The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 190 Daughter, You Are So Miserable

"Whether it's interesting or not, it's not up to you, but to me."

Bloodfly stood majestically on the dragon's head, riding the dragon felt pretty good, jumped off the white dragon's claws and swung him away for an unknown distance, frightened the big blue dragon back.

Daqinglong was pitiful and flattered: "Hello senior, Xiaolong Qingqin has eyes that don't know Mount Tai, and offended senior, please don't mind, I apologize, Xiaolong is willing to join senior's account, and be your concubine, okay?" .”

While talking, he watched Wang Yin's face, saw that Wang Yin's eyes were gradually suppressed, and said quickly: "Senior, don't you like concubines, then Xiaolong will be your bed warming girl, if you can't do it, you can also be a cooking girl."

"No way, senior, give me a chance. The cleaning girl is fine. Xiaolong has great and small natal supernatural powers. You won't regret accepting senior Xiaolong."

Hiss... Wang Yin rolled his eyes, this is the big female dragon named Qingqin, oh it's a big green dragon, I didn't expect to be so thick-skinned, and he has a bit of the owner's demeanor.

However, if the king said that he would not drink the pot water, he would resolutely not drink the pot water. You monster dragon can't try to charm the king.

Speaking of the giant cave on the bottom of the sea, there is also a dragon girl who is at the peak of crossing the catastrophe. Even if the king wants to accept a female dragon, it is not your turn to a middle-aged dragon. He proudly said to Qingqin: "It's not just your dragons who are big or small." Yes, this king will too."

Shaking his body as if showing off, 04's physical body instantly pierced the sky, and then seemed to think of something, and quickly shrank to a height of 200 meters, almost forgetting that there was an unknown existence beside him.

In the dumbfounded expression of the big white dragon and the big blue dragon, he grabbed the big blue dragon, pulled its dragon face in front of him and patted its paws, and said proudly: "How can it be done? Can this king do it? How dare you say that this king can't do it? The king is in a good mood to let you go, otherwise he won't kill you."

The big blue dragon eyes of Qingqin glowed green, and the dragon's saliva drooled. Regardless of the green face of the big white dragon next to him, he quickly flattered him: "Yes, yes, senior, you are not good at it, you are too good at it, how about you, senior?" Just follow Weiling."

Wang Yin threw Da Qinglong away: "Fuck off... This king is a man you can see, but you will never get."

Qingqin was so anxious that the dragon's nature became furious, what stupid thing did it do today, missed such a huge opportunity, turned around and bit the big white dragon with a few mouthfuls, roaring angrily in the green light of the big white dragon's face.

"Bai Zizong, today my old lady said that she would take a day off, but you insisted on exercising, which caused my old lady to miss out on such a great marriage, if not, you have to compensate my old lady for the loss.

The big white dragon was aggrieved by the big blue dragon, but he didn't dare to get angry, so he stuck out his big dragon tongue, licking and complimenting Wang Yin like a pug.

"Senior, you are so awesome, you can actually become so big, so big, you will be the idol of Baizizong from now on, you tell Baizizong to go west, Baizizong will never go east, or you will reluctantly accept the junior Qingqin Taoist couple Well, she is the second most beautiful woman of our Chenhuang Dragon Clan."

Qingqin Daqinglong also has eyes full of stars, leaning his big head on Wang Yin's body, squinting his huge longan eyes and humming.

"Senior is so handsome, so handsome, so powerful, so powerful, senior, you will be the male god in Qingqin's dream from now on."

Wang Yin was so flattered by the two lowly dragons, he really shines like a firefly even in the dark night, whether it's a sparse beard or a free-spirited body

This king is the favorite man in the hearts of beauties from all over the world.

In fact, the king didn't want to, but his charm is so great, he can't avoid female fans coming up.

Slowly returning to the reasonable size of a blood fly, he jumped onto Wei Ling's head and gave him a slap in the face.

"Zoom down a little bit, should you put eye drops on this king? Bai Zizong, you said that Qingqin is the second most beautiful woman of the Eastern Desolation Dragon Clan, so who is the number one beauty?"

Dabailong and Daqinglong shrunk their necks from the beating, and quickly responded: "Ah, oh, ok... ok, Xiaolong and his wife will shrink in size, senior, don't be angry.

