The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 123 Planet Ant Egg

"Fellow Daoist, come in by yourself, Red Fox has no servants here, so don't be too polite."

"Brother Hard, is that you, Brother Hard? Are you here?"

In the valley came the Queen Ant's invitation, followed by an unexpected voice, it was the girl An Xian'er, why did this girl get mixed up with the Queen Ant, the status of these two people is very different.

In the center of the Ant God Valley, an extremely huge building like an ant egg stands in it, and the ant fairy rushed out bouncing around.

"Brother Hard, Big Brother Hard is really you. Why did you turn into a blood fly? If Xian'er hadn't remembered your pheromone, I almost wouldn't have recognized you."

"They said that brother, you are a traitor. Xian'er doesn't believe it. Fortunately, the queen's grandma doesn't believe it either."

Hugging Wang Yin, the ant god girl in her arms, and sighing, she almost forgot about this girl, it seems that he is really a scumbag.

A majestic voice came from the ant egg building: "Xian'er must not be rude, invite guests into the palace."

Ant Fairy stuck out her tongue, and pulled Wang Yin into the hall: "Yes, grandma of the God Empress."

In the giant egg building, the Queen Ant occupies the throne above the main hall. Seeing Wang Yin come in and wave her hand, a huge throne appeared out of thin air in the hall. Ant Fairy giggled and pulled Wang Yin to sit on it.

Wang Yin looked up, and on the throne was a fair-skinned, ordinary-looking woman.

There is no tall figure in the legend, nor the power of the galaxy that is guessed. Maybe this body is just an avatar, and the tall figure is the real body, or maybe he is the native life of Ant God, and the Queen Ant did not release the pressure of the galaxy to him.

Seeing Wang Yin looking at her, the Queen Ant nodded slightly to say hello, signaling Ant Fairy to take out a special wine to greet the guests, of course the main thing is to send Ant Fairy away.

Turning to look at Wang Yin: "Fellow Daoist Bloodfly sees Xian'er, isn't it strange? This is an old fellow Daoist."

Wang Yin responded with a smile: "The Queen of God is blood silver, not a blood fly. I was a little surprised to see Xian'er. I didn't expect to meet Xian'er here. How did the Queen of God know that I am Xian'er's old friend?"

The ant queen smiled: "I have known the existence of fellow daoists since they came to our Ant God Empire and became the son of my clan."

"Because in the Ant God Clan, every child is my descendant. If there is an outsider among your own children, will you not be able to recognize them?"

This seems to be the reason, so don't treat people as fools, when you treat others as fools, others will also treat you as fools.

But it's still a bit embarrassing to be exposed face to face. Could it be that this woman is going to settle accounts with him for pretending to be her clansman today.

As if aware of Wang Yin's embarrassment, the Queen Ant continued: "Don't be embarrassed, fellow Taoist. All kinds of changes in evolution are the way to survive. When I go to other worlds, I will take some measures if I am not familiar with the situation."

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist for being promoted successfully on my Ant God planet, obtaining the identity of a blood fly, and activating the ancestor blood of the blood fly."

Wang Yin looked at the ant queen vigilantly. Even the blood of the ancestor knew it. This ant red fox is too powerful. It seems that Ant God star has no secrets that she doesn't know. No wonder she is secretly called the old witch.

Looking at the surprised Wang Yin, the Queen Ant continued: "The bloodline of the bloodfly ancestors may be top-secret to the lower-level races, but there is such information in my ant queen's inheritance. Speaking of which, my Ant God Clan is still a vassal race of the bloodfly ancestors. Now that you have the blood of the ancestor, my family should have followed you, but our family is now weak and can no longer follow you, unless..."

Knowing that the Queen Ant was telling him the secret history of the Blood Fly Clan and the Ant God Clan, Wang Yin became serious: "I would like to hear more about it."

The queen ant smiled and looked up at the main hall. The giant egg building turned transparent, and there were scenes of the beginning of the prehistoric era, the ancient giant flies that overwhelmed the sea of ​​blood, and the ferocious flying ants that were as huge as planets. Various images flashed by.

"Unless we can hatch this egg, this is the picture in the inheritance of my ant queen. The ancestor of my family, the sky ants, is a vassal race next to the ancestor bloodfly. It survives and evolves with the blessing of the ancestor bloodfly. The ancestor bloodfly disappears without a trace. My God The Ant Ancestor followed and went without a trace, and our clan gradually withered, and the Ant God Planet we live in now is a celestial ant egg of the Inner Universe Ancestor."

