The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter Fourteen Please Use Charm

In the cave, Wang Yin was excited when he came back from various battles and whispered about monsters, and smiled triumphantly. His subordinates are getting better and better, but his progress is too slow. through.

"Order to go down, clean up my king's cave, and send all the human beauties captured this time to this king's cave." "Good king."

After commanding the monsters under his command, a scream of surprise resounded from the top of the mountain came from outside the cave: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I can transform into form, and my servant can transform into form."

I saw the female fly descending from the sky onto the platform, and while her body as big as Wang Yin was spinning around in place, a charming woman in green clothes appeared in front of Wang Yin's eyes. Wang Yin's eyes were bewildered. Why does the female fly change form?

"Don't you like it, the king? If you don't like the servant's house, change it."

Wang Yin continued to be dumbfounded, can the shape of the transformation be changed? Didn't the transformation of the monster clan have thunder disasters? Why didn't she have thunder disasters?

Wang Yin, who was hit by the female fly, dealt with the female fly severely, and then went to inspect the loot captured by the little demon with satisfaction, and told you to show off in front of me, which hurt my self-confidence, don't you know?

The bottom of the cave of tens of thousands of square meters was cleaned extremely clean by the little demons. This is a gourd-shaped cave with a narrow entrance and a wide and deep bottom. Matting the bed sheets, you said we robbed it, your eyes saw us robbing it, this is all willingly contributed by the people at the bottom of the mountain.

The human women are delicate and tender, so don't bump into them to displease the king. Hundreds of human women were arranged in the cave to watch each other, waiting for the demon king Wang Yin to arrange a lecture.

These are all human beauties captured by the little demons on the mountain in this war to contribute to their king, but the men are the main force in this war, there are not many human beauties, and the little demons captured not many women.

However, Qinglong Mountain has the most women from the monster race, so the little monsters actually prefer that there are more main human men. These human beauties will be sent down the mountain to return to humans after the king's words have collected the innate essence liquid. As for the king's words, can they let them Volunteering to donate the innate essence liquid is not something these little monsters can guess.

According to their ideas, what kind of words are taught, it is a monster to catch and devour directly.

Except for the beauties whom the king has taken a fancy to and who the king says are good-looking, the other beauties who the king says are not good-looking are all assigned to the little demon who has meritorious service to cultivate.

As for why the king lectured the beauties and let the beauties take the initiative to sacrifice and devour them, the king said that this is a human rule and they don't understand, what are the human rules?

A certain wild boar demon looked at the thick and sturdy cook in her forties drooling in front of her, and said in her heart that she was so beautiful and healthy, and that the king would not appreciate it. Shuai Zhatian little pig demon is drooling, this braised pork is really delicious.

So rich and handsome, Mo Mimi insisted on not getting married just for this day, looking for a tall, rich and handsome man, and finally let her find it, a certain wild boar monster with a fat and ugly body of several hundred pounds grinning, saw that he was hit by his own charm spell The thick and beautiful woman walked over with a happy face, and the pig's mouth saliva flowed down three thousand feet.

The king it spoke of was descending from the entrance of the cave to the center of the cave with a kingly demeanor. The sun in the dark cave center was shining directly on the fly's body, which was dazzling, gorgeous and handsome, and he was very satisfied with this style.

In front of so many human beauties, he represents the demon clan, and he cannot lose the demon. He never dreamed that one day, he would be favored by so many beauties, and he was looking forward to his arrival. : Pooh, the dead demon is too shameless, whoever favors you, we were captured by you.

Then the noisy woman rang out: "Ah, I don't want to be the first one. I hate talking endlessly. They are more verbose than Tang Monk. You go to them first." , will be defeated by this nagging green-haired fly."

"Bah, that fly, please be a good monster. We have heard all you monsters bragging about. You monsters know how to charm. Please don't use this fly face to scold me. I'm disgusting, thank you!" .

"That's right, it's the charm technique, not the twisted and terrifying look now. This disgusting look makes me want to vomit. I'm sick of it. Does your lecture still make sense?"

Wang Yin replied helplessly: "Isn't mimicry bad? Anyway, the human figure is not the body of a fly. Why do you have to use charm?"

The women: "What a fart, your weird and twisted monster looks even scarier, and the body of a fly is normal at least, so it's not scary."

Well, well, the big woman is the biggest, Wang Yin obeys the majority and has to restore the body of a huge blowfly. Fortunately, although the body cannot use mimicry, the mouth of the lecture can still be used, otherwise it would be too much to speak with the sucker mouth of the fly. Strange, even devouring Yuan Ye is ugly.

Then there was a strange scene in the cave, a huge and terrifying blowfly opened its weird mouth and croaked, trying to persuade the countless women in front of him to let him swallow the primordial fluid, and the countless women in front of him were buzzing and talking.

"Is this a monster? It's not that scary. Come on, I bet it can talk for half an hour."

"Sisters, are you so bold? I bet it can talk for an hour. If you lose, show me the secrets in your phone."

"I join, I join, I bet for ten minutes."

"Miss, are you so confident in yourself? I'll bet with the lady above for an hour."

A special dialogue is also going on in the Demon Slaying Headquarters. Director Song and Mayor Wang are carefully interrogating the two men who first knew what the Yaozu's real body looks like. Yes, the two men participated in the Demon Slaying and Demon Slaying again this time. It's a big battle, and I'm happy to participate.

The two of them didn't believe that the war would be won at the beginning. They knew too well about those evildoers. The charm technique is the ultimate nuclear bomb for human beings. It is a scum technique that human beings cannot resist and can only challenge.

You see, they clearly know what kind of ghosts are in the mountains, and they will happily run to be challenged by spells, and they will know how powerful they are when they win their vitality away time and time again.

"You say that the mountains are more terrifying than before. Even the vegetation, flowers, stones, and dirt and dust are monsters."

After listening to the reports of the two men, Chief Song and Mayor Wang sighed. These two men are also two strange creatures. After discovering the real monster for the first time, they have already developed a certain immunity to the monster charm technique. As long as they are a little farther away from them They can regain their sanity and see the real body of the Yaozu. They are graceful and addicted to it. Knowing what the real body of the Yaozu looks like, they want to run up to be abused, but instead experience the charm of other monsters, and speak out about the feelings of the different challenges of the beauties. different.

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