The Heavens Are My Old Shell

Chapter 19 All Destroyed

The strength of this group of killers is too low, weak people who can't even stand in the air, dare to slay demons and slay demons like him, a big flying monster like him, it is simply reckless.

I really regarded him as those little monsters who were successfully attacked by them. Even if those little monsters hadn't been ambushed and attacked by their numbers, I'm afraid they would have difficulty taking him down. Monsters are not cats or dogs.

It was too late to say it, and then it was too fast, two rows of beautiful women rushing to attack, the whistling sound of the sword tips was endless, and all of them fell on Wang Yin's body, causing a burst of bang bang sparks, and he quickly withdrew his weapon when he saw the opportunity. , the sword in his hand has been broken into two pieces.

"Hahaha... With this little power, you guys dare to slay demons and demons against me, it's simply beyond your control."

Wang Yin laughed wildly, feeling a bit like a demon villain.

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, the two rows of beautiful women hurriedly stepped on the bottom of the valley and threw their swords, and then turned around and jumped back to the top of the canyon on both sides. It was the wrist that burst, and the blood came out.

The face of the beautiful woman in Tsing Yi is pale, the strength of the monsters is unexpectedly domineering, they can't be killed even if they are suspended in the air, even if the skin is not damaged at all, how can they fight, not to mention the monsters can fly, if they fight back against the disciples sent today, I am afraid it will be bad luck .

Without the initial high-cold killing momentum, he looked at the beautiful woman in red in panic: "The monster is powerful, what can the Great Elder do?"

The beautiful woman in red was sweating profusely on her forehead, and she sighed: "What can I do, the sword has already been pulled out and I can't die forever, but how could such unpredictable monsters suddenly appear in this world? Is this day going to change?"

Standing behind the beautiful woman in red, a beautiful woman in black also looked at the rampant laughing monster in the air in horror.

"I always thought that the theory of demons and gods was nonsense, but I didn't expect it to appear in the world. We don't know whether it is right or wrong to choose to be the first bird."

The beautiful woman in red has fierce eyes: "Whether it is right or wrong, we must get rid of this evildoer. My Snow Mountain Sword Sect is all women. With this evil way of cultivation, sooner or later my Snow Mountain Sword Sect will be harmed. Otherwise, you think the head doesn't know Do those people want us to be the first birds to test this evildoer?"

The beautiful woman in green looked past the beautiful woman in black, and looked at the looming figures in the mountains in the distance, secretly hating, these men have no good things.

The beautiful woman in red named Elder Qingcheng acted swiftly and swiftly, without thinking too much, and waved her hands with murderous eyes in her eyes.


An hour later, all the beautiful women and disciples wanted to cry..."The elder can't be killed."

Elder Qingcheng's red-clothed beautiful woman roared with bloodshot eyes: "Keep killing."

Half an hour later, all the beautiful female disciples simply burst into tears... "The elder still can't kill him."

"Then let's all kill together,"... "Woooooooo... The elder was originally killed by everyone."

Appearing in the canyon beside the Luohun River made others laugh and cry. The scene where the Snow Mountain Sword Sect broke down and burst into tears, countless ordinary white-robed disciples of the Snow Mountain Sword Sect, elite disciples of beautiful women in purple clothes, and ten beautiful women elders wearing various clothes took turns. There is a trace left on the monster.

The worst thing was that the monsters simply fell into the hot springs in the canyon and let them kill them while soaking in the hot springs. Seeing that the monsters did not fight back, the disciples of the Xueshan Sword Sect gave up the defensive sword array and shamelessly formed a neat team to kill the monsters with all their strength.

This is their war with the monster. They know that if the monster does not die, they will be lectured by the monster. It is terrible, not scary, it is very scary, telling this big killer that all living beings are afraid.

Thick-faced is thick-faced, now the monsters give up resistance and let them kill with confidence, what's wrong with them giving up defense and focusing on killing, who has any opinion on what you want and what I want, you are helping me to kill.

Seeing such a ridiculous scene, several figures watching the battle in the hidden mountains in the distance trembled with the coldness of the Snow Mountain Sword Sect, fearing that the monsters would find them quietly and quickly retreat from the battlefield.

Of course, Wang Yin had already discovered a few people hiding in the dark, just a few ants. Under the cover of spiritual consciousness, he knew the whole story from their sea of ​​consciousness. He didn't bother to pay attention to these ants.

This kind of battle is boring, he is a big monster flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, although the scumbags can't come out to explain his own strength level, but compared with the strength of some Xiuxian novels, he is comparable to the old monster in the Nascent Soul stage in the cultivation world.

Is it interesting that the old demon in the Nascent Soul Stage lowers his dimensionality and attacks martial arts at the world level of secular martial arts? It's not interesting at all. He can't hurt even a hair on his body if he lies still and let them kill him.

That's right, the strength of these women who came to ambush him is the martial arts style of those novels in the secular world.

The Snow Mountain Sword Sect hides the snow mountains all the year round. Because the Zhenpai’s magical power, the Nine-Turn Ice and Snow Mantra is only suitable for women to practice, it enters the secular world every ten years to search for women who are suitable for practicing martial arts. Snow mountain swordsmanship.

If there is no world of cultivating immortals, if Wang Yin is not a great demon flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, to ordinary people, the disciples of the Snow Mountain Sword Sect are masters who can fly over eaves and walls, and walk around the world with a lone sword, hidden goddesses.

It is also a super top school in the secular martial arts world. The lightness kung fu of ordinary disciples can leap ten feet high, and one can defeat a hundred on the battlefield.

Legend has it that Xue Piaopiao, the master of the Nine Turns Ice and Snow Sutra, has already practiced completely. He can fly thousands of feet and walk in the sky. The sword energy in his palm is 300 meters in length and width. fairy goddess.

However, the level of the two sides is not the same world. To a monster like Wang Yin, these people are just ordinary people who practice martial arts. The difference is that this martial artist is more chewy, and he is the extraterrestrial expert that he most longed to meet when he was a human. .

But now he is a real monster, comparable to a great demon in the Nascent Soul stage. Two hours later, all the ordinary female disciples of the Snow Mountain Sword Sect, the elite female disciples, and ten beautiful female elders collapsed on the ground with ashes.

They have no more moves, slaying demons and slaying demons is a fart, the monsters lie there so that they can’t even kill them, and they are so tired that they vomit blood. In the movie, the people in the martial arts who fought with monsters for hundreds of rounds and finally managed to slay demons and slayers, you guys Both the devil and the devil are liars.

What makes them even more desperate is that they don't know what this monster is thinking, and let them kill them while lying in the hot spring bath, is it to humiliate them?

Of course they don't know Wang Yin's bad taste. Wang Yin's soul memory is a human being, but his body is just a fly. After an ordinary man in the secular world has the ability, he suddenly sees so many goddess-level Snow Mountain School disciples. The excitement and desire to express It comes from the depths of the soul.

He just wants to lie down and let these goddesses kill him, and let these goddesses know his strength and endurance, it's that simple.

Seeing that his strength and endurance finally convinced these goddesses, Wang Yin burst into the sky with a big smile. It was time to show his speed and endurance acceleration, so I asked you goddesses if they were afraid.

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