After speaking, he looked at Wang Yin with a half-smile and said, "You have scanned Ant God with your consciousness many times. Do you know this secret? It's just that you can't prove it due to your own strength. I will prove it to you now. This secret is true, Ant God It is an egg laid by the ancestors of our family, and the consciousness of life that has not entered the galaxy cannot be scanned."

"The ancestor of the demon spider once tried to trick it, so I killed it and never turned back. The queen of the seven-star spider in the underground cave is just a foreign spirit, and I let her go because she is more disciplined."

It's cold behind Wang Yin, this is also an old ghost, it turns out that you can see everything, 100% life in the galaxy, Li Yingying, Li Yingying, you really escaped because of your human soul .

I don't like to compare myself with this kind of old yin, if the other party is a galaxy life, he can't hide any secrets because he is only eight stars, so he just asks questions.

"Oh... What does the Queen of God mean by telling me these things? Could it be that the Queen of God has repented and wants to kill us."

The Queen Ant smiled and replied: "You are laughing at me, fellow daoists. The empress just said that if it weren't for the fact that this clan is in decline now, and fellow daoists have obtained the blood of the ancestor of the bloodfly, this clan should be the auxiliary race of fellow daoists. How can it hurt fellow daoists? Don't be impatient, and listen to the book and come one by one."

"The planet we live on now is the celestial ant egg left by our ancestors in Neyu many generations ago. At that time, the ancestor disappeared, and our family was unable to hatch this celestial ant egg. We can only choose to hide in the dark and reproduce. Survival, in order to adapt to survival resources, evolution is gradually small."

"In a certain year in ancient times, my family and the subordinate races finally found it difficult to survive in the great world outside, and the whole family moved to this giant egg, which was already a super planet for our family and many subordinate races, and formed the current Ant God Empire. "

"It's just that I didn't expect the bloodfly bloodline to follow us into the microcosm. Sure enough, as long as there is a world, there will be rumors of bloodfly ancestor bloodlines. Don't lie to me."

"Fellow daoists are called here today because you have activated the blood of the bloodfly ancestors. Although you are not the life of my ant god, since you have chosen the bloodfly clan as the second life to break through the seven stars, you have successfully activated the blood of the ancestors. , it also belongs to my native life on Ant God Planet."

"Although our family can no longer follow, the heirs of the ancestor's bloodline have set foot on the heavens, but we can still provide some resources for fellow Taoists."

At this time, Ant Fairy came late, and finally came to Wang Yin with a crystal clear tray, on which was filled with bright red and green wine jugs, and filled Wang Yin's glass.

Muttering in his mouth: "It's strange, Xian'er clearly sees Brother Hard's position, why can't he always get to his brother's side, and only now, Xian'er is so mad."

The Queen Ant smiled secretly, and signaled to Wang Yin: "This is made from the essence of Ant God Star picked by the Queen, please, fellow Taoist."

Wang Yin understands the meaning of Ant Queen, the essence of Ant God, and just said that Ant God Star is the egg of the ancestor of the Ant God Clan, which means that it is brewed with the essence of the ant egg. What is the essence of the ant egg that day, egg white or egg yolk.

He didn't refuse, this was brewed from the essence of the egg laid by the ancestor of Neiyu, and after he raised his head and drank it, the mouth was clear and clear, and his soul was faintly strengthened.

The main reason is that she can't refuse, the ant queen is obviously a galaxy life, if she has malicious intentions towards herself, she can't even force him.

Seeing Wang Yin finish the cup of good wine, the Queen Ant smiled satisfied, as if letting go of any worries, waved Ant Fairy fainted to the ground, and hugged Ant Fairy under Wang Yin's puzzled eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, please follow me."

A huge bottomless hole suddenly appeared on the ground of the hall, and the ant red fox fell towards the bottom of the hole in a blink of an eye. Wang Yin hesitated and followed him. Anyway, there is a dream and soul world to escape, and he is not afraid of breaking into the cave.

In the depths of the ground, in a huge space like a blue star and dragon kingdom, there appeared an incomparably huge emerald red and emerald green lake, the color of which was very similar to the fine wine he just drank.

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