The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 138 Encountering God's Battle

Wang Yin is very proud of his ability to get Lu Manman pregnant out of thin air.

Galactic life space skills are really amazing, but it's a bit boring.

I didn't want to talk to Mu La Chan, Alice, but I thought about it and said leisurely: "I don't like your way of ruling, the competition of life is the way of heaven."

"Leave a kindling for your captive life, so that they have the belief that they can destroy you."

Looking at Mu La's murmuring Alice's sad eyes, Wang Yin continued: "Don't worry, I won't let them dominate. They have sons of destiny, and you also have corresponding talents."

Mu La murmured and Alice became a little happier. Alice boldly asked: "My lord, what's the point of this? Wouldn't it be good to be enslaved on one side, so that there will be wars in the future."

Wang Yin smiled: "If there is no war, there will be no rise. Rather than being enslaved by the darkness as food, I hope that those human beings will stand up against you, even if they are destroyed from then on."

With the eyes of the two aliens flickering, Wang Yin continued to smile and said: "Don't even think about chasing and killing a few human seeds after I leave, I have the coordinates of your world, even if you are in an outer time and space, you can enter your world immediately. "

"If I discover the human seed and be killed by you before I reach the age of eighteen, I will come back and destroy your entire clan, and make your aliens disappear from the heavens and never be reborn."

After speaking, while the two aliens were stunned, they teleported to the Blue Star World and teleported back.

And reached out to grab the starry sky, and then the starry sky was endlessly far away, a star that was countless times bigger than the alien world.

After being caught by his Yuanli, he engulfed Shi Tianwei, broke through the void and fell into the alien world.

It whizzed back from the heads of all the creatures in the alien world, and returned to the original position in the void of the universe to rotate.

On this day, all human beings, alien monsters, and vampires in the alien world were frightened out of their wits, and they all prostrated themselves on the ground, thanking God for saving their world.

Mu La murmured, who was also frightened out of her wits, and Alice limp at Wang Yin's feet and called out to God.

"God's oracle, Mu La murmuring, Alice will never forget."

After Wang Yin left, the two aliens quickly recalled all the clansmen involved in the bar incident, personally exterminated these aliens and vampires, and announced to the public that they would return to their ancestral land for two hundred years of retreat.

Time flies, Wang Yin continues on the road to search for information from the Omen, no longer staying in the ordinary world.

On this day, I finally arrived at the area of ​​the Kingdom of God, which I learned from the ant red fox and the world of aliens, where gods were expected to appear.

Before entering the area of ​​​​the Kingdom of God, I felt a vast killing wave in front of me. Is this a war in front of me?

He doesn't pay attention to ordinary world wars, but in the previous wars, there is a strong sense of mystery involved.

With a flash of his figure, he came to the sky above the world that emitted killing waves. This is a square continent that is several times larger than the blue star. Two major powers are fighting fiercely on the continent.

The number of people participating in the war on both sides was at least two million. On one side, black flags and black helmets swept across the world like black waves, while on the other side, red robes and red helmets boiled over the mountains and plains like flames.

When Wang Yin came, the red-robed and red-helmeted party was engulfing the black-flagged and black-helmeted party in a life-and-death fight.

At first glance, this is a world dominated by personal force. Both sides hold ordinary weapons, knives, axes and arrows. There is no modernization or abnormal element equipment.

The commander of the red side gave an order, and the rain of arrows covered the world and went straight to the black side.

The black coach stood firmly on the platform of the Chinese army frame, raised his arms and shouted: "Shields defend, archers fight back."

The sound tore through the battlefield and spread hundreds of miles, obviously possessing advanced martial arts cultivation.

On the battlefield, it looks like the red side is encircling the black side, but actually the red side belongs to the defending side, using the tactics of attacking instead of defending, and the soldiers in the army have long been exhausted.

On the contrary, the black team dispatched a powerful army and the fortified formation was neat and tidy like a torrent. They were breaking through the red team's combined attack one by one, and they were approaching the red team's central army tent.

Standing high on the command platform, seeing that the red team has shown fatigue and started to retreat, the black team coach laughed and shouted at the red team coach.

"Gu Ci Sihu, why are you still resisting, kneel down and beg for mercy, this commander sees the friendship between Zeng and the same school, and spares your life... Hahaha."

Gu Ci Sihu, the commander of the red side, spat out a mouthful of saliva. Damn old Situ actually wanted to shake his army's morale.

"Wu Na Situ lost the water, you are going crazy, you have been surrounded by my ancient flame army, and it is only a matter of time before you perish."

"If you surrender now, for the sake of being a classmate, Gu Ci Sihu will also hang around you to survive."

After shouting, without waiting for Situ Gongshui to reply, he waved the battle flag: "Boys, Situ Baishui can't hold on any longer, kill..."

Gu Ci Sihu's Flame Army was refreshed. They couldn't see the overall situation of the battlefield, they could only hear the voice of their own commander rolling in like a thunderstorm, suppressing the opposite Blackwater Army's commander silently.

Maybe victory is just around the corner. Encouraged by the supervisors of each team, the Flame Army soldiers raised their remaining strength and roared: "Kill."

The red tide continued to cover the Black Water Army led by Situ Gongshui.

Seeing this, Situ Gongshui on the opposite side was furious: "Guci Sihu, you don't need to play treacherous tricks, my black water army is invincible, since you don't know how to look back, let's see the real chapter in your hand, sons...kill."

From the beginning to the end, the soldiers of the Black Water Army were full of fighting spirit, waving their weapons neatly and shouting: "Kill..."

Guci Sihu of the Flame Army saw that he had succeeded in raising his momentum, so he quickly sent a voice transmission to request the mysterious existence of his superiors, and seized this opportunity to turn the tables for help.

When I was young, I saw fiery clouds billowing in the sky, accompanied by the roaring red tide, and a huge flaming palm suddenly appeared above the Black Water Army, with a radius of tens of miles.

This palm carries the aura of destroying heaven and earth, and swatted down the black water army formation like a fly.

Seeing the huge flaming palm, the soldiers of the Flaming Army shouted with even higher morale: "The Vulcan will win, the Vulcan will win."

It was too late to say it, and the giant flaming palm was about to hit the black army formation, but the black army formation did not show panic because of this.

On the contrary, Situ Gongshui, the coach of the black side, showed Zhizhu holding a smile, and ignored the huge flaming palm that had already covered his head and was about to fall. The long sword in his hand pointed directly at the red side's leader.

"Kill, capture Guci Sihu alive, reward ten dou and go up three levels in a row."

Hearing such a reward, the soldiers on the black side were excited and shouted in unison: "Kill, kill, kill, capture Gu Ci Sihu alive, capture Gu Ci Sihu alive."

With the loud shouting over the black army formation, the black air appeared out of thin air and quickly galloped and condensed.

Forming the momentum of sweeping all the floods, it turned into a giant black fist that was bigger than the giant flame palm. Amidst the thunder and tsunami, a punch hit the giant flame palm.

Shocking laughter resounded across the battlefield: "Old Vulcan, I finally let me find the location of your real body, please die obediently, Jie Jie Jie... Jie Jie Jie...."

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