The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 119: Little Brother Bee Clan Kneeling

The one standing outside is naturally Wang Yin. After the Blood Hibiscus was swallowed and evolved, it was quickly passed on to the clan, and high-pressure methods were used to make the male and female of the whole clan blend at all times, devouring each other's innate essence, and quickly evolved to become six stars as many as the ocean. Peak, Bloodfly Warrior.

Many of them, under the guard of the whole family, have already begun to prepare to attack the Seven Stars, but they have not succeeded in a short time.

But under Wang Yin's strategy of suppressing the top combat power of the Bee Clan, countless six-star high-end fighters are like a torrent of destruction sweeping everything on the battlefield of the Bee Clan.

After being promoted to the peak of the Eight Stars, Wang Yin didn't want to wait any longer. There was no need for Ant God Star to stay any longer. What he had to do now was to hurry up and look for the Sky Devil Fly. As for the Holy Blood Fly, there was no news yet.

Going back to Ant God Star, I did everything from the heart to the end. There are still some tails that have been confiscated, such as Li Yingying's placement. This poor woman helped him, so I can't really leave her there forever.

Even if her strength improves in the future and she gets rid of the hollow toxin barrier, so what, Ant God Star is just a microscopic alien world, without Wang Yin's help, she will never return to the normal world.

Everyone shouted and beat the devil spider's body, and walking out of the hole was not only meaningless, but it might even cost your life.

There is also the Blood Fly Clan, he is the Blood Fly Clan who succeeded in capturing the fetus, and the Mother Goddess is also the Blood Fly Bloodline. Just solve it.

Although Mother God can arrange to go to the base camp of Qinglong Mountain, he can't pull the entire Blood Fly Clan there. After all, Ant God Star is the base camp of the Blood Fly Clan, and Blood Furong will not go there. Besides, they are all microscopic beings. In the past, they couldn't integrate into Qinglong Mountain either.

The most important thing is that Xue Furong cheated, raped and played tricks. In order to obtain the blood of the ancestor, she gave birth to many clones and savage heirs, which caused him a lot of headaches.

So the queen bee's black giant tail began to suffer, and was severely beaten by Wang Yin when he came up.

In the hall of the Queen Bee in the giant-tailed bee hive, Hei Juwei was waiting impatiently. Why hasn't his evil son captured his evil grandson Hei Bulun?

"My emperor, don't worry. The bloodfly tribe didn't hurt my emperor's life on the spot, which means that the matter is still turning around. It should be waiting to see our performance, or we can find the queen ant to mediate."

The black giant tail waved his hand irritably. He and the queen bee evolved perfectly. They are simply a combination of heroes and beauty. Coupled with the unique tail of the bee tribe, they have a strange, exotic handsome man and beauty.

"The pheromone was sent out alone, but the ant queen didn't respond. This old hag is very cunning, and there must be some reason behind it that we don't know."

At this time, a notification came from outside: "Report, Hei Yuan brought Prince Bu Lun to see him."

The Queen Bee frowned: "Come in."

I saw a middle-aged and stout bee clan walking into the hall with a height of eight feet and Hei Bulun, both prostrate on the ground.

"Hei Yuan has seen Father Emperor."

"Hei Bulun has seen Grandpa Huang."

After paying their respects, the two quietly looked towards the Queen Bee Hei Yi, not knowing why their father and grandpa had come to them.

Queen Bee Heiyi hated iron for being weak, and gave them a hard look. A poor teacher and a dude are hard to change. This has finally brought a catastrophe to the bee clan. Now that it is a careless move, the bee clan may really die You will suffer a great loss from genocide.

The high-end combat power is suppressed by others, and the low-end combat power is crushed by the bee clan. How to fight this, fortunately, the blood fly clan is not bloodthirsty by nature, otherwise the bee clan would have been bloody by now.

The black giant tail didn't talk nonsense, and waved directly: "It's tied up."

A team of Queen Bee's personal guards rushed over from the side of the main hall, and tied up Hei Yuan and Hei Bulun tightly.

When the two were terrified and uneasy, calling out their grievances, and loudly asking their father and grandfather if there was any misunderstanding, they were picked up by the black giant tail and flew towards the direction of the Black Bee Canyon outside the giant tail beehive.

