The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter One Hundred And Fifty Six: Green Clothed Sword Fairy

Seeing this, the master was overjoyed and ordered the servants around him.

"Hurry up, hurry up, tear up the tent, I'm going to take care of this beautiful girl immediately."

The servant was a short and strong man. He was ordered to rush to the carriage by the forest, and quickly returned to the forest with a large bag of goods. He built a rough tent

Bai Ling resisted Meng Yiyi and came to the side, her eyes couldn't help being dizzy, Mr. Han is in such a hurry, he can't wait to go back to Han's mansion.

"My lord, what are you doing, what is there to do in this wilderness, aren't you going back to deal with Meng Yiyi?

Mr. Han waved his hand: "You don't understand, the sooner you do this kind of bad thing, the better. This is the rich experience I have learned from reading the biography of the dude in ancient times.

"There is an example in the biography of the dandy. If you don't catch a thousand and one charming beauties and don't hurry up, there will be side effects when you fight back home. It is easy to be saved by the hero. Maybe this son will become a stepping stone to the rise of the hero."

Cold sweat broke out on Bai Ling's forehead. Do you still need to be knowledgeable to be a dude? There are actually biography of a dude, such professional books to impart experience.

"Then why are you not in a hurry with Bai Ling, son, you take it slowly every time."

Mr. Han looked at her with an idiot expression: "Is it the same if you deliver it to your door? Naturally, eat it slowly."

"What's more, you can only be considered average-looking, and you can't compare with a fairy like Meng Yiyi, come quickly and help me undress, you will help me with your strength.

The short servant next to him looked aggrieved: "My lord, the servant can also help."

Mr. Han: "Fuck you, you are helping me, are you trying to frighten me?"

Meng Yiyi woke up in the rough tent, saw Mr. Han with a wretched face, drooling and hurriedly undressing while walking towards her, panicked and shrank back to the corner of the tent.

"Don't, don't, what are you going to do, help, don't come here."

Hearing the terrified cries for help, Mr. Han suddenly stopped and rushed out of the tent, looking at the surrounding environment with sharp eyes.

Bai Ling's head was full of question marks, what's wrong with Mr. Han, and asked cautiously, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

Mr. Han looked serious, and told Bai Ling: "Meng Yiyi just sent out a signal, don't, don't, help, don't come here.

"According to the records in the biography of the dandy, this is the prelude to the secret code for the hero to save the beauty. When the beauty shouts this code, there will always be a young hero who is full of enthusiasm and only came out to roam the rivers and lakes. Go and check the surroundings carefully. Don't miss a trace of suspiciousness.

Bai Ling had a defeated expression on her face, brother, can you really be a dandy like this? It was only the benefactor's order, so she could only put on a pose and went to check the surrounding area.

I haven't found any clues yet. If I'm wrong, there are no clues at all. How can there be such a bizarre thing in the world.

Can the dirty things of a dude snatch a beauty happen according to the process described in the book?

As a result, the short servant screamed like a ghost: "My lord, look quickly, is there a sword fairy in the sky, or a Nine Heavens sword fairy?"

The three of them panicked in fright, and quickly raised their heads to look around, only to see densely packed light spots on the cloudless sky, sometimes lined up in a line, and sometimes lined up in human characters, flying across quickly.

Mr. Han was tongue-tied: "'s really Nine Heavens Sword Immortal, what the fuck is my fate, to see so many Nine Heavens Sword Immortals, all of them are Celestial Sword Immortals, my father, I was scared to death."

Just finished speaking, I saw Cai lined up on the side of Nine Heavens Sword Immortal in a herringbone shape, and the light spot on the tail of the herringbone suddenly expanded rapidly, shining boundless light and rushing towards several people.

Before the rays of light arrived, the sword energy of destroying heaven and earth had already hit the ground, the ground was cracked, and the grass and trees were crawling under the pressure of the strong wind.


Amidst the earth-shattering noise, 30 meters away from the tent that the three of them had set up, a sword energy fell from the sky and split a gap that was 100 meters deep and 1,000 meters long.

The explosive energy violently uprooted the stubborn rocks and giant trees, turning them into a raging stream of rolling mud, stones and giant trees, rolling towards the rough tent. The three of them were already stunned by this power, and their ears were ringing, and they were stunned and did not know how to dodge.

