Pots on the road.

The whole body is white and painted with bright red patterns of flower branches.

"Oops, how did it turn into two pots?"

Saying that, the masked man staggered, and without taking two steps, he fell to the side of the road, and the crows on the side were frightened and flew.

Wow——! Wow!


The drunken masked man shook his head and sat on the ground, his eyes fixed on the pot, and his body was a short distance from the pot.

"Damn drunkard, wait for you to come over a little..... A little more..."

and 2 kilometers away.

The sparrow on Su Can's shoulder suddenly screamed.

"Tweet!! Tweet Tweet!!

Su Can discerned, and immediately took the knife and left, his figure was as fast as a white lightning.


The jade pot really can't help it, this drunkard .... He!! He actually vomited!! I kept retching against the trunk, and the disgusting smell smoked itself.

I no longer held back the killing intent in my heart.

He took the initiative to come out of the pot, "I'm going to kill you!" You disgusting fellow!! The

pretending mask man turned white, facing death, everyone was the same, but he managed to delay time, even if he was afraid.


There is something strange about the jade pot.

What's going on with this person, how is he still slackening ... A voice came from the side.


The jade pot turned his head and saw that it was a handsome man, and his face had been seen before.

"Isn't this a jade pot? I haven't seen it for a few days, why is it so pulled? I've been close to you for a while, and you haven't noticed it!! "


The jade pot was shocked in his heart.

Vampire Magic, Water...


The world is upside down, the sky hangs on the ground, and the ground rises into the air. The man in the line of sight who had killed His Excellency was looking at him.

However, his face is turned upside down.


Only then did the jade pot react.

"I was beheaded?"

"Have I been beheaded?!!

"How is this possible? I'm also winding myself!!

Su Can looked at the jade pot's confused face, did not find his eyes for a while, and then stared at the other party's mouth and said with disgust:

"You ugly, the strength is so pulled, how can you become a winder?" Or is it that Wu Miserable is already incompetent to this point, you who failed last time.

Not even willing to give you more blood? Tell you not to be so rubbish?

"Shut up! Lord Wu Miserable..." The

jade pot was suddenly speechless.

This terrifying guy had a needle in his skull, and he felt that his thinking was slowing down, and time seemed to be stretched by something.

Not a single complete sentence can be spoken.

"Hard work!"

Su Can turned his head, looked at the frightened mask man, and thanked him.

This person did not say much, and after solemnly saluting Su Can, he quietly left.

Su Can picked up the pot on the ground, and then rubbed the head of the jade pot together, and he was very measured, just stuck above the shoulder.

Shoved it into the mouth of the bottle, and then identified the position.

Go towards the village.


In the meantime, somewhere in Asakusa.

"Hey! I still need a little material! A

man with glasses carrying a medical tray said to someone, his tone not at all polite and not at all surprised by the appearance of the person who asked for it.

The man with red eyes and vertical pupils stared coldly at the man with glasses who had a bad tone.

A moment later.

The sharp eyes eased, and then he stretched out his arm, and a piece of meat slowly detached from his body and landed in the tray.

The glasses man was like a treasure, his eyes lit up, he turned around, and went to work.

I saw that behind him, there were many people like him, most of them had similar clothes, and their temperaments were similar, and they seemed to be scientists.

Microscope, beaker .... A wide variety of equipment. (There was a microscope in 1890, neon was introduced around 1960, for the plot, the magic changed it, don't blame, hehe)

Everyone is busy researching..... The subjects studied were pieces of meat soaked in a cup with some liquid, and from time to time you could hear:

"It's amazing!" "The mystery of human eternal life!"

Words like that.

The man with Mei red eyes and vertical pupils stared quietly, with a joyful look on his face.

This person is exactly incomprehensible.

Unable to find the blue flower, he stumbled upon this group of people called scientists in human society.

Their knowledge is amazing.

Through newspapers, he learned about the remarkable progress of human medicine in human beings, and for this reason, he captured many newspaper figures and studied them for him.

At first, these people thought about running away every day, calling for help.

Can...... Since getting to know his own cells, his attitude has changed dramatically, immersed in research every day, and ignoring his own horrors.

Instead, the attitude became more and more arrogant.

"Humans are really weird..... Wait and wait..... Well? The

expectant misery suddenly found that he could not observe the jade pot.

The jade pot seemed to be stuck in some strange place, and Wu Mi could feel that he was still alive, but he could not observe the environment in which the jade pot was located through the cells.


The white snake on Xiao Banei's neck suddenly looked at the door, and the snake letter vomited, and immediately, Xiao Banei's body was tense, and his palm was immediately pressed on the Nikkaku.


Oh, huh..." an old voice sounded—clicked, and the door was opened.

The man with an ugly face and two horns on his head lay on the ground and slowly crawled into the house.

The three people who were waiting for Ganlu Temple, Xiaobane, and Purgatory were stunned at the same time.

Breath of Flame One Type I don't know fire !!

Snake Breath Narrow-headed Fangs!!

The two shot almost at the same time.

- Yikes!

The figure flashed, and the person who came jumped up and found a gap between the two nikken knives, which could not be avoided.

The heat wave rushes.

Breath of Flame Rising

Hot Sky for several months, Purgatory Kyoshiro is not wasted!! He received complete guidance from his father and constantly fought with Su Can.

The current purgatory is not him of the infinite train!!

The ignorant fire, who was attacking the target with the momentum of a flame explosion, immediately changed his move, and the Nikki knife turned, swung from the bottom up, and the roaring blade of the blazing blade slashed towards the opponent.

Laugh at!!!

The comer who could be evaded was instantly split by this blow.

Immediately, another sword light bent and swept away from the side.

Snake Breath One Type Snake Qu Slash!!

Ugh——! The body that was split in half in the air, above the neck, was instantly cut off.

Purgatory and Xiao Bane fell together, and instantly fell under the sword, and Ganlu Temple returned to his senses, and his heart was full of cold sweat.

The concealment of the human breath is really shocking.

Not to mention the Ganlu Temple, Xiaobanai was reminded by the white snake that Snake Nobuko felt the abnormal temperature, and Yanzhu Purgatory Kyoshiro made a judgment on Xiaobanei's reaction.

Before this, they had not been able to detect how the other party approached this room.

For a moment, neither of them confirmed whether there were numbers in each other's eyes, but they knew that this was undoubtedly a winding ghost.

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