The Heavens Are My Old Shell

One Hundred And Sixty-Three Chapters

Hey, this little silly girl, not only doesn't she remember to eat, she also doesn't remember to fight.

"Why do you really want this king to die? I'll teach you a way. Sing "Pull the Carrot, Pull the Carrot" a few more times, oh, oh, pull the radish, and you will be able to sing "Pull the Carrot."

The female sword fairy in green quickly waved her hands: "Stop singing, stop singing, I can't sing because my throat hurts."

"It's good to know, it's not enough for you to be pure like this. Whenever the sect is in trouble, you will die the fastest. What is your name? Please report your real name. This king will pass on you, the true ability to dominate the barren ancient continent."

The green-clothed female sword fairy's eyes lit up: "Really, what's the matter, this mushroom is called Lu'er."


Lu'er got a chestnut on the head, and with resentful eyes, Wang Yin said leisurely: "This king is asking about your real name, is Lu'er your real name, you crap."

Lu'er gestured quickly with both hands, and stabbed Wang Yin to death with a sword, with a grievance on her mouth: "Shoot you to death, a big villain, do you think Ben Guliang is afraid of you, just say it, Ben Guliang sits and doesn't change his name, so he can change his surname." , Listen up, Yao Lutian."

Wang Yin's forehead was sweating from embarrassment, what a good name, he gave Yao Lvtian a thumbs up, this praise must be given, the sky is bright and upright, and he can't accept it.

He asked Yao Lutian to sit cross-legged, and put one hand on the top of Yao Lutian's head. Amidst the flashing golden light, the ancient continent shook for a while, as if reluctantly.

Among the dozens of hidden places, the countless ancestors of Dujie suddenly became frightened, and quickly ran out of the closed place to look up at the sky. Some ten fingers who can deduce the secrets quickly switched, deduced the source of the sudden fright, and then spoke incoherently and dryly. .

"This is... This is a sign of the birth of a sage with the constitution in his mouth and the law following his words."

"Great calamity, there are countless great calamities in the ancient world, the way of heaven, how can you let such a saint be born."

Deduce the immeasurable catastrophe of the ancient world, the top ancestors in the period of crossing the catastrophe were serious and issued decrees.

"From today on, Patriarch, I will retreat and delve into the way of ascension. All disciples including the head of the sect must not disturb me, otherwise I will let the dog and close the gate."

Boom... Immediately after giving the order, he rushed back to the retreat, touched his forehead in cold sweat: "I'm going to die, I'm going to die, my ancestor has to rush to the Ascension Upper Realm, what kind of words are you playing, what's wrong with you, really lame

Down. "

Swallowing his saliva, if this saint is a three-year-old kid, he will change his sentences so that the ancestor will be a cricket and finish with him, and there will be no place to cry.

These ancestors dare not even tell the reason to all the elders, disciples, and family members. They are afraid that if they offend the saint and are targeted, they will die. If they are turned into crickets, let them die. It will be miserable if people are funny.

It made the elders of the family disciples and disciples all confused. What happened to the ancestors today, and why did they look unlucky.

Outside the Jujian Peak, Wang Yin stopped Yao Lutian's flying sword, pressed his hand on the top of Yao Lutian's head, and drove the world consciousness of the ancient continent, which he sent to the human body to refine, into Yao Lutian's soul.

It's slow to say, but it's actually very fast, Yao Lutian didn't even blink her eyes, she completed the ancient world consciousness and her soul condensing, it's a blessing for a fool.

The method of refining the world consciousness of the ancient continent is one of the world consciousness extraction and refining skills provided by the Great Meng Zhajing.

The world level of the barren ancient continent is too low, and the upper realm of the Manggu God Realm has not yet fully formed, and the Mangu Heavenly Dao is ignorant, which is just for experimenting with the world consciousness refining skills provided by Zha Jing.

The consciousness of each world is actually the way of heaven in that world. It is only called consciousness because of the lower level and the higher level of heaven above.

For example, Qianye Tiandao has a thousand big worlds under Qianye Tiandao, and each world has an independent consciousness, which means that Qianye Tiandao governs a thousand lower realms of Tiandao consciousness, not including medium-sized worlds and small worlds.

If consciousness appears in the medium-sized world and the small world, it will be divided up by a thousand big worlds. It belongs to Chiba Tiandao's subordinates, and she will naturally not leapfrog management.

Therefore, the method of condensing world consciousness is the method of condensing the way of heaven. When the strength reaches that level, the world consciousness of that level can be condensed, which is the same as condensing the way of heaven.

