Yuncheng is one of the largest cities in Xuefeng Country, and naturally there is a free hawking area.

However, this free hawker area is usually a mixed bag. The items in it may be good, or they may be worth less than a small stone on the side of the road.

Generally, there is the greatest possibility of picking up and leaking legends in places like this. Some people used a few gold coins to buy Xuan-level martial arts.

Some people have used tens of thousands of spirit stones, but bought a piece of garbage.

The reason why this happens is that the free selling area is usually something that the owner can't see.

As the Heavenly Sword Emperor, Tian Yang is so powerful in his soul that I am afraid that few people in the entire Tianxiao Continent can compare with him.

What other people can't see is the real thing, under the power of the soul of the peak of the sky, will it be exposed?

After getting some information from the hotel, Tianyang stopped staying and walked towards the center of Yuncheng.

There, that was where he was going, the free selling area.


"This treasure hall is really lively."

Glancing at the door of the free trade area, Tianyang was a little surprised by the bustling crowd. He didn't expect that just a free trade area in an ordinary city could attract so many people.

Each city's free selling area has its own name, and the one in Yuncheng is called the Treasure Hall.

Of course, the name is called the Treasure Hall, and it is unknown how many there can be in it.

With a sigh, Tian Yang walked in without hesitation.

To enter the Hall of Treasures, you need to hand over a hundred gold coins, more or less, more or less. For today's Tianyang, you can hand it over without even blinking an eye.

This is also one of Yuncheng's means of making profits. After all, maintaining such a large treasure hall requires an astonishing amount of consumption.

"It's said to be the Hall of Treasures, but in fact, the thief is so unworthy of its name... After sweeping it away, it's all rubbish..."

Walk around in the Treasure Hall at will. There is only one floor here, and there are no rooms or the like. There are stalls in the wide hall, leaving open roads.

Looking around, there are at least hundreds of vendors in this Treasure Hall, and one vendor must sell at least several hundred items. In this way, the number of items stored in this Treasure Hall is terrifying.

However... the number is terrifying, and there is not one of these things that can be called treasures.

With a sigh, Tianyang didn't report any hope to this treasure hall. After all, the owner of the things here can't see the truth and the truth, so naturally, this thing is very likely to be a fake.

"Well, there are at least hundreds of thousands of things here. I don't believe it. Is there any that can attract me?"

Tian Yang murmured, and then he walked along the crowd.

After a few quarters of an hour, Tianyang also discovered a few good things.

One, it is a superb martial art of the Xuan rank, which can be called a half-step rank martial skill.

As the Sword Emperor, the most important thing in his mind is the sword move. Even if there is a leak that can be picked up, Tian Yang is too lazy to pick it up.

The other one, which is relatively rare, is a flower. This flower is called the Blood Spirit Flower, and it is an important material for refining a second-grade peak medicine pill, the Blood-Blasting Pill.

This kind of medicine pill is a medicine pill that can greatly improve the strength in a short period of time. However, to burst blood and burst blood, this kind of improvement requires a lot of consumption of the user's qi and blood power.

Moreover, it will also cause a certain blow to the potential. Tianyang is too lazy to use this kind of thing, and he doesn't bother to use it.

Moreover, although others can't see what it is, the blood spirit flower can also be found out of its aura. According to Tianyang's speculation, there are not a few hundred spirit stones, so don't even think about getting it.

"This Treasure Palace is mixed with fish and dragons. As expected, there are so many free selling areas that I encountered in my previous life, and this Yuncheng Treasure Palace has the most fish."

Tian Yang grunted, and was able to find a few good things. Although he didn't buy it, a hundred gold coins was not a loss. However, the things here are almost finished.

He turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, Tian Yang's soul force suddenly moved slightly.

Tian Yang's figure suddenly stopped, his eyes narrowed slightly, "That is... what?"

The thing that can make the Soul Power of the Heavenly Sword Emperor move like this is definitely not a mortal thing!

Turning around, speeding up, and soon, Tian Yang came to the thing that caused his soul to move, but this is a corner that almost no one cares about.

This stall is also very strange. The items on it are either worth the level of Xuan-level martial arts, or they are cheaper than roadside weeds.

The thing that caused Tianyang's soul to move was the inconspicuous one in this pile of things... the black slate.

"Boy..." At this moment, the stall owner sitting behind the stall suddenly spoke up.

Tian Yang looked up, but suddenly found that the stall owner turned out to be an old man who looked sloppy!

"I refuse to bargain for the things I have here. If you want to bargain more than three times, I will drive people out."

"There is only one price for these things, and that is...a thousand spirit stones! Whether it's this stone or that long sword, it's a thousand spirit stones."

The old man said in a hoarse voice, hearing the words, Tian Yang was also aroused a little interest.

No matter what it is, it is a thousand spirit stones?

You must know that a thousand spirit stones are already extremely huge for a cultivator of the clear qi realm. If the scale of the qi sea opened up is not very large, then a thousand spirit stones can almost allow him to use the ninth level of the clear qi realm.

For a cultivator in the clear energy realm, a thousand spirit stones are definitely a lot of money.

"These things of yours are also worth a thousand spirit stones?"

Tian Yang chuckled, doing business, no matter whether it is true or false, always try it out.

This old man, although hidden quite deep, but under the detection of his soul power, his strength is unobstructed.

Bright Qi Realm, the pinnacle of the ninth level, a martial artist who is only a line away from Huayuan Realm!

Such a cultivator, in Yuncheng, can almost be regarded as a top powerhouse, and he must be regarded as a guest of honor in the Yang family.

"I love to buy and buy, a thousand spirit stones, no bargaining is allowed."

The old man's voice was flat, as if he was too lazy to talk to Tian Yang. Hearing this, Tian Yang also smiled.

He reached out and picked up the black slate that caused his soul to move.

"I want this black slate, a thousand spirit stones, for you."

Tian Yang chuckled lightly, the thing that can make his soul power cause a change is definitely not something that can be measured by a thousand spirit stones!

"Huh?" The old man was startled when he saw the bag thrown by Tian Yang, and at this moment, a reckless voice came from one side.

"Put the thing down! The young master wants this thing!"

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