Closing eyes and waiting for the turbulent rolling mud, rocks and giant wood flow in the dead, suddenly rapid and quiet, just like this strangely motionless, stopping in front of the three of them like a wall.

A slender hand in the air gently stretched out and touched the wall of mud, rocks and giant trees: "Why did it stop? It doesn't make sense. Shouldn't you just roll over and drown these three bastards?"

The three of them turned their heads with twitching expressions, and saw Meng Yiyi standing next to him with a nervous expression on his face.

"Hurry up... drown these three bastards quickly, this mushroom will escape so easily."

It's just that they didn't see that she was also standing in the range where she would be drowned. The three of them were furious. Why did this woman run out? Mr. Han waved his hands arrogantly.

"You two, grab her quickly.

Just as Bai Ling and the short and sturdy servant were about to make a move, a lark-like clear voice sounded above their heads.

"Ahem, the next few, please take a look at this heroine. This heroine is fighting for justice. Please cooperate with me, okay?"

What's the situation? Could it be that there are sword immortals in the sky, and the expressions of several people are all confused, and they look up at the sky.

In the sky above the huge sword trench cut by the sword fairy, a beautiful fairy in green clothes fluttering, stepping on the long sword of aura, was looking at them arrogantly with her hands folded.

Young Master Han, as the leader of the three and the captives, tremblingly asked, "Fairy is the Nine Heavens Sword Immortal, Xiaosheng Han is not very polite."

Seeing that someone finally noticed her, the sword fairy in green clothes flashed joy on her face, and the spiritual light sword under her feet swished and circled, and when it flew into her hand, the sword was extremely sharp and pointed at the three of them, and shouted out very seriously as if reciting a slogan.

"Where are the evil thieves who dare to rob good women in broad daylight? Hurry up and report your name. If you dare to make a fool of yourself, I will teach you to be ghosts under the sword of this heroine."

Mr. Han Yangtian sighed: "`~Why didn't I think of the sky, the hero who saves the beauty is not necessarily a young hero, but also a female hero, a female fairy, as expected, it is better to practice once than to read thousands of books."

I complained in my heart, you are a sword fairy who is driving in the sky. If you don’t drive your way well, you just cut a sword for flying down and threaten the three of us mortals, are you pretending to be aggressive? Can you handle it.

Putting away his facial expression and cupping his hands to the sky, he replied sincerely: "Women Xia, you are mistaken, we don't have thieves who rob good women from good families here, we are good friends who love each other and have no names."

You see this is my wife. "

After speaking, he hugged Meng Yiyi, stretched out his hand to cover Meng Yiyi's mouth, so that he could only whine and resist, and winked at Bai Ling and the short servant.

"These two are friends of Xiaosheng, and the best friend of Xiaosheng's wife. The two of them can testify."


The green-clothed fairy stretched out her hands and scratched her forehead, always feeling that something was wrong, and she couldn't think of the reason for a while, so she could only pretend to be confused and asked, "Then your lady, why are you so woo-woo-wa-wah."

Mr. Han saw that the female fairy responded (Zhao Le Zhao), and it was exactly as he guessed, and he quickly replied: "Ahaha, it is such a heroine, my wife is your fan of the sword fairy, and she will be excited when she sees the sword fairy Woohoo shouting, you see that Xiaosheng has helped her block the sound, so as not to disturb you, the heroine swordsman.

"Is that true?"

The female sword fairy in green clothes was confused and put away the long sword in her hand. She had indeed heard of mortals and admired them Nine Heavens Sword Palace sword fairy. Seeing her was happy and screamed, it was indeed normal.

"The female hero asked you, just now, did you hear the sound of, don't, don't, don't come here, help."

The three of them shook their heads in unison: "I didn't hear it, it must be the female swordsman, you flew too high, Feng Da misheard."

Meng Yiyi wanted to cry, but she called out in her heart that it was me, it was me who called for help, this female sword fairy, please have some brains, but unfortunately her strength is not as good as Mr. Han's.

"Crack, crack, crack."

When I was furious, I clapped my hands suddenly, and there was a speechless and lazy male voice next to my ear: "You guys are really weird, this king has nothing to say."

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