Now that his strength is good enough to devour Daqian Tiandao's innate essence liquid, he must have a way to deal with Tiandao.

After all, not every Heavenly Dao is willing to be devoured by him like Qianye Tiandao.

No, Qianye Tiandao was not willing, he exchanged the original seeds of the top Great Thousand World.

After being touched by Wang Yin on the top of her head, Yao Lutian was in a trance, and suddenly felt that the world was different, as if the world was her and she was the world.

And inexplicably, there was an extra language that she had never spoken, but she knew all the meanings of those languages ​​and could speak them. He looked at Wang Yin in a daze: "Big villain, what did you do to Ben Guliang?"

Wang Yin admired her masterpiece, not bad, the Concentration of the Ancient Continent was very successful.

"I didn't do anything, just to see that you have a predestined relationship with this majesty, I will give you the constitution of heaven in your mouth, and say what you say according to your ability.

"From now on, you don't need to practice in this barren ancient continent, and your lifespan is as long as this world, which is what you say is as long as the sky."

"If you are tired of living that day and want to die, find a place to lie down, and say to yourself, die, you can die."

"If you want to live again, your subconscious mind after death will say I want to live, I want to live, and you will come back to life.

"How about it, isn't it tall and powerful?"

Yao Lutian touched Wang Yin's forehead, and said in the language he just learned: "I heard everything you said, big villain, but I don't understand, are you out of your mind.

As soon as he finished speaking, a law of the ancient world fell on Wang Yin. Fortunately, Wang Yin is a person who has condensed the consciousness of the ancient world. Too high a level of law is useless to him. If it is someone else, he will definitely lose his nerve immediately.

"Hey, don't tell me, the language I passed on to you is Chinese, which is your legal language in the future. As long as you speak in Chinese, it will be realized immediately in the ancient continent. You know, you don't need the language of the ancient continent, I'm afraid You cannot communicate with people.

0...asking for flowers...

Yao Lutian (?w?): "I still don't understand the big villain.

"It's not easy to understand, use the language I taught you, say it's raining, it's raining heavily."

"Oh yes, yes, it's raining, it's raining, it's raining, it's raining, it's raining, this language sounds good and fun, hahaha."

Yao Lutian is very happy. According to what Wang Yin said, it is raining loudly. He is very interested in Chinese, which he has never used before. There is also a feeling that he has said it often and is very familiar

Just after shouting, I didn't have time to be happy, the sky above the Nine Heavens Sword Palace, without any warning, there was a downpour of rain, this heavy rain seemed to appear out of thin air, there were no strange clouds.

What's even more weird is that the pouring rain actually freezes in the middle, and suddenly stops in the air, then falls down, then immediately starts to fall, the rhythm is exactly the same as Yao Lutian shouted, "It's raining, it's raining, it's raining, it's raining, it's raining" .


"Ah, it's really raining heavily."

Yao Lutian stared at the pouring rain with her mouth gaping, and the rain followed the rhythm of her calls, pausing up and down, jumping up and down happily on Zhu Yin's body.

"Big villain, you are so powerful, and then, and then, what do people do now."

"Then you yell to stop."

"Okay, okay, stop, stop, stop."

The pouring rain continued and there was no response, Yao Lutian pouted: "You lied to me."

Wang Yin tapped her: "Use the language I taught you, not the ancient world language.

Yan Lutian (?w?): "Oh, oh, it's raining heavily, stop and stop."

The pouring rain seemed to have received an order, and suddenly disappeared. The sky was still clear, leaving only the mountains and rivers wet, which proved that everything just now was true.

Countless people in the surrounding area looked up at the sky and were very depressed.

Lutian happy board "Really 3, it's really fun, it's so fun."

Green light suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he turned to look at Wang Yin: "You don't have a younger brother, you don't have a younger brother, you don't have a younger brother, hey, why do you still have a younger brother?"


Wang Yin gave her another chestnut.

"You are stupid, this is a skill bestowed on you by this king, of course it can't be used by this king."

Yao Lutian pursed his lips very regretfully: "Oh, oh, it means that it is only useless to you, but it is also useful to everyone else.

Wang Yin's inscrutable height: "No, it's only useful to all living objects on this barren ancient continent, unless after ascension, this side of heaven can't control it, and it's useless to life outside the territory.

Yao Lutian is a saint, and Han Buduo is a demon god. It will depend on how you fight in the future. Hehehe, it's great that this king is a good man and a referee. .

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