While exercising the secret dragon skills, he shrunk down into a real dragon about five meters in length, and then proudly raised his head and replied.

"The number one beauty is of course our husband and wife's daughter Ziqin."

Seeing the two dragons shrunk obediently, Wang Yin resentfully stopped expressing his dissatisfaction. When he used this blood fly body in the macrocosm, he always felt that he was so small and small.

Although the body of his blood fly seems to be the same size or even larger than ordinary life, which seems normal, but in fact he adjusted it with the size wishful decision.

Compared with the true original body of the blood fly, putting the current body into the Ant god star is a giant that can break through the sky. After all, the blood fly is just a life in the microcosm.

Wang Yin, proud of the two dragons, doesn't think so, but is more interested in their daughter. The strength of the dragon clan depends on the long-term survival.

Just like many monsters who absorb the essence of heaven and earth, the older they are, the higher their strength will be. This is how the thousand-year-old monster says, and it is difficult for the younger generation to surpass the older generation.

Now there is a situation where the younger generation surpasses the older generation, this dragon girl is simply a rare choice in the sky, and it is possible to consider accepting such a proud person, "Said the two dragons meaningfully.

"You said that as long as the king orders, you will obey the king, right?

Dabailong and Daqinglong nodded frantically: "Yes, yes, yes, senior, did you agree to accept Qingqin as a girl?"

"There is also Zizong and Zizong. Although senior Zizong is a male dragon, he is strong and handsome. He can attract many beauties for senior."

Wang Yin was speechless: "I think you guys want to eat farts."

This king is a man who will break through the heavens in the future, and the two little loaches who have just crossed the catastrophe actually want to hang out with this king, and they don't piss and take care of themselves.

Pretending to be meaningful, he said: "But it's not like there is no chance. Seeing your performance, I have a request. If you can do it, I will reluctantly agree to you.

As for what to promise, anyway, he didn't promise to accept the younger brother and the girl, so he didn't lie to Long, right?

The big white dragon and the big blue dragon are overjoyed, this is a joke, the big blue dragon flies by Wang Yin's wings slightly, I don't know how many miles, the big white dragon passes by Wang Yin, and the thunder bursts, I already know that the strength of this senior is unpredictable, maybe it is the upper realm The emperor is powerful.

They also had five-clawed heavenly dragon ascending patriarchs in Donghuang, but they didn't have the ability to fly through the calamity period without this kind of slight movement of their lower limbs.

As long as her daughter Ziqin survives the catastrophe, she will become a five-clawed dragon, so they all have judgments about the power of the immortals in the upper realm.

If they can become such a powerful little girl and leave this barren world to go to the upper realm, their dream of becoming a five-clawed dragon will come true.

Quickly asked: "What is the request of senior 157, you can tell me."

Wang Yin did not answer, and took two dragons to re-enter the huge cave under the sea. After finding a flat and clean boulder and sitting down, he waved his hand to capture a night pearl that illuminated the cave, and held it in his hand to examine it carefully.

When I was an ordinary person of Blue Star, if I could get such a luminous pearl, it would be a lifetime of wealth.

"This king urgently needs to study the information of the demons. There is a dragon in your real dragon mansion who is preparing to cross the catastrophe. If you cooperate with this king and force this dragon to go mad and let this king catch the demons, I just agreed to your request."

The two dragons fell silent suddenly, and replied firmly after a while: "Senior, you can do other things, but Xiaolong and his wife can't do this.

Wang Yin laughed loudly: "So don't talk too much, just tell the king to tell you to go east, and you will never go west. Now that the king has just asked, you will not be able to do it immediately.

"But it doesn't matter, this way, I won't feel guilty when I start my hands. If you really agree to this king, after I catch the demon, I will be really embarrassed to treat you too badly, hahaha."

The two dragons remained silent, they really didn't expect Wang Yin to make such a weird request.

Who would specifically let the dragon go mad and catch the demon? What's the use of catching the demon? This is a boring and brain-dead boss who will come down to do this kind of thing.

Daughter, you are so miserable, is this your doom?

Da Qinglong kicked Da Bailong fiercely: "It's all about you...I said you don't want to take a break today, and now bring disaster to Ziqin."

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