions on their faces.

This... is what they know, the demon goddess Tianyang! ?

Between the gestures, the power of the formation is activated.

The imperial formation kills demons, like slaughtering chickens and dogs.


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