Before leaving, the queen bee did not forget to wink at the queen bee Heiyi, signaling the queen bee Heiyi to follow.

But he was uneasy in his heart. He didn't know why the great power asked him to give up the queen bee, so he didn't tell the queen bee about it, and chose to let the queen bee follow directly, lest the queen bee would know the resistance.

He wasn't worried about what the great power would do to the queen bee. If the queen bee's compensation would satisfy the great power and let the bee clan go, it would be a great thing in misfortune. Nothing is more important than preserving the group.

On the top of the highest mountain in the Black Bee Canyon, the black giant tail carried the black abyss Hei Bulun, and after landing with the queen bee, the vest felt cold for a while.

On the flat place on the top of the mountain, all the high-ranking members of the Heiwei family, including the heirs of the female family members, several wives of Heiyuan, and Hei Bulun's biological mother were all lying here and there.

What does this mean? On the one hand, let him arrest people, and on the other hand, after he arrests people, he arrests everyone in the family. Is it because he is afraid that he will release the water, or is it just to demonstrate to him.

Yes, it must be a demonstration. If he doesn't arrest people, Hei Yuan and Hei Bulun will still be arrested, but the handling situation at that time may not be the current handling situation.

Flying in front of Wang Yin and Xue Furong, they respectfully prostrated themselves on the ground and made a surrender salute.

"I have seen the seniors, I have seen the Queen Furong, this is the little boy Heiyuan and the little sun Heibulun, they have all been captured, and they are at the disposal of the seniors and Queen Furong, and the empress Heiyi is also here, what do we need, please tell the seniors .”

This is an old fox, he speaks every word and does everything without leaking, knowing that there is nothing to be done, so he just speaks out.

The queen bee's words were extremely tactful, she didn't mention the word "devotion", she only said that his queen is also there, and if they need to do anything, just tell them.

If you change to someone who can't hold back, seeing the Queen Bee is so obedient, it might not be good to continue, just taking advantage of the Queen Bee's wishes, but in front of absolute strength, Wang Yin is too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

"That's right, you small-tailed bee's repentance is quite active. If you are disobedient and don't catch them, now is the time for your bee clan to disappear from this world."

Hei Yuan and Hei Bulun were thrown in front of Wang Yin in a daze. They didn't know this blood fly clan. It wasn't until Hei Bulun saw Xue Furong next to him that he realized that something happened to him, and he struggled desperately to escape from here. .

However, his imperial grandfather's personal guard binding skills were really good, no matter how hard he struggled, it was of no avail, and he finally gave up, humming and trying to defend himself, but he was always unable to make a sound.

Wang Yin waved at Xue Furong, indicating that Hei Yuan Hei Bulun would be handled by her, and he was too lazy to intervene.

Xue Furong was overjoyed, picked up Hei Bulun, kicked Hei Yuan to the edge of the canyon cliff, and said to the two.

"Didn't you always look down on my Blood Fly Clan, today I will let you see the demeanor of my Clan."

After speaking, there was a sharp buzzing from the corner of his mouth, and the pheromone command was conveyed to all directions: "Show yourself."

In an instant, on all the cliffs of the Black Bee Canyon, in the giant-tailed beehives, and all the outskirts of the largest city of the Ants star bee tribe, with a radius of about 300 kilometers, on the land, there was an endless torrent of blood like a sea tide, three layers in the blood wave, three layers outside, There are countless six-star peak bloodfly fighters densely packed, and these six-star fighters roared at the same time, their aura destroying heaven and earth.

"The blood fly is king, the blood fly is king, the blood fly is king."

The explosive roar shook the universe, and the infinite power stirred the sky and the earth within a thousand miles of the giant-tailed hive, and the earth screamed.

The people in the Hive City panicked, and the sudden cloud of war caused countless merchants to jump around.

On the garrison camp outside the Hive City, millions of Bee Clan soldiers guarding the city looked at the six-star peak bloodfly fighters who appeared out of thin air, their faces were ashen.

The Seven Stars of the Ant God Continent can be the king. Before that, Xue Furong was only the Queen of the Seven Stars, and a six-star peak master was the overlord of the Ant God Empire.

Such an overlord is usually difficult to meet, but now they have formed an army that crushes the blood flies of the world. How should they defend the giant-tailed hive, the holy city of the bee clan.

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