“Who do you say is the red nose?!”

After hearing Mira call her a clown, Bucky also exploded at once, completely ignoring the gap in force between the two sides, rushed in front of Mira, and then roared.


Looking at Bucky, who dared to shout at herself, Mira’s eyes suddenly became fierce.

“You dare to yell at me?”

In Bucky’s terrified expression, Mira transformed into the form of a demon, her right hand covered with armed domineering, and then looked at Bucky in front of her with dangerous eyes.

“That, that, that…”

Looking at Mira, who had a dangerous expression and was likely to beat herself up at any time, cold sweat dripped down Bucky’s face.

Is he having a brain problem?

Otherwise, how could he be so bold that he dared to yell at this witch?

“Apologize quickly, Bucky.”

Miller looked at Bucky’s nervous look, which was also a whispered reminder.


Bucky reacted instantly.

“I’m sorry, I was wrong.”

In the next second, Bucky was also quite familiar with the road, and apologized to Mira.

“How? Don’t you continue to yell at me? ”

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Mira’s face.

This is the first time she has seen a Devil Fruit ability, so she really wants to try the other party’s strength.

“No, no, how could I dare?”

Bucky quickly waved his hand, indicating that he had no such thoughts at all.

“Come, practice your hands.”

Unfortunately, Mira, who already had the idea of fighting, did not give Bucky a chance to refuse at all, grabbed Bucky with her left hand, and a dark impact with her right hand opened the ground above her head and opened a passage.

Then, he grabbed Bucky and rushed forward.


In the next second, Bucky’s screams also sounded.

“Bless yourself, Bucky.”

Miller looked at this scene and couldn’t help but pray for Bucky in his heart.

I hope the other party can hold on in Mira’s hands, after all… Without Mira’s satisfaction, this battle will be difficult to end.

“I’d better carry these treasures out.”

Turning around, Miller forgot about Bucky, and it wouldn’t be life-threatening anyway.

In that case, then what is there to worry about?

It’s better to take this wealth away.

When Miller came out of the tunnel with all his wealth, he saw that the battle was over, and then… Bucky, who was beaten like a dog, lay there weakly.

“Are you really a member of One Piece’s ship? Why is your strength so weak? You wouldn’t just be a miscellaneous one, would you? ”

Mira grumbled while kicking Bucky.

Before she fought, she still had huge expectations, and as a result, it was actually this?


The defeated Bucky didn’t really want to talk, because he was really just a miscellaneous man.

So, please don’t expect too much from him.


After Bucky joined, the Miller trio left the East Sea and went directly to the City of the Spring Queen, and then put Bucky down.

It took three days, Miller and Mira, swept all the pirates in the Spring Queen City, sent them all to the naval base, and suddenly exchanged for a bounty of two billion.

Of course, these bounties were basically given to Bucky as business start-up capital.

“I said, are you really going to find that monster?”

Standing in the port, Bucky, who was already dressed like a human dog, was seeing off Miller and Mira.

However, after knowing who the target of Miller’s two people was, there was also a trace of entanglement in his eyes.

“That guy is really a monster.”

Bucky couldn’t help but persuade.

“Bucky, that guy is a monster, but the two of us, why not monsters?”

Miller looked at the worried Bucky, but instead showed a bright smile, patted Bucky’s shoulder, and said with a confident face.

“That’s right, Bucky, the strength of the two of us, and the speed of improvement, you should be very clear.”

Mira’s face also showed a confident expression.


Bucky blinked, and finally reacted, especially thinking of Miller, the strength shown by the other party, and the speed of improvement.

“It’s like… Miller may not be the opponent’s opponent? ”

Bucky knows that Miller’s current strength, except in terms of armed color domineering, may not be comparable to his captain Roger.

But the rest of the aspects, but not weak at all, even in the overlord color, the other party is stronger, and has a stronger body.

“So… I hugged the golden thigh? ”

Thinking of Bucky here, his eyes lit up.

“Wait patiently, Bucky, soon you will be able to get the news from the newspapers.”

After that, Miller also said goodbye to Bucky, and then disappeared into the sea with Mira.

“I hope you can succeed.”

Bucky looked at the boat that disappeared into the sea, and there was a little more anticipation in his heart.

Now, he doesn’t feel coerced at all, but rather looks forward to the growth of the other party.

Only by relying on the strong can his business become bigger and stronger.

Otherwise, it will always be just a money bag.


Headquarters of the Navy.

Because the movement made by Miller and Mira was too big, after all, the actions of the two people suddenly exchanged the bounty of the naval base in the first half of the two great voyages.

Of course, such a big thing needs to be reported to the headquarters of the Navy.

If nothing else, in this chaotic era, the strength of two people is worth paying attention to.

“Take a look, the information of these two people.”

Still still a marshal’s empty, looking at the Warring States and others in front of him, he handed the information reported by the naval base to the Warring States and others.

At the same time, attached below, there are detailed information about the two people.

“Roger’s knife?!”

Almost instantly, as long as the person who sees the information, the first thing they notice is this.

After all, it was One Piece Roger’s knife.

Just because it is related to One Piece, it is worth paying attention to.

“Roger’s disciple?”

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